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Everything posted by Xiee

  1. "Sound Wave... and Geary..." She snerked. "Forgive me but you two sound like tech heads." She tried to contain her giggle but let it out anyway. Geary seemed to be more concerned with getting the sound system working again, ducking a few times behind the speaker and getting out, stopping to think. He seemed eccentric if not interesting. As for Sound Wave, he seemed a bit more straightforward. Immediately trying to flatter her with dedicating songs later when everything was fixed. "Who were you waiting for? It looked like you were waiting for someone before we spoke to each other...." "A handsome Coltfriend perhaps?" "Coltfriend?" Oh no, hahaha..." She laughed. "He was more of a business acquaintance who thought of wooing me. Only reason I accepted the date is to get on his good side so that the deal with my golf club in Manehattan and his golf club here in Fillydephia would push through. And besides with my busy schedule, I've not time for a special somepony. But who knows eh? Whatever comes, comes, so I don't bother with it much." It was not uncommon for other ponies to ask her about her special somepony. As a matter a fact, her dad was actually worried that she'd get pretty much occupied in her work than love, that he actually came up with a cooky idea of finding suitors for her. She could only sigh. "So... what needs to be done to get this thing working again?" She flapped her wings and began to hover around the speakers, noting the distinct burnt smell on them. Geary had been so pre-occupied that she almost flew into him. She had the good fortune of stopping at once in mid-flight as Geary commented on something. "Hmm, its defintly much more difficult than I gave it credit for" "Anything needs replacing?" She asked.
  2. Moving at the speed of sight...

  3. Yo Frosty! I'd be glad to join you in any RPs. Hit me up. I'm a bit busy this time of year so I might be late in replying but I'm still willing to do any new RPs with anypony.
  4. Why do many of the people I know only hear me when they need something from me but are totally deaf when I need something from them?

  5. For a while now, I hav been without a job. I quit my last job right around December because the stress was literally killing me and I no longer found the motivation to continue. I resigned confident that I would find others quite easily. A few people from the chat knew I was aiming big, as I told them that I was applying for a big gaming company as a community representative for an online game that they currently run. I applied for the position but I was put on the waiting list because it seems that they needed to decide who really deserved the position. In the end, I got chosen. It was honor to get selected when there were a dozen of us who applied for the position and I was the only one chosen. However the day came when I needed to sign my contract. To my dismay, they were offering less at what I got when I was with Microsoft. I told them I needed to think about this and give me at least a day or two. Sadly, I declined the offer. Mainly because my dad was pressuring me to go abroad and work for better companies and get paid better in return. So I have been going around applying for a job here and there. It's more difficult than it seems. I never got a call back from those companies I applied for. Right now, I'm kind of living barely as it is. My sudden announcement of not being able to get into the chat and posting late replies in my RPs. The main reason is my internet service has finally been cut-off. I haven't paid for about two months now and so they've disconnected. I'm trying to manage my expenses though so I gave priority to my electric bill. I figured that loosing the internet is better than loosing electricity. I thought of asking help from my dad, but I don't want to burden him with my problems. I just hope that my brother, who lives with me, steps up for now until I can recover and get a job. I mean he's spending his money on nothing at home since I do pay for all the bills and he just buys stuff for himself anyway. Anyway, I might be gone from the chat for at least a month or more, but I won't neglect my RPs. It's the one thing that is pulling me through this and it helps me think. Right now, I'm using the Mall's free wifi just to post here. I'm starting to feel like a bum lol. Ciao until I sort everything in my life out. See you around Ponies!
  6. Hi guys, informing everyone that I have some urgent IRL issues to attend to. I may be late in replying to RPs and inactive from the chat. Give or take 2 or 3 weeks before I return to normalcy. Talk to you ponies later!
  7. Tales isn't a bot lol. Come see for yourself and join us in chat. Oh and welcome!
  8. From the sound of this, it seems you're new to the whole concept of IRC. It's been around ever since the dial-up days began. The "/me" action is NORMAL in most, if not ALL IRC-based chats. Even in tech/geek chats that I go to, you'll never see the end of the "/me" being used, especially towards affection. Besides, if you can't stand the constant actions then use the ignore feature. You getting "kicked" because of the ping really seems that you do have trouble with your connection. Back in my dial-up days, no matter how much pings I get, I hardly get disconnected. Also, those actions, though you may not realize it. Has brought the chatters closer at a personal level. I for one don't mind getting hugs and glomps from Cuddleshy. In a non-sexual, but friendly way. Don't you hug your friends in real life?
  9. The rain had lasted until almost evening. During that time, the Mayor had Moondusk stay at the lounge at the Town Hall. Having paid for the painting, it was placed in her office right behind her desk beside the window. Satisfied, she continued on her chat with Moondusk. "If you need a place to stay for the night, you might want to head over to one of our inns. There's one right beside the cafe we went to earlier." She continued. "As for me, I just need to finish reviewing a few reports and sign a few papers. If you need anything else don't hesitate to ask, I'm always here at the Town Hall, except when I'm doing my rounds of course."
  10. Done and noted. Made the changes. Thanks!
  11. Really? You're the legit creator of that page?
  12. Oh hi there. How'd you stumble upon Canterlot.com? When I saw this post, I thought it was an off topic thing but I guess it was part of your introduction. Welcome!
  13. I'm sure you'll find a lot of new friends here. I'm glad you decided to post here. Just make sure to at least post 2 more in this section so you can start posting in the other sections. See you around in chat!
  14. Hmmm, I saw your OC and for a moment there I thought High Roller was a gambler pony. But to my surprise, he's the PnD (Ponies and Dungeons) kind of pony.
  15. Oh dear, we have another deer! Wow she hates onions? I think its detailed enough unless you wanna add more to her personality. And forgive me for saying, but she does sound a bit "emo". >_<
  16. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria RP Name: Lucky Penny Sex: Female Age: Mare Species: Pegasus Eye Color: Green Coat Color: Yellow Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Her mane and tail color is Dark Slate Blue (#483D8B). She has a nice middle-lengthed mane that's well kept and a long tail that flows out naturally. See her picture for more detail. Physique: Average build of any Mare Pegasus her age. Cutie Mark: Golf green with a pole and flag on the hole. See picture in spoiler tag below. Origin/Residence: Manehattan Occupation: Administrator of one the Manehattan Golf Clubs Motivation: To play golf and work as the best Administrator of the Manehattan Golf Club. And her parents. Likes: Playing golf with other ponies. Helping out with her father's department store. Trotting and flying along the golf course, smelling the fresh air. Dislikes: Sore losers, peanut butter (she can't stand how sticky it feels). Character Summary: History - Lucky was born into a family of fortune. Her father ran and owned the biggest and most successful department store in Manehattan. Her father's store named “The Penny Arcade” was obviously named after her. She was the only daughter in the family and her father cherished her the moment she was born. Lucky's parents were the most caring in the world. She had everthing a little filly could want. Thus her father groomed her to take over the large department store. She studied business and accounting at Canterlot University and later returned home, expecting to take over the store. Cutie Mark Story - It was that one day when her father and his friend, the old administrator of the course had a few games of golf. She was curious about it and asked to come along, to which her father gladly agreed. Her father's friend then began to teach the basics to her. She was a quick learner and in her first game, she managed to score a hole in one. The old administrator was surprised and thought it to be beginner's luck so they scheduled another game for next week. During that time, she had read up on golf books on how to improve her technique. When the time came to play again, she had almost improved ten-fold. She beat the administrator and managed to score another hole in one. As she putt the ball into the last hole of the course, her cutie mark appeared. The administrator was impressed so he decided to take her under his wing. Parents – Her father owns one of the largest department stores in Manehattan. He built up a business of trust and family values that every employee loved to work there. Her mother runs the accounting side of the business while her father manages the stock, employee handling and everything else. Due to this they have risen to elite status in no time and have been recognized by the nobles. However, they have not forgotten their roots and remain close ties with the middle to low class families of Manehattan. Flaws and Fortes – Lucky is an independent mare who tends to look out for her interests in a more detailed manner. This independence however has also caused a few misunderstandings as she was always shunned for not having friends back in her days at the university. However, this independence has always made her strive for more and her drive to follow her dream. Personality – Lucky has always been quiet and kept to herself. She doesn't have too many friends but if one starts a conversation with her, they would end up for hours since she does have a lot of interesting stories to tell. She's open to a lot of ideas and learns to compromise with others. General Info – There was a time that Lucky was supposed to take over the family business, but instead she chose to become the administrator of the Manehattan Golf Club. Her father took it hard at first but realized that he had taught her daughter how to think for herself. Lucky was not going to abandon the family business though. She told her father that she would still be glad to take his place, but leave the management to the trusted managers of the store instead. Lucky was then free to become the full-time administrator of the golf club, proudly endorsed by her mentor, the old administrator. (( A shoutout to GhostGirl for helping me come up with her name ))
  17. "Oh no..." The Mayor shrugged. "I must pay you. Teating you for lunch and showing you around is just part of Ponyville hospitality. I demand to pay for your painting. Now how much?" The Mayor had forgotten that the Pegasus were supposed to schedule a mild drizzle today. It would last until the evening to make up for the mixed up schedule of sunshine all week. She knew that she had to get the painting to the office right away. "Let's hurry to the office shall we?" With that, they trotted hurriedly into town hall. The rain barely starting.
  18. I really like your mane.... I mean app! I look forward to seeing the final version of this.
  19. "Oh this is just lovely!" The Mayor clopped her hooves together. "This should look pretty in my office, right behind my desk. I'll take it. How many bits do I owe you?" The Mayor was glad that she had met this Pony. Having a painting of the town she loved right there in her office would always remind her why she was here. She was here because of the nice laid back scenery of the town. The loving Ponies who cared for one another. The beautiful apple orchard that made the town famous. And not to mention current prestige of the town as it is the current residence of the elements of harmony, Twilight and her friends. She knew she had to work harder, and this painting was just the thing that would instill her with daily inspiration.
  20. Ah another hopeful RPer. Hope you get your applications up and approved. I can't wait to see what sort of pony you have for the forums. And it's finally good to see a fellow countryman here int he forums. Mabuhay! (rough translation for everyone else: Long life to you!)
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