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Status Updates posted by Hawkeye12

  1. Got my first pony merch for Christmas! Merry Hearths Warming everyone! :D

  2. I need to crawl in a hole and die for a moment. Ah, much better. Actually, not really.

  3. Ahhh been so busy... dang it real life >.<

  4. Note to self: Never try to drink expired milk again...

  5. Working on my first PMV in almost a year! :P

  6. Been so busy lately... oh well, at least I'm hyped up on skittles right now :D

  7. "Christmas" band concert tomorrow. By Christmas I mean no holiday songs and no decorations while wearing ugly uniforms. Greeeat.

  8. Hehehe... crazy? I'm not crazy, you're crazy! >:D

    1. starswirlthebearded


      *looks at avatar* Yeah.... you're probably right... *laughs maniacally*

  9. Am I going crazy, or are there exactly 10000 comments according to that statistics thing at the bottom? XD

    1. PinkiePie379


      No, there are 10006. :P

    2. CanvasMayHogany


      I thought there were .000000000001

  10. Is mayonaise an instrument?

    1. CanvasMayHogany


      I know you did not just quote Patrick lol

    2. Hawkeye12


      Why yes, yes I did XD

    3. franshpout


      NO THIS IS PATRICK- wrong quote...

  11. Oh, thank Celestia for the weekend. Two days to get away from the drama of life and do nothing but sit around and do weird internet stuff :)

  12. *sigh* Life has been getting harder and harder each day for me. Sometimes I want to just crawl in a hole and hide.

  13. Life's been pretty busy lately, so posting is going to be slow for a while. :/

  14. Happy birthday to me! :D Going skiing all day with some friends (or at least attempting to... it's been a year XD)

  15. Will be taking a mini-trip over the weekend, so posting will be a little slow. If anyone cares :P

  16. Happy thanksgiving everyone! Now then... *runs off with the mashed potatoes*

  17. I think I've developed a weird addiction to peppermints... O_o

  18. Just got back from Mocking Jay part 1. Really great and intense, one of the rare moments when the movie is better than the book. Can't wait for part 2! ;)

  19. Just got back from Mocking Jay part 1. Really great and intense, one of the rare moments when the movie is better than the book. Can't wait for part 2! ;)

  20. So there was a grass fire near my school today. Saw it while walking to the bus. And while everyone was freaking out since it was right next to the recycling plant which could give off toxic gas, I stood there laughing maniacally XD No wonder people think I'm crazy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ndogmario


      "Everything is going according to plan"

    3. Kxrkat


      There was a decapitated rabbit on our field in school like a week ago.

    4. Hawkeye12
  21. Ahhh I wanna be in more RPs... :/

  22. Just started watching Death Note...it's like two of my favourite genres came together- crime show and anime...I love it XD

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. SymphonicFire


      I'm so easily creeped out that I didn't dare watch Attack on Titan. Death note? No thank you!

    3. Hawkeye12


      AOT is great, if you like creepy Giants running around eating people, that is... >:)

    4. CaptainMcDerp


      Hmmm. I'm gonna have to check out Monster now.

  23. Are there any RPs in WOE or CC that I could join? Hawkeye needs some friends...

  24. I need to be in more RPs... :/

  25. *Hides in the bushes and laughes maniacally* Okay, I'm ready for Nightmare Night!

    1. Hawkeye12


      *turns on chainsaw*

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