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Everything posted by Acynder

  1. HA I knew she was in Death Note. That makes 3 voice actors who were in Death Note are in this show.
  2. http://harpseal2hasablog.blogspot.com/2011/07/fanfiction-review-sweet-apple-massacre.html How about this
  3. Eh then I'll put in the "cheap *******" card than https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qTTzMqlRTHeHIarZZhwQhADc-1aff9fkHKWx-kn0wMk/edit?hl=en&pli=1
  4. No. this is http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vaXYjqu6nOQ
  5. It's "You'll pay with your blood" you noob.
  6. Nothing much really. I get new games and such on Christmas and i play them. Speaking of which, I need to compose my Christmas list by Black Friday.
  7. I have such a soft spot for the CMC. So i thought Applebloom was the best pony in season 2. Yea she hasn't had enough screentime throughout the season. But i loved her reaction to uncouped. And Cutie Pox was my favorite episode.
  8. At the Gala. The choir was nice and everyone singing(cept Rainbow Dash) was a really nice touch.
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