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ToothpasteThy last won the day on October 23 2016

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About ToothpasteThy

  • Birthday 05/21/1997

RP Characters

  • Character 4
    (my other OCs)
  • Character 3
    (various ponies)
  • Character 2
    (my batponies)
  • Main Character
    Toothpaste Aquafresh

Profile Information

  • Interests
    A little about me: (that's a lie, it's actually a lot)

    Yo! Toothpaste here! Though I also go by ToothpasteThy, Toothie, Toothy, Tooths, Tooth-o, Tooth-face, Tooth, Toothless, tpt, tp, TT, Tootherini, [i]"Prototype Toothie: Don't rub the Toothpaste (or put it in ppls eyes, das mean(cough(IKX))"[/i], Thy, Orca, PinkE_PartE, Pinks, Aquafresh, Dahy, Rhenn, Fish, Sensei Fish, Spitz, Hipster Neighbor, countless other names and whatever you want to nickname me! Good salutations to you~ ^_^

    I am a big nut about music! I love pony music and all other music-- there's always something I like in every genre~ ((though I often find it difficult to enjoy something like extratone)) You can find me listening to a wide variety of music, ranging from Gordon Lightfoot, to Two Steps From Hell, a dash or two-hundred of electronic musicians, a bunch of Adam Young, a lovingly generous amount of Relient K, maybe some screamy stuff, hip-hop like Beautiful Eulogy, and going all the way out to left field for some Igorrr :>

    Now if you know me, you probably know that I like to make a bit of art every nine millennia. I prefer to make traditional art with pencil and paper. Normally this is where I'd plug my art gallery, but I don't actually much care to share it :>

    Lessee... What else... Movies! I LOVE How To Train Your Dragon to death!! I am also a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings, the first Narnia movie, Interstellar, all the glorious Kung-Fu Panda movies, Inside Out... The list goes on, though not too far. I'm not much of a movie peep ^^;

    Related to movies; TV! Um... The Joy of Painting, My Little Pony, Top Gear, The Grand Tour, Clarkson's Farm, Over the Garden Wall and Gravity Falls come to mind. ((don't tell anyone, but I also enjoyed a anime once. Glorious, glorious FMA/FMAB~ <3))

    I guess there's also such a thing as video games. My favorite game of all time is Super Monkey Ball 2 and I periodically get into Rocket League. I also have a billion other games I enjoyed, but I'm a wretched old dork at a young age now an won't admit it.

    Okay... social medias.
    Twitter: @ToothpasteThy
    Skype: thy.60 ((not often online))
    I can be found on the Canternet IRC under the name "Thy". If I'm online that is.
    Almost-never-used Tumblr: thyhaztoothpaste
    Facebook: Eww. Never [i]ever[/i].
    DeviantART: haha you thought
    Discord: Probably the best way to communicate with me. I'm in the Canterlot.com server! Go join it and message that silly tilde-heart peep! xD
    YouTube: *coughs up phlegm*

    I'll be updating this over time. /)^3^(\

    /me is minty fresh~ <3
  • Location
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Contact Methods

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  • Skype
  • Xbox 360
  • 3DS
    2466 - 4969 - 0692
  • Wii
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  1. *edits post six times just to make sure it looks fine*

    1. Lyipheoryia


      looks at post and nods

    2. ToothpasteThy


      Couldn't have put it better myself.


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