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Everything posted by Skye

  1. Unfortunately, asking for donations on Canterlot isn't permitted. I believe in the Rules, "You agree to not create an account to solicit products, recruit for services or projects under the understanding that this is a community, not a social pool or experiment." about covers it.
  2. If it's a girl, I'd probably call her another Apprentice Adept character. Like Nepe. Or if she's sweet and calm, Neysa.

  3. Man, I can already tell this place is going to be epic! #fb

  4. Much of what I've been considering is how to go about a post in order to convey the setting, the players within it, and the action. So in my mind's eye, a typical post would be more or less as follows: Character A either enters the scene and makes an observation or reacts to an action in the previous post. Following this will be a general description of the scene and any changes made to it either as a modification of the previous scene or as an addition to the scene. Then any interaction or interplay between characters as necessary to expand a scene, such as posturing or positioning. Lastly, will be any additional actions that will require the next character or post to address as necessary, or a lead out. Mane's posts are great examples. I also have some others of my own that I've been considering, but haven't actually been writing out. We're working on a couple of things all at once, one of which is HoE.
  5. As for having something to cling to, maybe she could have a small saddlebag or pouch with which she keeps a small Teddy Ursa? I'll let you add this in if you want even after Approval.
  6. The only thing about this that seems a little off kilter is her parents' names. I understand the idea of 'One, Two, Three'. Plasma Unity isn't all that bad, but might be a little more feminine and more suitable for her mom's name instead of her dad, just as a thought. Cerebral Duality I get but seems kind of awkward for a name. What would she go by in casual conversation? Not a major deal, but maybe if you could clarify that up a bit. All the rest is fine, I'd just like to see something about those two things smoothed out first.
  7. I don't see any major problems with this!
  8. Changes approved!
  9. Everypony needs somepony to love! #Twilightlicious

  10. While it's obvious that ponies will have and consume alcohol of various types and quantities, the focus and point of the roleplay is not supposed to be about drinking and such. It can be a little fun to have fun with some ponies getting drunk and hammered, but we're not going to write a list of 'this is allowed, that is not allowed' because it'd be kind of silly. If you're going to allow alcohol at all, then pretty much it comes down to what would ponies be likely to invent and consume? But keep in mind that minors are using the board, too, and we shouldn't be glorifying the virtues of getting smashed. That's kinda not 'Acceptable for All Ages'.
  11. As evident, this character has been changed without the prior knowledge of the staff. The changes that have been made (Or other items that were missed upon initial approval) have rendered this character incompatible with the Mane RP. I'll detail some things that need to be changed about this character in a list. Pegasi cannot do magic, earth or etherial. Earth magic requires an Earth Magic type of pony, or a Unicorn. Pegasi can do Sky Magic such as make rainbows, rainclouds, or such, but they cannot make things that require herbs or pure energy. He cannot be experimenting on other ponies, regardless of location. If he has an assistant that helps him with the components he can't handle, they need to be specified and it can't be in a way that it sounds like he's using them for experimentation. There is no 'artificial' magic. It's either Energy or Herbal (Through Potions), or natural I.E. manipulation of clouds. Cannot make little baubles or machines that are powered by a device that requires no external source of power to operate I.E. a machine that runs on magic without a unicorn present. He can study natural chemistry but much of that is going to be limited.There's no need for more complex chemistry, it has no real place in the RP. For whimsy sake, he can have accidental explosions as a result of chemical explosions, but keep in mind that anything he discovers will be a result of natural reactions between elements and not magic at all. He can have come across the tome, but much of it will be always beyond his reach. Anything that requires a unicorn horn to handle, for instance, will -always- require a unicorn and there are no exceptions or alternatives. Anything that requires a unicorn or earth pony to study, will be beyond his reach and pointless for him to study. While he was more than capable of manipulating artificial and outside sourced magic without assistance, he was unable, for obvious reasons, to test out his theories regarding unicorn magic on his own. - This cannot be. There are no artificial or 'outside-sourced' magic in Equestria. After half a decade of work, he was finally able to compile his findings for publication in the form of a comprehensive treatise on what the pegasus called the Unified Magic Field Theory. - There is no such 'unified magic field' in Equestria. These changes will have to be made before this pony can be played.
  12. As this application has been altered without the knowledge of the staff, it is going to be going back into Accepted Apps for review and discussion.
  13. This just in, Twilight loves you so much, she went back in time for you. #Twilightlicious

  14. Yeah, we really want to discourage the use of numbers in an app. If anyone asks, you can mention to them around how old you'd say he'd be equivalently, but we don't know how long ponies actually live or how long a year really is in Equestria. For all we know, a year for us is only six months to them and thus 10 years to us would be twenty for them, in which case they'd be a whole lot older a lot quicker.
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