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Status Replies posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. Winter was almost over and the ice was all gone...then it had to snow again...thanks winter...

  2. That moment when you suddenly become an uncle...

  3. That moment when you suddenly become an uncle...

  4. That moment when you suddenly become an uncle...

  5. So, what's new ppl?

  6. Polyblank is creating characters.

  7. Oh no, laptop, feel free to restart without letting me save the stuff I was working on, I don't mind losing a ton of writing.

  8. IPS is doing some data center migrations, so site service may be a little spotty for the next couple days. Don't panic! We're working on it!

  9. Running away to work for two weeks as a volunteer at Rock Solid-- a rehabilitation place of sorts. Really excited, but who knows how active I can be here.

  10. What's wrong with Flashlight....? *why u make me cri BrianBlackBerry sensei*

  11. What's wrong with Flashlight....? *why u make me cri BrianBlackBerry sensei*

  12. Okay, that was a LOT more than a week.

  13. What's wrong with Flashlight....? *why u make me cri BrianBlackBerry sensei*

  14. Okay, that was a LOT more than a week.

  15. Okay, that was a LOT more than a week.

  16. Okay! A Giraffe and a lion walk into a bar.... actually, the lion was smart enough to walk under the bar...

  17. So I now have three local coffee shops where the staff all know my name... that's... sort of an accomplishment.

  18. I got a Skype again! Eccentric Maverick "Lyi". Please do add me back into the Canterlot chats :).

  19. Fanfic idea: Rarity brings a strange gem back to Ponyville while out searching for gems and strange things begin happening as a result. Then She and Twilight have to solve the puzzle and figure out how to make everything right again. What do you guys think?

  20. Did you hear the one about the scared skeleton?

  21. If the Earth is round, I wonder what shape Equestria-planet is...

  22. Skype is being weird on my comp. Uninstalled it...sorry y'all~

  23. Skype is being weird on my comp. Uninstalled it...sorry y'all~

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