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Status Replies posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. Pm clean up. If I accidentally deleted a pm we were actively participating in, please reply.

  2. Should I change my avatar back? The joke getting old yet?

  3. Should I change my avatar back? The joke getting old yet?

  4. Anyone else notice that only one person has joined Canterlot this year so far?

  5. Wow. The site just crashed on me for about a minute. Just stopped working. Access denied. Now it's good again. Scared me crazy...~

  6. I'm heading to the mountains, might not be around for a couple days...

  7. I wonder if I should preform a social experiment soon...?

  8. I wonder if I should preform a social experiment soon...?

  9. Guess who got DENIED unemployment... MEEEE ><

  10. Guess who got DENIED unemployment... MEEEE ><

  11. A little upset with QuickLime, but not as upset as her being denied employment. What the heck?

  12. Guess who got DENIED unemployment... MEEEE ><

  13. I'm heading to the mountains, might not be around for a couple days...

  14. When you start studying for the marks, not the knowledge :(

  15. I refuse to make an official rp log. So I made an rp log.

  16. I refuse to make an official rp log. So I made an rp log.

  17. Tomorrow will be completely deticated to getting a job lined up, so no replies then! However, I should be back online on Saturday.

  18. Anyone here read A Separate Piece? I made a comic based on it.

  19. I feel angry. I feel upset. At biology. Because microbiology. Because virology.

  20. Huh. No new members for 3 days. I'm shocked.

  21. Huh. No new members for 3 days. I'm shocked.

  22. I feel like an rp. Anyone want to rp?

  23. I feel like an rp. Anyone want to rp?

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