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Status Replies posted by Lyipheoryia

  1. My wallet went through the wash... some drama queen took a roleplay too seriously and freaked out on me... other than that, I've had a good day. :D

  2. School begins soon :(. I shall pass on teh beloved title I have upheld for several days to the next reciever.

  3. School begins soon :(. I shall pass on teh beloved title I have upheld for several days to the next reciever.

  4. I have acquired Fallen King Sombra

  5. So I lost my job on Thursday, Boss said I wasn't "Working fast enough" and he was sure I'd never be "fast enough" despite me doing a massssive amount of Christmas work, blegh 2016 please be a better year...

  6. So I lost my job on Thursday, Boss said I wasn't "Working fast enough" and he was sure I'd never be "fast enough" despite me doing a massssive amount of Christmas work, blegh 2016 please be a better year...

  7. Pirates or ninjas? The age-old question yet still without an answer.

  8. Pirates or ninjas? The age-old question yet still without an answer.

  9. Pirates or ninjas? The age-old question yet still without an answer.

  10. Sometimes... I can't help wondering... Why does it always feel like I'm fighting alone? Well... it doesn't matter. If that's what's going on, I'm fine with that. >:o

  11. Finished a week-old pie and so far no adverse side effects. Success?

  12. Pirates or ninjas? The age-old question yet still without an answer.

  13. I've struggled with it for so long, but I'm happy to finally say that I've officially quit smoking cigarettes. 2016 will be a year of improving my health.

  14. -squeezeees her Rarity- Got her Back :D

  15. -squeezeees her Rarity- Got her Back :D

  16. *puts on hard hat and grabs tool box*

  17. //Just got on here looks nice here.

  18. Wooh! Happy New Year!

  19. Berry Punch with punch and a (lampshade?) over her head. Huh. Should I be surprised?

  20. Berry Punch with punch and a (lampshade?) over her head. Huh. Should I be surprised?

  21. Happy New Years Eve, folks!

  22. Holy crap, I've been here since 2011

  23. I'm bored. Are you bored? Yeah? Yeah.

  24. My bff joined her, first rp!!! Can't believe I dragged her back into the fandom! :)

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