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Posts posted by RexDraco

  1. 6SMi1qDG.png

    Leave it to Discord to already be preparing for the big kiss! Well in Zap's case it was the littlest kiss. Why he picked the foal over the parents or present elders? Well it was simple: they weren't as cute! Besides it was more fun to bring the little foal into the festivities. Leaving him cooped up all day wasn't any fun either! While Applejack went in to fetch the diapered little stinker he manifested a hoofmirror, and held it float in his magic while he held out his claw. In it a powderpuff appeared and the smug noodle dabbed his nose, powdering up! He was always one to milk a situation for all it was worth and what better way to throw an event for a loop by asking to give a big smooch to the little pooch? Around his neck poofed a most dapper bowtie and he would make sure to spray a bit of mint in his muzzle. To be sure he was all prepared the spirit made one final comb over through his mane.

    When the wee tot was presented Discord blinked and appeared to the right of mother and foal. "Well, well if it isn't little Zappy!" He reached out to attempt and ruffle that little head tuft, hardly a mane yet! "Give Uncle Discord a little kiss and you'll get a wish." He pointed to his cheek, batting those long lashes!


    Leave it to the spirit to be utterly bizarre during such an event! But it was true, one wish! His mother already had her bits!

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  2. 6SMi1qDG.png

    Gala Apples were premier for jams. Lightly sweet: they kept well for preservation. Discord did enjoy jams, scones and other treats that went well for tea time. Gala were simple, easy to come by. After all Applejack wouldn't have stocked Starkings or Akane. No it would be troublesome and he had gotten on line in a whim, only to witness such lovely events. Who would have thought she was such a cheeky business pony. But to hear it was Apple Bloom who applied such a price to double, maybe even quintuple sales...!


    "My, she has a nose for chaos and business. I am quite proud." He pressed his paw to his chest,  being his usual, cheeky self. "It's a shame you don't have any melon apples." Pardon? Was he just mixing up his fruit to test Applejack?


    Discord would probably stand offended to such accusations. He was quite a hygienic chimera! Sure he sometimes used absurd manners to get things done but a glorious coat of feathers did not come without a price. Preening both feathers, fur… and scales ensured he spent long hours focusing on himself. It helped he was atrociously vain and loved a good old soak in bubbles. Nothing was less charming than Discord in the middle of a bath, which he always seemed to conveniently be in when he was needed... Go figure that.


    He rolled his eyes before reaching into his feathers. Tucking away his comic he would pull out a small change purse. It was weird, but fitting a mad god. Popping open the paw-held clutch purse he pricked his ears, swiveling them forward as he had a thought. Passing the five bits to Applejack, still feeling it was highway robbery at such a price, the prince cocked his head. 


    "Instead I think I will take my kiss from the munchkin. Stars knows he is the least ornery here. No offense Apple Bloom. Besides you've not even brought him over to visit! I have so many fun games!" He went on like an old nag looking to spoil a grandfoal. 


    After all Zap was the first and only birth Discord had ever… been present for.

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  3. 6SMi1qDG.png

    Discord as been inching along with the like. The particular comic he had been reading was quite riveting, but he has long been distracted from it thanks to the surrounding events. These ponies were acting as if they were twitterpated and it put him in an amused, wiggly mood. This much excitement over apples? He had to say while Applejack's sense of humor needed work there was no questioning her entrepreneurial abilities. He had peered over his comic and watched with bated emotions. It was like watching a novella! Such unnecessarily dramatic intrigue! It was delightful.


    As he seemed to come up next he would watch Mint skip off. AJ seemed rather stiff a moment. Perhaps all that smooching was getting to her. He lowered to the ground, hind legs touching soil before he scuffled the last few inches toward the stand. The comic went up in smoke as his forelimbs crossed over his dark feathery chest. As he stares his rump floated off the ground, white tail tuft scratching at his beard. He could hear a certain little Apple coping, his ears perking before he vanished, his attention span as dedicated a a Jack-of-all-Trades. Hovering over dash and the pocketed little newborn the spirit gave Zap's muzzle a boop with his soft paw.


    He pressed his paw to his chest, claw tucking behind his back. "Why as brilliant as Tia's sun. It's lovely seeing such organized chaos on what is otherwise a normal day." He regarded the hullabaloo that created a line miles long if only for kisses and a bushel of apples! "I see you've implemented a new business strategy." He teased before appearing right in front of Applejack, not a breathe of distance between them, but his invasion of personal space was common enough. "I am rather fond of your apples though… I could make some delightful scones with them." They'd be lovely with tea. "Some Gala apples would do~" he cooed.


    He was surprised Dash was kept at bay for so long! Settling back down to the ground he sat upon his haunches and considered his choices. Did he really want a kiss? Of course he did! It seemed no fun to get on a line for a ride and not ride it. Though he seemed the sort to do that: he would have physical proof of Applejack's affection! It would be immortalized in a kiss! He got all prepped up! Parting his jaws he gave a little spray of freshener in his mouth and manifested a comb to brush back his mane, which only did to sproing back into place with that solid stiffness. Tightening the bowtie that suddenly appeared around his neck he shuffled forward and offered the mare his cheek with a Cheshire grin. 

  4. Wz97Xm4r.png


    As hip as it was bringing back grown ponies in pajamas, it was a bit inconceivable that such a group would time their arrival in a coordinating fashion to match Fire's attempt to trespass against a great adversary. It was bad timing that reflected an even worse possibility had these nin-pony been in kahoots with the hedge mage. Her confusion was warranted. After all in what state of sanity would one allow themselves to be cornered into believing such unrealistic representations of an aforementioned group? Ninjas weren't just some cosplay group that defeated aliens who attempted to conquer Equus in the flashiest way possible. It seemed like a bad plot from a Neighponese tokusatsu in all fairness.


    Xiêyè's opponent was without challenge for the excellent swordplay he displayed. The ninjas was hardly a challenge. Nothing like the details of old legends spoke of. These beings were masters of disguise and ingenious tacticians. By the very way they tossed about the beings facing them were no true ninja. What was most curious was it's defeat though! When Xiêyè slew his opponent by breaking it's seal, or would erupt into the very splitters that had originally made up the totems Squall was so proud of prior to their animation. Strange. Was the wood still animated even after it was turned into splinters? That was the ultimate mystery!


    Two were down and out, leaving only three, thanks to Squall's swift, inelegant attempt to guard the mare from sudden defeat by pillow. At least he had a portion of his dignity to remain! But a portion. With the three remain and Fire's temper growing short with foolishness, it seemed, the old stallion frowned, his back to them. He had pushed to stand, the raccoon scurrying back onto his head, tugging his ear and pointing behind them. The dark, armor griffon got quite a sound to escape the mare, which made the old pony laugh, except a yelp would escape him soon after as the pink nin-pony git his back end with a pillow, feathers erupting everywhere! He was scared stiff that he almost lost his transformation. Well he lost some of it as, for a moment his brows became rather busy grey and a majestic wizard beard appeared. They quickly vanished as the old wizardcorn whipped around, only to be pelt in the chin by the ninja that had pounced Squall and Fire.


    He was losing control of his own game! Dizzy eyes and a crumpled heap of parts on the ground the disguised draconequus wasn't keen on losing. The ninja shadows hihoofed and dashed off when Xiêyè entered the room. It was but a moment later the former two stumbled back in, being pushed out by the ninja Fire's shadow created. Squall and Strifecord's shadow dropped to their knees, Squall's colored ninja using a pair of hyoshigi to increase the dramatization of her entry. Strifecord's pink nin-pony shadow stood on the other side of the entrance with a basket of cherry blossoms in its forelimbs, tossing out the petals. Fire's shadow held two pillows bound end to end by their own  pillow cases creating a deadly pair of pillowchucks. It was obvious it was Fire's as it was her favorite color. Their weakness was also now known by Xiêyè and the raccoon. A simple match against the remaining three.


    Strifecord looked to a script he had in hoof, a pair of bifocals on the old pony's muzzle. "This is becoming an overly complicated drama. It says here the ninja is challenging the Pegasus for not honoring the pact." He passes Squall the script, completely out of the blue. 


    Speaking of color, these three where what who remained. While it was a challenge of the century, the odd old pony only seemed to grow odder and odder. As he sat on his haunches his forelimbs tucked against his chest in a very unpony fashion. He almost seemed to sit up like a griffon or… another creature. His grin had a snaggled tooth and his eyes a most wizened gaze. That short, scruffy mane looked a certain brand of style yet behind all of that -- this pony was just hard to notice. And that was all part of the magical illusion. 


    The ninja formed from Fire's shadow shared her stature and elegant style, but the goofy pillowchucks certainly shattered the serious illusion of a grand warrior. The visits today very odd and, above all, entertaining! But as all things such a break from the mundane would soon end. Asking as the little ponies had fun, right?

  5. 6SMi1qDG.png

    The spirit had been lounging on a pink cloud high above Ponyville. He was low enough to be within earshot, but far enough so he didn't take the heads of passerby's. Furled out the springy, bouncy chimeric puzzle of creatures held a comic in paw, leisurely reading. From the pink, puffy cloud the occasional marshmallow would pop from its pink fluff, whenever his tail would beat against it. It had left quite the trail, a lovely mess for another to come upon. Beyond that he was on his leisure day so had no reason to actually do anything besides letting the wind drag him along.


    It was not until an unquestionable clamor of noisy ponies filled his folded ears, the crimps of flesh twitching against the offending commotion. And it had been such a quiet day too. A spirit of Chaos he may be but he did enjoy the rare downtime. Books didn't read or eat themselves. Having been lying on his back he would have to move to look at what was below. Rolling his dual colored eyes he would lean to pop his head through the cloud to see quite the rabble below.


    Ho, ho, what was this? His curiosity was piqued.


    Popping off his cloud he would appear down below. What madness was this? What was everypony on a line for? Were they waiting for? The spirit was no sheep... but perhaps there was something interesting at the very end. Looking to the left than to the right he would lower to a levitating float nearer the ground so he was a bit more level with what was going on. He leaned back and opened his paw, summoning his comic back to his grip. 


    "Well.. this is riveting." He drifted along, almost automatically, and waited to see what in the hay was going on up ahead.


    He did notice some ponies passing by with something -- apples? An impish smirk painted itself on his features.

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  6. Wz97Xm4r.png

    A hedge mage? Now he hadn't seen one of those in years! He supposed, Starswirl aside, there had been that fellow from Scorpan's kingdom. Discord never really liked him, his methods far too fantastic even for a chaos spirit. The thought was amusing, how easily a unicorn's magical prowess could go and corrupted them. An earth pony too could go mad with power, as would a Pegasus. It was a dangerous sort of egotism that got him in trouble in the first place. Though he liked to think of it as more of a fluke. He had been caught with his guard down because the sisters dares attacked without calling out their attacks! Quote rude when it came to warfare. It was a sport after all, guarded with rules broken often...

    Well that is a terrible example anyway.


    The uh -- grey old pony stood as the mare finished up her speech, the shadows set free, inconveniencing the lot, oh well particularly Swift Squall. To keep up with pretenses the old unicorn stepped back, tucking his hoof against his chest. He watched as the pajama wearing shadows took steps to challenge the unicorn to hooficuffs. After a brawl and rather colorful, foal-unsafe language, it seems Squall was spat out like a chewed up, wet newspaper. The shadows scattered thereafter, the Longma giving chase quickly.


    "I suppose somepony spoke too soon." He chuckled, though his distraction led to a pillow clipping him off the side of his head.

    The old pony furrowed his brows and snorted, the raccoon riding his head laughing and pointing, only for him to be clipped off the unicorn by a wayward pillow. It seemed the pink pajama wearing shadows and half sized one took to challenge the elder. It seemed the shadows would attempt to earn fake points by expertly dropping down to beat the literal stuffing from the weapons in use. The red one being chased by Xiêyè would attempt to ambush him with a long body pillow, for most featherysplosion. The "ninjas" in question were easy to defeat for upon their chests they had a stamp that had the shape of a head with a qilin horn and ram horn. Hitting this spot would defeat them instantaneously! Oh the spirit couldn't help but sign his work!


    Manifesting a foam javelin he would poise to guard himself against the pillow wielding pair. "Avast!" No, wrong call sigh, but too late: the old pony was charging!


    The old, grey unicorn charged his shadow, but the pink ninja was quick and leapt away, causing Strife to screeech to a halt, the raccoon being sent off into the pint sized nin-pony. His furry little head would bonk into the shadow's chest, causing it great dishonor! It clutched itself in the struck spot and dramatically staggered backwards before erupting into a poof of feathers. That was one down! But that did not mean the mare was safe in her space, checking on the stallion... for above in the rafters her opponent, pillow in hoof, was about to pounce…

    • Like 2
  7. X9c6YGj.png

    Status: (•Invite, •Ongoing, •Finished,  •Closed)

    Timeline: (•Main, •T2, •AU1)

    ¤  ✘  ¤    ¤   ¤



    --- Current - On-Going - Events ---


    (Main Timeline)

    ¤ - ¤ A Princely Convention - Closed





    --- Complete - Timeline- Events ---


    ☆ - N/A





    --- Abandoned - Retconned - Inactive ---


     - The First Seeds of a New Life - Inactive

     - N/A

     - N/A


  8. Wz97Xm4r.png


    Throughout their encounter, Dark Strife, had maintained a consistent use of his magic. There would be no bizarre use of spells that transmogrified neighbors, or turned butler's into candlesticks. As tempted as he was to regard the ideas that floated in his head, he retained his stand that it was all a game. He would only use his magic to pick things up, and put them down, sometimes in that most delicate order. Since his present company did consist of at least one, confirmed, magic user: the crooked old pone did not press his luck. He was not sure in the case of Longma, if they were capable of magic, but for the time being: he was safe beneath his ruse. At least for the time being. He couldn't keep hold to his disguise much longer. Such a fantastic game forbade it. Yet still he felt absurdly unkempt in such a guise. He had to maintain it, if only for a bit longer.


    The old pony would like you to think he wasn't all there. It was, in that instance, part of the game. What was more conspicuous? An old pony who seemed a little off or the deranged presence of an overly powerful wizard who had raccoon familiars? There was a reason he was considered a demigod amongst the mortal populous. As irritating as it was to confess: he did have flaws. Far more complicated to attend to as opposed to a simple bad mane day. He wasn't out to harm anypony in his jokes, but these serious sorts really needed to loosen up! Life was too short for mortals. They should have more fun!


    Looking to the female as she spoke of villainous sorts living underground, he would sit and raise a hoof, waggling it. "Be wary of those that live underground. They are never quite sane. That is why I live in a box filled with my things." While that sounded questionable: most pony homes were indeed boxes. 


    Be it of brick, stone, or wood: homes often had shapes resembling boxes and the sort. He could never understand a pony's desire to live in these places, so permeant and never changing. He stared at the mare, pulling his lips back to display his crooked grin, that snaggletooth presenting itself. His hat patted his cheek and chittered, the curious sound seeming more the warble of an animal than intelligent questioning. Spending enough time with Flutter shy, Discord could admit to learning a thing or two. He was hardly fluent though.


    "That makes sense." He noted. "Of you want to outsmart a pony, you have to think like them, perhaps even become them, but that would be no good. You'll end up with two of the pony you're trying to be rid of!" He laughed out, rather madly before he perked up when Swift Squall acted, well, swift!


    He could only watch in intrigue as the male unicorn dove doen in an act of heroism to fend off his animated totem sets. The old, grey P.I., and raccoon, looked over in surprise. He trotted over the the edge of the steps and seated himself, before pushing on his hind legs so his forearms could hook over the banister to better see. He wrinkles his muzzle with a chuckle, wondering what else could he do. Oh it was not to cause undo duress, but sometimes ponies needed to loosen up and not be so work focused. Armored sorts like this mare were prime example. Who would pass up 9on a sleepover?!


    He cropped tail gave a flicker as he chuckled. "My what an exciting event. Are all your sleepovers this way?" The old coot offered with a nicker of amusement. "Come now, there are no such things as ninjas. That is quote foolish. Next you'll tell me there's such a thing as faeries or toasters." Actually he had heard of the Breezies from Fluttershy. 


    But there was no way one would convince him of ninjas! With their dark and shadowy ways. How could one trust them, especially with stories of them always fight..ing… That.. gave him a fabulous idea! They were also called ponies of the shadows right? Turning his head he set his forelimbs back on the ground with a clippity clap and stood. Something would jump from his shadow and along each of the visitors, were they vulnerable to casting a shadow or felt given to participate. From their shadows would jump ninponies, though not your average sort. They were made of the very shadows to sprouted from, having battle rapport in equal measure to their counterparts.


    Four, wait five? Oh, right. Raccoons had shadows. That particular shadow was half the size of the other four. The new menace had appeared in the open foyer, wearing armor of the formerly destroyed totems. Each wore a different color, particularly the favorite color of each member in the group. Dark Strife himself fancied magenta, for rather outward facts that would come about later. The raccoon clearly fancied green. Instead of deadly weapons each ninpone would be armed with pillows.




    ((Feel free to control the NPCs, they will be duly named after the colors you choose))

    • Like 1
  9. No harm in asking:


    Now while the rules due say no fanbased, intellectual property, but world or mythos incidents are proper, what about wereponies? Much like vamponies, or the more recognized fruit bat pony, would it be possible?


    Now in the show and comic it is possible for magic to induce a fruit bat pony state without the negativity of wild mindlessness  (wherein even during one scene in the comic Flutterbat gained control of her battiness by time and focus whilst the others used magic).


    So therein a magical curse being cause of the transformation (as, in ancient Scandinavian lore a were-form can come about magically as a curse rather than a bite or bloodied curse) in such magic curses fit with MLP.


    So this magic curse creates the wereponies, perhaps an old spell to make ancient warriors strong like Timberwolves, goes awry, turning them wild and beast-like rather than stronger. 


    The curse is passed on randomly, but it gives them a very fuzzy outward appearacne over their fetlock, mane, and tail (being more canid than pony) and often times their coat.


    Under the strength of a full moon they become wild and nippy, and must lock themselves up not to hurt others. But normally have an awkward and absurd fuzzy appearance as well as a beast-like sense of smell, hearing and focus (which can be pretty short). To add to this only Earth ponies can be afflicted, due to having sought a means outside their realm, to aide them (magic).


    There are fan renditions, but nothing truly concrete or like this. It all seem (from a glance) to just be werewolf ponies rather than a werepony (from my knowledge) of course calling it werepony would be silly so it would be given a different name since it's a magic affliction rather than a whole new species so this cursed with it are called Lykos (wolf ponies) and would only be found in an isolated place outside of Equestria.


    I tried my best, please be gentle!

  10. Ruby eyes drifted between the occupants, their distraction a delightful tool he could use to his advantage. As the ponies greeted one another, the previously passed totems were brought to life. Life, while an objective term, they certainly were no longer complacent sitting around downstairs. How would a totem wish to live, were it more than wood? Would it take up a sport, or lay about and sleep? Archery was always a fine hobby when one had arms and fingers. His thoughts were distracted by the mare's mention of being part of the R.E.A.. Why was that familiar? Though in his thinking he had let go of his magic, no longer controlling the totems below. They now moved about on their own.

    Dark Strife seated himself, one hoof, his left hind in particular, stretched out from beneath him. His forehooves settled between his haunches whilst his ears perked up. The pony seemed to ignore the host's rant, but he was quite more focused on the details that existed between lines. It seemed this mare was fancied by the fellow, my my....

    When the female finally spoke up she was as awkward as they came. His 'hat' gave a chitter, only for the discordant demigod to grin. He pushed to his hooves and limped over. His movements were positively serpentine. He leaned his head forward when he stepped and cocked it as he came to a halt part way between the stallions and mare.

    "We are having a sleepover! Really just out of the blue, but my these stallions are intriguing, especially the art. Why if I didn't know any better I could have believed myself in an art gallery. The ancient stone work, the surreal, abstract art!" He motioned a hoof to a perfectly normal portrait, nothing abstract or surreal about it. "I am hoping they wheel around the popcorn machine." The old pony had expectations.

    It was quite interesting visiting the home of a pony at random, and to think he would so open the strange, old ah -- detective. What was more intriguing was the serious nature of the longma and the snobbish resolve of the host. While he tried to be open and hip, frankly it fell short. It was like Celestia trying stand up comedy. A for effort. He sat back on his haunches and raised his left forehoof to motion as he spoke.

    "I must say, so far, the service here is fabulous! I feel like I'm on a cruise. Except without the life preservers." He held a bag of peanuts in hoof, his hat eagerly partaking in the mid-flight snack.

    It did honestly seem like the old pone was on a vacation. Normally one did not wear life vests unless the ship was already sinking or in threat of. secondly they did not serve peanuts on a cruise. He was an odd bag of nuts, but quite an amusing, old unicorn. His smile was wide, and that snaggletooth needed a bit of dental work, but otherwise he was alright.

    He turned to face Squall. "So, Squall, was it?" the crooned. "What is it you do? I mean holding open-door slumber parties really takes prestige!" He declared as he finished up his peanuts, ruby eyes watching the other, foreign warrior with a cheeky grin

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  11. The 'detective' stared at the pony as he spoke. The moment his muzzle had parted, deep down, the spirit in disguise knew what he was in for. There was a temptation to just roll his eyes and slap a bandaid on those lips of his, but the chaotic twitch was pushed away in lieu of the possibility of a much more fun game. The idea was twisted. Perfect for entertaining himself whislt he traveled about the lands in search of a more vaguely curious goal. The dark circles around his eyes showed off what appeared to be a pony who had sleepless nights kept going by ungracious amounts of coffee. Red pupils stood out against the white sclera, bit nothing incredibly uncommon, red eyes usually the result of a rich amber hue, right? Nevertheless he seemed boring. No markings to speak of, or apparent discoloration from hybridism. 


    All in all, an ordinary unicorn.


    His expression seemed to match his 'hat's', the raccoon atop his head finding the lengthy explanation rather -- confounding. Thin brows drew over the pony's grey features. The stiff mane was an obsidian coloration, cropped in a way that made it seem that he was used to cutting it on his own. The blank expression painted the outwardly appearance that the detective was flabbergasted, when he had, more simply, become bored. So he had a pet ghost! Didn't all rich ponies have them?


    "Pfft," he vocalized. With his lips. "You are quite generous. I must say I am impressed…" by your foolishness! His lips pulled back so he could present his grin. "Allowing a weapon wielding swordpony and an old P.I. into your place unescorted?" He must have nothing to, do. "Your kindness knows no bounds." Cheeky little…


    There were a number of strange and peculiar objects Dis--, ahh Dark Strife could play with. So wonderful! Surrealism was truly a forgotten art. He had to resist the demented laughter crawling in the pit of his stomach. Strife smirked as he raised a hoof to his chest, a very bird-like stance, before he stepped to turn and face the noblepony. There were a few paintings that seemed to shift in movement, but a trick of the eye, no? At the offer of a drink everything stilled.


    "Oh? I'll take chocolate milk if you have."  His hat chittered. "Ah, and some water for my hat." His (and his hat's) ears perked as a set of hooves seemed to make their way toward to small group. The line of magic he held over the objects was quickly released, a questioning expression drawing over his face. 


    As a unicorn his magic did visibly activate around his horn, but as a god of chaos… he did not necessarily have to show that off when it wasn't pony magic. His 'hat' chittered. He had to agree with it! An unexpected addition to their game. The strange totem down by the entrance had become his preferred target. It was just so hideous! As he shifted his body and turned to face the fiery mare his ears pinned back as a smile drew up on his features, showing off that snaggletooth of his. When he moved -- so did this totem. With a scree against the ground it too 'turned' to face a direction.


    "Greetings~!" He bade. "My you've a number of guests this day." Unaware just who this pony may have been.

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  12. "Oh, why thank you, it's a rather old hat," the raccoon chittered in annoyance at the insulting measure of its age. "But such a fine pelt, I couldn't ignore the style." He grinned at the professional pony. "Oh, I would love to regale you in the many tales of my youth, maybe learn you young ponies a thing or two about living a proper life." The spirit could not help but chuckle, his ego enjoying the idea of telling tall tales and embellishing his achievements. 


    Discord -- ah, Strife, did enjoy pizza and all the odd condiments he could add upon it. The raccoon upon his head chittered and looked to the grey unicorn. His ears pricked up, eyes drifting towards the inside of the manor. The apples that had been used to deflect the strikes were nibbled upon, the white aura of his magic wrapped around them as the perfectly sliced pieces of fruit levitated into his muzzle. A piece or two were hovered up to the raccoon in question, whom graciously accepted the food payment and nibbled. Grey hooves pushed him forward, carrying him into the extravagant place. He was not very patient to wait for the Longma and squeezed in, trotting forward with the obvious limp. The short, frazzled tail of his was perked up as he nosed around here and there. While he seemed a little touched in the head, the old pony made sure to look around and know his surroundings. What better to play pranks?


    "Spirits you say?" He murmured as he lowered his shout to prod something that looked rather delicate. "You may want to get that checked out." He leaned back and looked up as the raccoon began to chitter and squeak an extensive string of noises. "Ah, my hat wants anchovies on his pizza and I want peanut butter on mine." That was the request. The raccoon barked. "Both?" Strife questioned, before nodding. "Both. Both is good." Anchovies and Peanut Butter.




    After a moment he turned to his host as they spoke of their collected art and arched a brow. There was a chuckle that escaped him, the apples he had been eating with the 'hat', now gone. A hoof came up to his chin as he seated himself against the ground. The place had a ghost, did it... That meant it was rather old. It was not uncommon for old homes to creak, rattle and sometiems come to life. A plan was set into motion. He could certainly loosen that uptight Longma and give this manor a bit of color. Places like this were always so dreary to him. Full of artifacts and dusty tapestry and paintings that were always the same. He looked to the totem before glancing off. Good. He would wait until they moved to their next destination before standing. The totem, in question, would watch the Longma if it were to move or walk off in any way and shift back to normal before it was noticed fully.

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  13. z6LlvUM.png

    Status: (•Invite, •Ongoing, •Finished,  •Closed)

    Timeline: (•Main, •T2, •AU1)

    ¤  ✘  ¤    ¤   ¤



    --- Current - On-Going - Events ---


    (Main Timeline)

    ¤ Howler's Den - Open





    --- Complete - Timeline- Events ---


    ☆ - N/A





    --- Abandoned - Retconned - Inactive ---


     - N/A

  14. The grey unicorn had a strange air to him, but by his very nature he was plain, ordinary, and easy to forget. He didn't stand out in any way. His cutie mark was the same color of his mane and tail; his entirety was a dull monochrome existence. His red eyes were noticeable against the white sclera, but with a stature that was a bit smaller than most unicorn, he seemed the picturesque little unicorn. His magic was hardly extraordinary as it displayed basic levitation. 


    He brows raised as that small horn lit up with its white aura, the poor night mammal getting handled like some hunter's prize. This better be worth two whole candy bars. The disguised spirit parted his jaws and levitated the nocturnal critter atop his head. The raccoon stiffened when knives were suddenly thrust out, but was there any attempt to make contact with the grey pony's skin, the blades would find themselves embedding into apples, sticky juice spilling if any puncture was made. 


    He did not skip a beat when the critter was offered. "Oh, why thank you for locating my hat." He prompted, this the raccoon lay himself on the old pony's head.


    Age was evident by the patches of grey just beneath his chin. He raised a hoof to adjust his 'hat' as the critter resigned to his fate, for now. The offer of being let inside a manor, off the cold streets certainly intrigued it. The 'unicorn' resisted rolling his eyes to the back of his head, lips pulling back into a smile as his eyes pinched closed. Nobles and their long winded speeches. Sizes, room numbers, privilege… it was really all so inconsequential in the face of what the universe had in store. Oh but it was interesting. Not only was the Longma a curiosity for the --ah, grey guest, the statehood of the Manor would need a bit of a pick-me-up. After all flights of stairs were so last season. And so many rooms… think of all that could fill them?


    The grey menace waved his hoof. "Ah, well since you're offering, who am I to turn down a place to stay. Name's Dark Strife. Contrary to the looks, I'm a private detective." He assured, raising his left hoof to his chest, a tick left over from his true form.

    • Like 2
  15. ((Pardon my intrusion, I hope another play partner is not minded))


    Skyscrapers, that was what they called a building that pierced the edges of clouds. Walls of glass and metal, wonders of magic and technology. The physical labour, the magical exhausted was something these ponies experienced creating this city. It was a true metropolitan city. Ponies here lived their lives. It was a bit more stressful than most places under Equestria's rule to live day by day, but traditions and strong, generational herd bonds kept tribes strong. Families stretched back over a hundred years,  occupied the same streets their great, great grandponies did.


    Over his lifetimes, the spirit of Chaos has had many faces and been to  many places. Exposure to the most primeval lifeforms to the most advanced gave one a perspective on just how insignificant time was. Driven by the piety of his existence, the spirit did not often dwell in one place. Traveling was a simple result of his nature. Change was inevitable,  destiny but the result of the choices one was bound to make. The only way to ensure change took hold was to allow anarchy to take hold. He was not as cruel as he once was, but compared to a pony's existence he had only been cruel for a microt.


    Pandemonium had been the staple of life until Harmony instilled order.

    A monster in disguise. Among the dusty, grey streets of the maze-like avenues and boulevards, grey hooves scraped across the concrete streets, lurking towards its destination. As the figure passed streetlights began to hum. Some changed color from a white light, to reds and blues, sometimes rainbows. Critters native to the cities would tu k back into dumpsters as the shadow grew against brick and stone walls, as the dark form filled the dimly lit alleys.


    Chaos moved from place to place. Where ever there was peace, disorder would soon follow to relight the spark in a pony's heart. The spirit would never admit to doing good deeds when he could. He would assert it was merely a decaying sense of pity he had for the hapless pones. He lied to himself often. He didn't yet accept hid limitations, because to him: chaos was limitless. 

    Just like the skyscrapers couldn't go on, or risk bending beneath their weight, so could the spirit not continue his old ways, lest bend the patience of his friends. But there were times when he simply could not flee that sensation. Mischief was his middle name. 


    A grey ear perked as what came around the corner was far from a draconequus, but an ordinary, grey pony that was easily forgotten. Am ordinary face and no special features. He had a short, black mane and a cropped tail, badly groomed. By his horn he was a unicorn, but was he even there? Red eyes turned toward the occupants at the door. Hid hor lit up with a unique, white aura that grasped a nearby raccoon by the tail. It let out a surprise bark.


    "Now, now… just run on in and you'll get a reward." The raccoon chittered and the grey unicorn rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes. Two chocolate bars." He would set the raccoon free in hopes he would dart into the door in order to distract the pair.


    His goal was to sneak up, unnoticed. He moved forward, moments after, whether they focused on the critter or ignored it he would approach, hooffalls nearly completely silent. His ears would pin back, lips  curling. A small snaggletooth peeked out beneath his grey lips. His movement had an obvious limp. It looked to be an old wound on the stallion, but instead it was merely the imbalance of being on all fours, one of his hind legs being a bit shorter in his true form. The limp was compensation to the shorter leg.


    "My what a… unique gathering." He would express in no clear accent. "This is quite a place." What had lured the ancient spirit here? The chance for a game…?


    ……or destiny?

    • Like 2
  16. GQllY9l.png

    Status: (•Invite, •Ongoing, •Finished, •Closed)

    Timelines: Main • T2 • AU1

    ¤  ✘  ¤    ¤   ¤


    --- Current - On-Going - Events ---


    (Main Timeline)


    ¤ The Visits - Open 

    ¤ All Harmonious Paths Lead to Chaos - Invite

    ¤ Damnit Jim I'm a Draconequus Not a Pony! - Closed

    ¤ A Princely Convention - Closed

    ¤ A Noodle and a Moon - Closed

    ¤ To Sleep or not to Sleep - Invite

    ¤ A Sweet Apple Acre Wedding - Invite



    --- Complete - Timeline- Events ---


     An Apple a Day Keeps Discord At Bay- Invite

     Elite Shenanigans- Complete

     A New Joy to Share- Complete

     Winter is Coming- Complete

    ☆ Unexpected Expectations- Complete

    Guten Tag Chaos- Complete

    A Promise of Cherry Blossoms- Complete

    The Ageless and the Anarch - Complete

     In the Darkest Corners - Closed

    Runes of Chaos -Complete

     Chaos and the Fall - Complete




    --- Abandoned - Retconned - Inactive ---


     Beach After Dark- Abandoned

     Thank Chaos It's Friday - Abandoned

     Lake and her New Friend - Retconned

     Happy Hearthswarming to All!- Inabandoned 

    ✘ Chaotic Guard Shift- Inactive 

    A Bright and Discord-y Day- Abandoned

     Chaos Spa Day - Retconned

    There's Chaos in Moving On - Inactive

     Magical Mischief - Abandoned

     A Wolf in Draconequus' Clothing - Abandoned

     The Value of Foalhood - Inactive

    Ponyville Elementary Field Trip: Canterlot Castle - Inactive

     A Princely Convention - Inactive

     A Different Malaise - Inactive

  17. These are my muses and where I post their threads. They run on what I call a fluid timeline. I may be role-playing something a year into the character's future, while an event in the past has yet to come to fruition. Although it is hard to understand, be assured I can roleplay whatever it is you need at whatever point in time.


    In that same regard what happens to my Discord in his main universe (timeline), will not have occured down a different road. The main timeline (universe) always comes first. If a situation is occurring in the main, it is utterly irrelevant to the alternative timelines, and vice versa.








    Draconequus / Male / Stallion

    Breed: Chimera

    Occupation: Reformed Spirit of Chaos


    WoE Application


    The overzealous Prince of Chaos, Creator of Pranks and Lord of Confusion!

    Discord relishes in teasing, tricking and trol-- 'helping' ponies around Equestria. He isn't difficult to find, just go where the chaos is. You're bound to find his hoof and talon prints. Charming, sarcastic, egotistical and proud this manic mischief maker has a knack for pushing ponies, and the like, off their tracks. Irresponsible, spoiling, sporadic. He is a pleasure to those who rather make themselves fools than go to school. But he is also somewhat empathetic to troubled ponies. Hardly is he the sort looking to harm others, but he is always quick to satisfy himself when it comes to playing and winning a game. He has a pocket sized pony form he uses to get in and personal with other ponies without the risk of being immediately ousted. Quite useful when you're trying to interfere in another's lifestyle.






    Jian-yaQilin / Male / Stallion

    Breed: Qing Qilin

    Occupation: Divine Protectorate Leader


    WoE Application


    Disregarding law and disgracing the spirit of harmony this brutish beast of elegance and lawlessness has lived in the heart of Long Kong since his inception. The son of a Naval Officer and the grandfoal of a crime boss their family has been carrying the honor of shipkirin and the dishonor of illicit activities for a hundred years. Today Jiān-yá has the honor of leading the family and making profit that allows the Da clan and it's many branches of outlaws to survive and gain enough influence to wrench Long Kong from the powers that be. The qilin is well spoken and has a beauty that rivals the empress herself, so rumor says. The ruffian prides himself in his looks and keeps a vigil out for grime or any sort of unsanitary situation that could leave him unclean. He was a hooligan, not a trash panda.




    Unicorn / Male / Stallion

    Breed: Shadow Unicorn

    Occupation: Wandering King


    WoE Application


    Once the king of monsters this wandering King no longer has a kingdom to call his own, but that does not stop him from leading others from the darkness he once stood lord over. To repent for all he had done he had given his life to right the wrongs, the lies, and the hurt that had scorned him all his life. The king now wanders Equestria in search of the pieces of ruby Crystal that hold sealed the former Princess of the Crystal Empire. While it may not change anything, he cannot live with himself knowing he had hurt somepony who had tried to lead him off the path in the first place. A good king with a good message he does not simply pass by when there are ponies in need. He makes every effort to stop and do good onto others as his Princess has once done for him, as his best friend still does for him to this day.






    Changeling / Male / Stallion

    Breed: Blister Beetle 

    Occupation: Glass Blower


    WoE Application


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a sapien a ligula fringilla tempor. Phasellus dapibus rhoncus tellus ut auctor. Ut porta consequat velit ac hendrerit. Cras vitae odio ultricies, pretium odio at, dignissim nulla. Donec et vehicula nisi. Pellentesque sagittis, quam at malesuada semper, est tellus interdum felis, venenatis ornare quam orci sed libero. Suspendisse pellentesque sagittis eros, eget facilisis justo. Nam sollicitudin nulla ut tristique commodo. Donec ullamcorper pulvinar orci molestie semper. Nunc laoreet nulla ut facilisis cursus. Nunc egestas nisi tellus, et bibendum sapien laoreet eget. Etiam blandit dictum sem, sed luctus velit semper sit amet. Duis sit amet magna eget justo efficitur consectetur quis et nisl.





    Big MacEarth Pony / Male / Stallion

    Breed: Clydesdale Pony

    Occupation: Farmer


    WoE Application


    The hard working Apple is known for being the sort to speak only when necessary and to be one of the hardest workers in Ponyville, though Applejack comes a close second. Humble and quite the singer this stallion isn't easy to track down. Between work on the farm and his regular deliveries he spens much of his spare time either visiting his special somepony or the farm's upkeep. He does have his quartet he sings with and his weekly O&O Session with Discord and Spike, but he sometimes just like taking a nap in the barn, where little sisters can't pester him over much with his brotherly duties. A stallion needed a break once in a while!





    NessieKelpie / Male / Stallion

    Breed: Dark Shyshark

    Occupation: Court Wizard


    WoE Application


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam a sapien a ligula fringilla tempor. Phasellus dapibus rhoncus tellus ut auctor. Ut porta consequat velit ac hendrerit. Cras vitae odio ultricies, pretium odio at, dignissim nulla. Donec et vehicula nisi. Pellentesque sagittis, quam at malesuada semper, est tellus interdum felis, venenatis ornare quam orci sed libero. Suspendisse pellentesque sagittis eros, eget facilisis justo. Nam sollicitudin nulla ut tristique commodo. Donec ullamcorper pulvinar orci molestie semper. Nunc laoreet nulla ut facilisis cursus. Nunc egestas nisi tellus, et bibendum sapien laoreet eget. Etiam blandit dictum sem, sed luctus velit semper sit amet. Duis sit amet magna eget justo efficitur consectetur quis et nisl.



    • Like 1
  18. While I am open to ideas of ships of others I tend to prefer ships that make sense, socially. Like if those ponies interacted often, they'd be able to ship.


    I am fond of DiscordxLuna, certain comics showed a rather interesting dynamic between them that was quite nice.


    I don't mind the CelestiaxDiscord ship, but I am strongly against the ones that show her haphazardly in love with him due to her sealing him or his hypnosis. Since I follow the comics their would be more something that develops over time, as they are now.


    DiscordxTwilight is pretty circumstantial on its own. Time and tolerance are always a factor of any relationship. 


    One ship I'll never refuse is Captain Jack Sparrow x The Black Pearl.


    I have heard of him


    Addendum; I think any ship works if it is socially sound. Eg I'd never ship DiscordxTirek for most obvious General Ackbar reasons.

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