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Posts posted by KaityKat

  1. She chuckled at his attitude. She wasn't sure if she liked his confidence, or was annoyed at his conceit. She decided she'd go with liking his confidence.... mostly because he had the looks to back it up, and, from the looks of it, the experience to warrant it. As she went to get the vinegar, she noted the scars he had on him, and wondered how he'd acquired them. She quietly giggled thinking he probably had a story he was all too willing to tell for each and every one. So she decided she'd save the questions for a time she was ready to hear them. She came back to him with a large bottle of vinegar in her teeth, turned the water on and began scrubbing. "I really am sorry about this. I can be pretty absent minded, sometimes. My thoughts are disconnected and I get distracted easy." she blushed a little and dumped practically the whole bottle of vinegar on his head as she kept scrubbing "I also may or may not be a little bit kinda completely insane.... just ask anypony at home." she admitted reluctantly, giving a half smile.

  2. She smiled and kinda chuckled a little. "There's just one problem, there." she giggled a little more as she admitted "That's not chocolate. At least... not really." she reached over and put her hoof in the mess in his mane to show him. As she pulled away, the goop stretched and pulled like taffy, snapping when she pulled away. "It's a new chocolate-based glue I've been working on." she tasted it, looking like she was looking for a specific flavor "Hm. Yeah, if you don't wash out in the sink with vinegar soon, you'll never get it out. still trying to work out the kinks." she moved some of her own hair to reveal a hidden bald patch in the back. "C'mon, I'll help you back here." she gestured around the counter and led him to the kitchen in the back.


    As they entered the kitchen she said "Welcome to my secret lair. My lab, if you will." she welcomed. The room was a disaster. Utensils and dishes strewn everywhere. Even honest to goodness test tubes and beakers. She brought Tiger to the industrial-sized sink, gestured and said "Quicker we scrub your head, the less hair you'll lose." she laughed a little then winked at him. "Kidding. you'll be fine.... but, really, we should hurry."

  3. Cocoa was taken aback, tho it didn't show. She'd heard Ponyville was friendly, but this was a little more than she'd bargained for. She almost giggled. She wasn't used to being hit on --run away from, looked at funny, she's even had crosses held at her, but not usually hit on--, and here this fella was, not such a bad sight, himself, if she was honest, laying it on as thick as molasses in winter. She figured she'd go ahead and see where this led.


    "Is that so, Mr. Blood?" She started, not sure exactly how did this flirting thing work?  She leaned against the counter also, the mixing bowl on her head threatening to disembark from its perch, not that she noticed. "Well, I have a very extensive selection for you to browse." She swayed as she spoke, taunting the mixing bowl. Daring it to topple. Completely oblivious that it was still there. "How are you enjoying the taste you've had so far?" She asked, ending her sentence with her head tilted Tiger's way. The bowl seemed rested where it was.... for a moment. Suddenly, without warning, the mixing bowl that'd been more or less content staying on Cocoa's head through all her motions decided to take a little vacation.

    It rolled down her forehead and turned over topside down directly onto Tiger's head. The contents gooping all over.


    Cocoa was mortified.... but also, it was incredibly funny. She stifled a laugh, cleared her throat and said "I'm so sorry! That was my bad. I forgot to put it down! Please don't be mad at me. You can have that Nightmare Moon Candy for free. Take ten more."

    She continued to panic, thinking she'd lost her first customer, not to mention ruined any chance with the handsome stallion that she only just started to admit to herself she kinda liked. Wait.... did that just come out of her mind-mouth? Hm. Interesting.

    • Like 1
  4. Hm.


    I must warn you, mine won't look anywhere near as good as the one you've got. That is some really spectacular art you have.


    Also, I'm not so sure I'll be able to do the pants. I haven't ever tried to do clothes. I have an idea what I can do.

  5. I done did do'd a do.


    I had already gotten halfway through drawing her before I realized there actually was an image on her app. oops. So she looks a little different, but hopefully not too bad.




    If you're interested, the braille on the book says "Forever Free for Everfree" and her cutie mark says "Vella"

  6. Not too late. As long as I still use this site, I'll likely still take requests. ^v^


    I'll take a look at your OC.

    btw, for anyone, if I finish one of your OCs, and you have another one you'd like me to do, as long as someone else isn't waiting for theirs done, you're more than welcome to ask for seconds. ;)

    • Like 1
  7. In the back could be heard a loud crash of something metal falling onto a hard surface, followed immediately by an exclamation of "Well, that's fun!"

    A few moments later, out from the kitchen emerged a mocha-colored earth pony with brown and red hair carrying a large mixing bowl on her head filled with a brown liquid one could only assume was some kind of chocolate. She looked at the newcomer with interest for a moment before she jumped slightly, almost upsetting the perched mixing bowl, and said "Oh! A customer!" she giggled to herself "Forgot I was running a business, for minute. Ha!" she went to the counter and addressed the new pony "Hello, and welcome to the Cocoa Hut! I'm Cocoa Nut!" she said, gesturing a little more than is normal, the mixing bowl teetering precariously on her head "How may I subvert your expectations, today?"

    She waved a hoof at the display cases full of confections of many sorts. Mostly, they were little characters made of candy. Celestias, Lunas, Nightmare Moons, a few of each of the six friends of Princess Twilight, and then there were others that appeared pretty normal, but had cards labeling them with odd flavors like black licorice flavored mousse, or hayburger hard candy. On the counter sat a sign that read "You name it, I make it."

  8. Cocoa-Nut.png

    Morning came to Ponyville the same as it did every day. For most ponies, anyway. Tucked away in a forgotten corner, sat a modest little building. Unassuming in it's appearance, aside from the large sign hung haphazardly over the doorframe. The sign read, in large bold red letters, "The Cocoa Hut" followed by the smaller subtitle "Exotic chocolates and candies for the adventurous tongue". Strung under this sign was a banner that read "Grand Opening Today!" in the hopes that passersby might be interested enough to stop by. The curtain was drawn on the display window, hiding what was going on inside.

    Cocoa Nut had worked tirelessly the night before. She wanted everything to be perfect for her new shop's first day. She'd dreamed of opening a confectionery since the day she got her cutie mark. She was putting the final touches on her giant statue in the display window when suddenly she exclaimed "Yes! That'll be great!" and abandoned her work to disappear into the back room. When she reemerged, she carried out a bowl of red candies and placed them on the counter. She giggled maliciously to herself, for a moment, before returning to the sculpture.

    When she could see the light from the morning sun peeking through the curtain, she decided it was time to open the shop. She pulled on a rope that hung by the window which opened the curtain revealing to the world what she'd been working on. A giant, life-like sculpture of Nightmare Moon, poised to strike. Under this was a card that read "Happy Nightmare Night". She stood and admired her work for a moment before depositing herself behind the counter to patiently await her first customer.


    That patience lasted about a whole five minutes before she'd gotten a random idea and quickly excused herself back to her back room, again, to do some cooking. The smells of chocolate, spices and fruits wafted through the shop as she worked.

  9. Co-Starring: Cocoa Nut.


    A new pony? In Ponyville? Bah! They're a bit a dozen. A chocolateer? That's... slightly less boring (obscure ref).


    Any friendly or curious ponies that would want to check out the new chocolate and candy shop in town called "The Cocoa Hut" (exotic chocolates and candies for the adventurous tongue)?

    Be warned. She may be a little much for some ponies. Maybe. Maybe not. Depends on her mood. And the phase of the moon.



    Please only one other player. If you have a pair of OCs, that's okay, but mostly, I just have trouble keeping track of too many players at once.

  10. Fixed!

    I'm really loving how she looks with the wings, now!



    edit: also improved the image quality on the cutie mark


    PS This character was really fun to do (mostly because she's so drastically different from the characters I normally do). I love her! I kinda want to see a concert of hers, now lol

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