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Posts posted by KaityKat

  1. Windward-Breeze.png


    Roleplay Type: WoE
    Name: Windward Breeze
    Sex: Male
    Age: adult
    Species: Earth Pony
    Eye color: Grey
    Coat: Sea green
    Mane/Tail: Sandy Yellow
    Physique: Toned
    Residence: Baltimare
    Occupation: Fisherpony. also carries freight and passengers from time to time (freelance).
    Cutie Mark: A sailboat with a wind.
    Unique Traits: He's always had an innate ability to tell when somepony's not being honest with him. He is incredibly talented as a sailor, but he doesn't have the rough exterior that most sailors seem to adopt.
    History: When he was a young colt, living on the wharfs of Hoofington, his father had taken him sailing, one day. He learned then that the only thing he ever wanted to do with his life was to sail a ship like his papa.
    One day, Windward decided he'd take his dad's boat out for a go, without his knowing. He snuck out in the middle of the night and went to the boat. He had a great time sailing for a while, and he was doing rather well by himself, before a huge storm suddenly hit. It came out of nowhere, and it was pretty bad. Windward was terrified. but he persevered. He remembered how his dad had once braved a storm, and followed along with his memory. First, he adjusted his sails accordingly and held on to the rudder with all his might. He fought the storm for what seemed like an eternity before it finally passed. At this point, he decided he'd best be headed home. So he brought the boat in and docked it properly.
    By the time he got home, it was already morning. His dad was waiting for him at the door. He took one look at his son and said. "Enjoying some sea air on my boat?"
    "how did you know?" asked Windward. His father said nothing but pointed at his flank. Windward looked down and there, where it had been blank before, was his very own sailing cutie mark.
    As his years moved on, Windward became something of an expert at the helm. He captained on many a ship big and small. He moved to Baltimare, where there was always work for an experienced sailor, and ended up where he is now. Working as a freelance sailor.
    Character Personality: Positive and outgoing, he's always willing to lend a helping hoof whenever he feels somepony needs it. Glass-half-full kind of pony, and always looking for the good in others.
    Character Summary: Windward has always been an optimist, despite a lot of things that have happened to him. He loves the sea and he loves meeting new people. He spends most of his days fishing, but on occasion, he'll be commissioned to ferry passengers or cargo, which he is all too happy to do. His innate ability to tell when others are not being honest with him has helped to avoid plenty of nasty circumstances. He'll gladly boast of his "unmatched" sailing skills (which are not wholly fabricated) given half a chance, as he is fairly proud of his abilities.





  2. Yes, the staff are pretty good with not making you wait, too long, on character apps. No need to tell them when you've posted, I'm guessing they just have the "Character Applications" topic followed (so they get notifications for every new thread).


    Don't forget to read Fluttershy's Creature Compendium, as well (there are more allowed races than you might think and looking here can even give you ideas for characters as well as inform you of what won't work, here).


    And if you haven't already, you might also want to read some of the rules threads.

    Most important, imo, are the site rules, and WoE RP rules.

    But you really oughtta read all the threads tagged "rules" under General Site Rules, and RP Rules and Etiquette.


    Remember that if WoE has too many rules for you (or you just want to do a more relaxed rp), you can always use the FFA section.

  3. My given (legal) name is just a bible name that means "Held by the heel" whatever the buck that's supposed to mean.

    But my chosen name means (does a quick google search) "pure" *holds back laughter* yeah. sure.


    [edit] I just used the same name dictionary thingy I just used on my chosen name for my legal name and it came up with "God Protects". I suppose at least that makes more sense. lol

  4. "You seem pretty good at knowing what the public wants." she started "I'm kind of looking for an idea to introduce for Nightmare Night." She explained "Something new and exciting, but something ponies will love." she popped one of the spicy candies into her mouth and walked over to the counter, gesturing to the bowl she'd placed there with the red candies. "So far, this was my idea." she hoofed the bowl over to him "You guess which candy you're getting. Then you try it. If you're right, you get a free chocolate. There's Cherry, Strawberry, Watermelon and Cinnamon." She giggled evilly at the last one.

    "Anyway, so yeah. It's not the most creative idea I've had." she frowned slightly.

    At this point, her eyes just began to water, but her face showed no other signs of being affected by the candy.

  5. Stellar looked back and saw the hippogriff with her wagon. "Oh, Celestia!" He exclaimed, blushing profusely "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- I was just-" he stopped himself I really need to pay better attention he thought as he backed away to position himself at the back of the line. Whispering a little "Sorry" to each creature as he passed.

    The embarrassment was so bad he thought about just giving in and maybe coming back tomorrow. but he stayed. Rose seemed pretty excited for her apples, and he didn't want to make her sad.

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  6. Stellar-Drift1.png


    Stellar Drift had heard about the event at Sweet Apple Acres. He was in Ponyville to visit his friend Compass Rose. She needed some more fruit, and apples were the last item on the list. He knew that if he'd come earlier, he'd have been socially obligated to participate in this kissing booth idea. He wasn't too keen on the concept of kissing a complete stranger, so he had waited until he was sure all the 100 kisses had been taken. As the sun began to lower in the sky, he figured he'd waited long enough. "No offence, Miss Applejack" he said to himself "but I'm just not interested in kisses. Apples, yes. Kisses, not so much." He made his way up the trail to the farm, thinking about what little he knew about Applejack. He knew she was one of the friends of Princess Twilight who helped save Equestria multiple times. That was impressive and respectable. He knew she was a farmpony (he only learned today through hearing of this event) which tells him she's probably hardworking. Another respectable trait. He'd also heard she was known for being the most honest pony around. Honesty is a very important trait, he thought to himself.

    He walked up the road, finally finding himself approaching the booth. "Oh, horsefeathers" he complained to himself "I thought she'd be done, by now." welp, he thought to himself, no turning back, now. He decided he'd better just get it over with. I mean at least it's somepony who he has respect for. He knew she'd probably respect his wish not to participate if he asked, but he didn't want to be rude.


    He sheepishly walked up to the booth "So... you must be Applejack." he started, trying his best to be casual. He wasn't very good at small talk. "I heard there were lots of apples that needed to be sold." he dug his hoof in the ground for a moment, not sure what he should say or do "So, um... do you have any, um..." he pulled out the list he'd been given by his friend "Ambrosia?" he read carefully "Yeah, Ambrosia apples. My friend really likes the sweet fruits, and she says they're the sweetest."

    • Like 3
  7. She blushed as she playfully slugged him "Shut up." she said "I just meant that you're a nice guy... don't let it go to your head."

    She thought about the question for a moment "Oh, yes." she said "I have a new candy that I want you to try for me. It's a brand new take on a cllassic." She handed him what looked like a butterscotch candy, but he would find out was more akin to a "Hot Tamale" candy.... but spicier. way spicier. After giving him a minute to suck on the candy, she held out a bowl for him to spit it into if he couldn't/didn't want to handle it.

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  8. She stopped for a minute.

    She fought back a tear, and said evenly. "You know what?" She continued scrubbing "I think you're right. Screw what they think." she smiled real big. Nopony had ever called her eccentricity brilliance, before. She'd always heard euphemisms like ".....different" or "special" but they'd always had a patronizing undertone. She wasn't used to being called brilliant...... she decided she liked it.

    "I like you." She found herself saying out loud. She blushed a little realising she'd said her thoughts out loud without meaning to.

    She interrupted whatever thought he'd started to entertain after she'd said that with "Alright! We're done! I think I got all of it. Unfortunately, your mane's gonna smell like vinegar for a while, but not much to do about that...." she said apologetically.

    • Like 1
  9. @SteelEagle sounds like a plan. ;)


    @szalhi I was thinking the same thing.

    The time jump, I feel, isn't really necessary, here (even if we just pretended we were in that time all along, and don't age up all our characters).


    Maybe we could have a way to label our rps. like an example: "RP name (Closed: person) (Post Time Jump)"

    or maybe somebody else can think of a better way to do it. That seems over-cluttered for a title. :/

  10. Flower Love



    Roleplay Type: WoE
    Name: Flower Love
    Sex: Mare
    Age: young adult
    Species: unicorn
    Eye colour: green
    Coat: yellow
    Mane/Tail: green
    Physique: average
    Residence: Ponyville
    Occupation: Florist
    Cutie Mark: Flower in front of a heart. She earned it while helping her parents run their flower shop. She has a knack for caring for Flowers.
    Unique Traits: Flower's skill set is diverse and far-reaching. The embodiment of the phrase "Jack of all trades, master of none" except for one thing. She is exceptionally talented at her job as a florist.

    History: Born to a couple in Manehattan who owned a Flower shop, Flower was always the overachieving little filly. She showed a real interest in learning for learning's sake. Her parents decided to take advantage of this enthusiasm and enrolled her in Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Unfortunately, this meant she would have to travel to Canterlot for a long time. While she lived in the student housing, she would write her parents every week. She was learning a lot at school, but she missed home. One day, the return letters stopped coming. Last she'd heard, they'd just had another daughter. Maybe they forgot about her, and they're spending all their time with their new daughter. No, she thought, that's not like them. She was nearing the end of her studies at the school, but she couldn't focus. Not with the worry she was feeling. So she packed up her bags and headed home to Manehattan. She found her way to her parents flower shop, where they should be, right now, and she stopped. What she saw shook her to her core. The shop had burned down. She was devastated.

    From that day, Flower Love eventually learned to move on. She abandoned her studies at Celestia's school and decided to start moving around. She did odd jobs here and there to make ends meet. She met some shady characters and learned to defend herself. As she grew up, and came to terms with how her life had turned out, she decided she'd carry on her parents legacy. She moved to the quietest place she knew of, Ponyville, and opened her own flower shop.

    Character Personality: Flower is outgoing and friendly. She's helpful whenever she can be. She's also strong-willed. She won't take crap from nopony, and she will call you out if she feels you need it.
    Character Summary: Flower Love has had a bit of a rough life, but she's become the mare she is because of the hardships she's endured. She doesn't dwell on her past, instead, she lives in the present and tries to make the most of life. She has many skills she's acquired over the course of her life. Most of them unrelated, ranging from hoof-to-hoof combat to exquisite flower arrangements. Mostly, tho, she just prefers to live a quiet, friendly life and sell flowers.




  11. [[WARNING: This thread may contain spoilers for the FiM series finale. If you still haven't seen it,what are you doing? don't read this]]


    I'm just wondering what, if any, changes will be made to Canterlot.com canon in light of the recently aired series finale.

    I know site canon diverges in many places from show canon, so I was wondering if we were going to update site canon to accomodate the changes that have taken place in the series. For instance the royal sisters' retirement, and Twilight's subsequent official promotion, relationships' updates and the significant time jump.


    Or will this be more handled on a "per-rp" basis?


    Just curious what the official say is for the site.


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