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Status Updates posted by PIJIN

  1. Slenderman :P

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. frenzyhero


      It's Slender. If you don't know about it then they must be an internoob.

    3. PIJIN


      Lol, maybe they get together to discuss the ways they freaked out when he showed up XD Sounds like a topic of intense discussion to me.

    4. frenzyhero


      You know what's scary in MC. Falling down a hole and land with and Enderman in your sights.

  2. So many RP character ideas! But I never play any of them -.-'

  3. So when your eyes start to water, that means you should peel away from drawing and get some sleep right?

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. PIJIN


      But I suck with Open Canvas! D:

  4. Some dude on the History Channel just said Lovin' correctly! ;_;

  5. Still procrastinating on homework..WTF is wrong with me?

    1. Kryptchild


      Same thing that's wrong with MEEEEEEEEEEE~

    2. PIJIN


      Its funny because I KNOW I'm procrastinating and accept it..and still do it. xD

  6. TABLET CAME! TABLET CAME! TABLET CAME! (School girl giggle)

  7. Thats an awesome picture on your profile! Who drew it! xD

  8. The end of Casshern Sins blew my mind... :C

  9. The lights in my house just flashed... o.O Slendy is near...

  10. The swag has been DOUBLED!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. abc


      i guess you could say your..

      20% Cooler...

      ..No? Anypony?..ok

      *Crawls back under tree*

    3. StarStorm


      Moonlight, you are the very definition of swagger!!

    4. PIJIN


      Call it, "Moon Swag" Swag so powerful, it sets the sun and raises the moon, at the same time. ...Twice.

  11. The thread... disappeared off the face of the forums D:

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. PIJIN


      I'm afraid to say prove it. D:

    3. abc


      ehem... PROV- This user has been terminated

    4. PIJIN


      Fuuuuuuuuuuu-(Runs away)

  12. The whole time that dude was trying to run, I was like, "STFU...and get knifed. (@YouTube http://t.co/EEcy8Kai)

  13. There are so many Canterlot residence that I don't even know....I must meet them!

  14. There have been a lot of new ponies joining the site lately...

  15. Think I'll go play some XBL. Got ponies to frag.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. frenzyhero
    3. PIJIN


      Please, my force field of awesomeness makes me immune to said Red Ring of Death.

    4. frenzyhero


      Just never play 68 hours straight w/o a external cooling system. I got the YLOD on my PS3. Lucky I had the warranty. Oh, screw you MW3 and Skyrim! You make me choose!

  16. Three Request Left!!

  17. Time to read Ben Drowned Creepy Pasta...again.

    1. TemplarFrost


      You, my friend, is the reason I turned my status update notifications off.

    2. PIJIN


      xD Why!!!!!!!????

  18. Time to stop being Mr. Lazy Colt and get done with these requests!

  19. Totally putting off this request when its sitting open in Illustrator right now... -.-'

  20. Trying for three request before I go to sleep tonight...

  21. Ugh so much to do...

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