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Staff Emeritus
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Status Replies posted by Dio

  1. One of those inexplicably happy days.

  2. Mornings suck.

  3. Ohmygosh! It's him! It's really him! They confirmed it! The circle is now complete! Ohmygosh!

  4. Like pawns on the chess board of the universe.

  5. Pony princess good. High school great~

  6. I wish I could just open my mouth and have guitar solo noises come out.

  7. Canterlot is functioning again! Now my campaign to spread Applejackism can continue.

  8. But if winter ends, my frozen heart might thaw!

  9. But if winter ends, my frozen heart might thaw!

  10. Beyond excited. The Dark Sectors have opened. My blade is ready.

  11. It's the Grineer.

  12. Sundrop, Cloudbreak, or Sunbreaker?

  13. HALP! I can't stop making OCs! I'm gonna drown in a sea of poneh!

  14. Apparently my fursona some kind of cat.

  15. April 1st? My day is here. I'll start with the bomb pies.

  16. I'd like to give a shoutout to Rosewind, Rarity, Diomedes, and the other awsome staff on Canterlot.com!

  17. Everyone gets a filly version of their favorite character to cuddle for an hour.

  18. My home internet is finally back up!

  19. Ever had a day where you end up with an ear-to-ear headache that lasts for hours for no apparent reason?

  20. How to advertise self for RP...

  21. Oh man, 2edgy4me.

  22. I was watching Gundam Unicorn today then I realised why not have one for each pony subrace... I stopped immediately when I reached "Gundam Alicorn". Never again.

  23. Jetpacks! Jetpacks for EVERYONE!

  24. That feeling when your college sends you a housing contract asking for a $150 deposit within four days when you're flat broke.

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