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Everything posted by Ashton

  1. Finished! I took a slightly different approach and focused a lot of Rarity's background instead of just recapping what we've already seen in the series. Comments are welcome and requested! It's only "WIP" because I cant have two "finished" apps at once and I'm waiting on pip to finish on Wed.
  2. Oh gawd I didnt even notice this pun! (amazing since in the early 90s it seemed every time I turned the TV to PBS Reading Rainbow was on...) Asthetically I think the firefly lamp is more amusing and appealing, though there are questions about efficiency, feeding, etc... (To wit I will quote "It's Magic! I dont have to explain nothin!") I am guessing Dash didnt have a ninja suit or she would have worn it, so she just threw on a black hoodie as the next best thing (and I'm going to agree with you post below, wesh, that she was probably just going for the 'cool factor' since her tail was OBVIOUS)
  3. Oh no! We're dieing! This is the first step, within a week the bronies will cease to exist...!!!!!!1!1!1!1!1!one!one!one!one!one!one! geeze... I'm a Dramavore and I dont freak out like that... It's been a year, we're firmly rooted in place now, as long as nothing major happens the bronies are going NOWHERE until well after the series ends. All it means is theres a new fad that'll be drawing attention away form us. the media frenzy may finally be dieing down, and we may get less overall exposure, but I dont think it really matters at this point (and I dont think a post on a meme site is that deep in meaning)
  4. I'm seconding that O_o... why... just why... I mean I could see celestia or NMM/Luna glowing in the dark, but Zecora? (honestly, I hope there is not a canon explanation for this...) I also see a re-tooled Rainbow Dash, but her mane looks WORSE than before! -_- I think I'm gonna be buying the sculpted plastic toys when I buy, their accuracy is higher, sad as it is... I really hope the decide to release some true 100%-show-accurate toys... There was an announcement recently on Everfree that Hasbro has added a guy to deal SPECIFICALLY with the Bronies - the guy that previously handed the Transformers franchise. you know what this means, right? MICHAEL BAY MLP MOVIE! (lol! J/k... atleast I hope...x_x)
  5. What nobody seems to realize is the timer starts as soon as an app appears, WIP or FINISHED, so I try to get mine up ASAP so the timer starts then.
  6. Then from my perspective, that would be fine, after all that's classic of a mad scientist (which is what your OC would likely be viewed as since most of these ideas would be viewed as "silly" or "downright insane" depending on the char/idea) though others may dissagree
  7. Personally, and keep in mind the staff may not agree, I'd think as long as it's not done too often and kept as a gimmic (with the record/radio idea - if he only thought of it while listening to a record while reading the newspaper) I'd think that would be fine, now if every post he's comming up with something new it would be very annoying (unless it's just a side note of "oh that gives me an idea! *scribble scribble*" - and even that if done too often would be annoying) In genneral repetition kills a joke.
  8. You know what, Phil. Right now I think you have the best shot at winning --- your the only one one of us that's managed to finish their App! lol
  9. ((I've been talking a big talk about how much I love, look up to, and relate to Rainbow Dash, but I've not been acting very much like her - Dash would never give up this easily, she wouldn't roll over and play dead despite the odds, So neither am I. I'm taking my favorite pony's advice and being more assertive, even if this doesnt get accepted I know I gave it my all!)) (Dont know if I need the "[Earth Pony]" tag or not since the topic tag is "FiM Cast") Roleplay Type: Mane RP Name: Pipsqueak "Pip" Sex: Colt Age: Foal (~10-12 in human years) Species: Earth Pony Eye Color: "Dark Scarlet" (Brown with a hint of red) Coat Color: White with brown patches "Pinto" Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Brown with light brown highlights, Tail is short while his mane is slightly long for a colt Physique: Small, but in good shape for his age; neither overweight nor underweight Cutie Mark: NA (He hopes it's a pirate flag) Origin/Residence: Pipsqueak was born and lived for a short time in Trottingham, however recently moved to Ponyville (see below). Occupation: Student and "Future Sky Pirate!" Motivation: "To become a sky pirate!" (hey, he's a foal, how many of us didnt want to be a ninja, a pirate, or a prince/ess when we were his age?) Likes: SkyPirates, Candy (especially the cream-filled ones!), Princess Luna Dislikes: Broccali, going to bed early, Ninjas Character Summary: Pipsqueak was born to a well-to-do family in Trottingham, which means he was taught many manners that he quickly forgets and is occasionally confused by the stark differences in his old home in an upper-class suburb and his new home in the rural town of Ponyville. However, he tries to make the best of things, even if it means he no longer gets to take an afternoon swim in a private pool. While he doesnt fully understand the reasons behind it, he is quite happy to have moved, in part because there are more Foals his age here willing to play 'pirate' with him, and because of the more frequent (though still rare) visits by the Princesses (Especially Luna) He still sometimes comes home from a unhappy day at school where other foals laughed at his accent and wishes there was a buttler there to fix him a sandwich. However, he is quickly growing accustomed to doing his own chores, which one might argue was an improvement and will make him a much better stallion one day. (To an end it will give him a wonderful perspective, having lived through both walks of life and be able to relate to those from either) While he may not have his own private pool, he did manage to keep most of his library of adventure stories which entertain him as much now as then. He frequently ventures out into the woods near his home to re-enact and extrapolate on the daring adventures of the heros, even though so far his greatest feat was saving a fish who had gotten stuck in a shallow pool of water after a rainstorm. Of course, for a foal his age, one just might consider that a commendable deed, especially when so many adults would have just walked on bye and left the fish to the slowly shrinking pool of water. The story behind the move is an unhappy one about a father who played a little too hard with his money, This cost him his rather large home and upper-class lifestyle. However, one might argue that it turned out for the best as it allowed him to re-connect with his mate and son... and possibly future foals... The humbling of his new job did wonders for the Stallion's attatude, taking him from a stuck-up suit to an average-joe he now finds himself with many more friends and in fact realized he's happier with others around than he ever was back in Trottingham. Pip's mother was originally the kind to stay at home, or rather, to attend social functions instead of working (not that she needed to). She is slowly getting used to "country life" with the help of her husband and with seeing how happy he and their son are, but it has not and will not be easy for her to fully adjust to the change - if she ever does - and she still longs to move back to the city... Pip spends his days dreaming of one day flying around the world in an airship having adventures grand and small - Batteling dragons and hords of griffens, discovering new lands, and occasionally saving cats who get stuck in trees. While he currently has thoughts of being a pirate on his mind, others have said that with his interest in the sky and it's vessles, its quite likely he will grow up to pilot an airship, or possibly even become some form of rough-and-tumble adventurer as he admires and imagines (neither of which Pip would mind, though currently he much prefers the idea of an adventurer or a pirate to the simple life of flying a "freighter") His school-life is fairly average, though he often does get teased for his 'upper crust' british accent and for occasionally being confused about the differences in the rich life he once lived and the simple one he now does. His grades are average, though he could easily improve them if he would spend more time studying rather than daydreaming. However, there is one aspect of school that he does love - being with other foals who he can relate to. Sure, none of them ever had a private carriage to take them to school before, and sure none of them ever spent an evening in an expensive costal resort, but more of them than back home were interested in true adventures. Also, much more important, he has learned things there that he never learned back home, not just math or writing, but life and living... Sickness knows not young nor old, mare nor stallion, and Pip has fallen victem to it as well, specifically, love sickness - While he is unsure of what the feelings he gets in his heart every time he sees that filly means, he is aware that he enjoys being with her, and that he misses her when he is alone. Perhaps pip's love for is nothing more than a childish crush, and perhaps he will grow out of it one day, or perhaps the two will share a cabin in an airship high over equestria while their own foals run about the deck, gazing at the ground far below. These things are both near and far in pip's mind as he spends his days. He does not know what exactly it all means, but he knows he is willing to do everything he can to help her in whatever way he can, his mind may jokingly see her as his 'first-mate' and he as a skypirate captain, but his heart, at least for now, sees something far more... now if he can only figure out how to tell her how he feels... Image: Video:
  10. I thought there were 5 mods... (though in retrospect I cant figure out who I thought #5 was...) D'oh! I need to get better at trying not to incriminate people... -_-* I would like to point out that the line between Gritty/Grim and Grimdark is very blurry... Sure some like Cupcakes easily fall on there, but 90% of what I read is a very grey area, and to date I've not finished Rainbow Factory, I have to be in a very special place to enjoy that... you know - the kind of place where you just want to blast heavy metal and destroy anything in sight... Not my usual fare... but also I'm not trying to change your stance, just pointing out that the line between "grim" and "grimdark" is very blurry and will vary from one member to the next... And awww I feel loved lol. I might come back sometime, I'm still working through some stuff IRL and... oh buck it, I'll be back when I finally finish my current RP app, it's been nearly 2 days and I've not gotten it done... Insanely hard for me to write, but at the same time, it's kinda a fun challenge
  11. I've got a funny one that unfortunately is probably colloquial. In some places (mostly the SE USA) when you want someone to move you tell them to "scoot!" well with me this of course devolved into "Scoot-Scoot-Scootaloo!" though to date nobody has noticed or if they do, they've not said anything.
  12. No no, BUILT I got it working, just ask Mulder or Jim! They saw it! (Of course it was just an RP device, the machine just moved sheep around with pistons, after all I would have needed a way to get sheep into cloudsdale otherwise, which is not an easy thing to do...) oh and I also destroyed it, Pika saw that from a very... close... vantage point I coulda had a secret Dungeon!? D'oh! lol I think one character might have liked that actually...... Honestly, you and your friend were the least of my problems, Star, I feel I kinda really P.O.'d two other admins on the server, so at best I probably should wait a few months for them to cool down if I decide to come back... O_o TMI only works for admins, you can check out it's page on the official Minecraft forums. I had it installed back in 1.0 and I can assure you that it only worked for me in single-player mode. Now she might have used one of the "force op" bugs, THEN used TMI, but TMI itself wont give normal players the ability to spawn items. . .
  13. And set off self-destruct mechanisms you foolishly build into your buildings, causing an entire 80x30 building and the mountain below to be reduced to nothing!
  14. I appreciate the offer, but if you check, my old place is burried in sand. I could tell I wasnt welcome. I dont mind giving advice, but I know not to go back. I don't blame anyone, I was too annoying and just didn't fit in. wow... ok, nvm then... that's just... wow... she had me fooled, I thought she was legit... little scary...
  15. I have not been on the server since the night the last version of the factory burned down, as of then everything was right (I would not remove 1 or 2 blocks, if I was going to demolish it, I'd have used TNT and left nothing but sand) though I'm starting to think it might be a good idea to just remove the tomb since it seems to be a focus of griefers... I know what they are, but I wont spoil the suprise for the rest of you. I will tell you this: Begin mining your diamonds NOW!
  16. Hey dont be sorry, I've done it before and will do it again lol And again, I'm sure your not as bad as me, name anything and I can show you how badly it can be drawn (without trying to draw badly) Be proud your a visual artist, some of us have to sufice with words and modifying vectors...
  17. What? no-no-no, that's not how you Spell "Rainbow Dash"! (lol love that joke sorry) you call that a "bad drawing"?!? I should post some of my work as an example of bad so you'll know your good! lol (oddly enough I can draw stationary objects marginally better than living ones) Seriously, though, that's good art, all you have left is to ink it and throw it into photoshop and it can rival atleast 1/3 of what's on DA (quite possibly more...) Keep up the good work!
  18. I just wanted to say that the loose diamonds she had were legit. She helped me with a project I was working on and I gave her a whole stack of diamonds over many days of work... ...the rest I cannot say, but the the loose diamonds were from me, so you can at least remove one black mark from her. Also, Gold and Iron aren't exactly uncommon, I had like 10 stacks of iron blocks after a week or so in my mine and more than a stack of gold blocks (though I was on the server almost 24/7, so it depends on how much time she spent mining) (Honestly the only really incriminating part I personally see is the bread, since even my farm, which can be seen from space, along with what I had on the spectrum, only gave around 200 wheat each time it was harvested...) Keep in mind I'm not saying she DIDN'T grief, I'm just saying it's possible if she was as obsessive as me that she got the items legitimately, in truth as little as I saw her on I agree it's suspicious, but I also dont know that she wasnt on the whole time I was off...
  19. If you look at the feed, you'll see that there was some lost, I'm just glad I had my apps backed up. Though losing a long RP reply did rather annoy me... Not much to add, In theory Pip will be approved 1 week from submission, so if your not going too strong by then, I might tag along since he's being treated more-or-less like an OC. Never mind, Fate decided to plot-rape me again. I talked about pip for months and no apps. I finally get around to making one and BOOM they start coming in... I'm sorry but there are only 2 characters I will try to top a 3-page app for and they're not likely to open any time soon... You guys have fun, maybe I'll catch another group RP in the future.
  20. Roleplay Type:Mane RP Name: Rarity Sex: Female Age: Mare (~19-25 in human age) Species: Unicorn Eye Color: Azure (light blue) with a darker blue Eyeshade Coat Color: White with the faintest hint of a blue-grey now and then Mane/Tail/Markings Color & Style: Curly with quite a lively bounce to them, ranging from Indigo to Violet Physique: While the rest of her is extremely feminine, her physique is less so, she's still distinctly a mare but she has enough physical capability to buck a mantacore in the face quite painfully. (Of course it should be noted that all of the Mane 6 use the same base shape - in my mind she would be a little leaner than the other mares, though not to the extent of Fleur) Cutie Mark: Three cut Sapphires Origin/Residence: Born, raised, and still living in Ponyville, though she feels far more at home in Canterlot. Occupation: Fashionista, Designer, Dress Maker (in order of her preference of titles) and Owner of the Carousel Boutique Motivation: To become a world-renown Fashion Designer (At one point her ambition included meeting the "Prince of her Dreams" though after her experience with Prince Blueblood, this has of course moved down on her list...), and to always be there to help her friends. Likes: Gemstones, Fashion, Her friends, and a low-fat cinnamon-apple latte on cold winters mornings Dislikes: Anything Ugly (though instead of blind hatred she desires to improve it), Diamond Dogs, those who would mock or hurt her friends. Character Summary: The Parents were overjoyed when they saw the small white and purple (Indigo! Not purple!) unicorn in their arms that morning at the hospital. Unfortunately, the small unicorn would not be as happy with her life at home... Rarity was born to a pair of very average ponies with no Fashion sense, which became a constant horror of her. She did not understand how they could not see the horrors of the clothes they wore, nor why they never seemed to understand how much her designs could improve them, always dismissing them with "Thats nice, dear" which pushed Rarity to focus harder on her dreams and desires, making her somewhat socially awkward at times. (Sadly a trait she never fully outgrew). While her parents traveled the world, she stayed home and worked on her designs, improving every day. However, much to her dissapointment, there was always something missing, something that she couldn't quite grasp that would take her designs from simply "good" to "Amazing!" she tried everything she could think of from expensive fabric she had to save fore months to get, to complex stitching, but somehow this one facet of design eluded her time and time again! None the less, she would keep on trying, her raw determination and her passion, this was what caused the spark that one night lead her through the wilderness, following her horn's glow as her magic took on a life of it's own! She finally found herself, in a rather sorry state that she would rather nobody see her in, on a cliff before a large rock. She was confused, and the confusion bred anger, she yelled at the rock and her horn, ready to turn and leave, when there was an explosion, sending a shockwave out that split the rock down the center, each side falling open to reveal hundreds of gorgeous gemstones, then came the magnificent rainbow wake that made every stone shine more colors than they ever did in normal light! Rarities eyes seemed to glow as she felt her breath taken away by the marvelous sight. THIS was what she had missed, THIS was what would take her designs to the next level, THIS was her DESTINY! Quickly Gathering the stones, she made her way back to Ponyville and added them to her current endevers - costumes for the school talent show. While everyone had said before that her designs were very nice (she had gotten so tired of hearing that) they were now awed by them, earning her critical praise from those in attendance, and, more importantly, her Cutie Mark. Rarity now, having learned what she had been missing for so long, began to create more and better costumes, gowns, and assorted accessories for Stallion (if only she had more creative freedom with the stallions, she could have made the so handsome...) Her designs improved each day and it was not long before she was able to begin selling them outright, at first only getting enough bits to cover her costs, then she began to be offered more, while she would never overcharge anyone, she welcomed the extra income and began saving towards a new goal - to move out of her house where she had to face her parents. She loved them dearly but they simply did not understand, and her mother was always offering her unwanted, though well-intended, advice. This was becoming even more abundant now that Rarity had a little sister on the way. Part of her hated to leave her parents, but she knew if she wanted to reach her true potential she would have to strike out on her own. Thus, day by day, bit by bit she slowly began saving until finally she had enough to get her own place. Unfortunately, her love of art and design got the best of her, though, and while she had the money she did not have the design, so she set about designing her own shop. While her skills in clothing design helped her tremendously, she was not the best at architecture, and it took her almost a full year to complete the design to her satisfaction. By this time her sister Sweetybelle had been brought into the world, and while she loved the foal dearly, sweetie was constantly messing up her designs, whether by playing with the 'shiny gems', rumpling the expensive fabric, or spilling different liquids all over her sketches. To make matters worse, her globe-trotting parents often left sweety at home when they vacationed and expected rarity to baby-sit the disaster-prone foal. She absolutely had to get out now, before she had a nervous breakdown. Life changes, everyone tells you this, but nobody really tells you how to cope. For rarity, her first day in her new place was a mixture of awe, horror, and frantic decorating. She began with sweeping out all the dust that had been missed from the construction, afterwards she unpacked her fabrics and sewing machine, it was only a matter of time before the windows all had matching curtains and even a matching bedspread - except for the fact she lacked a bed, or for that matter a table... she had let the artist in her get the better of her again and this meant that she was heading out as the sun set to try and find a bed and at minimum a table and chairs... hopefully some that were elegant as well as functional... but at that hour what she ended up with was a measly folding table and an over-stuffed couch that would need to be recovered when she had the time. It was far from her dreams, but it would suffice for now... This pattern continued for rarity as the seasons changed, slowly she assembled her business, slowly she bought and often altered furniture, it took time and effort, but nobody would ever say she was a pony afraid of hard work! She might go about it a little differently than most and take care not to harm her well-groomed mane or polished hooves, but that didn't mean she was afraid of spending hours on any project, no matter how small, to make sure it was done properly! Rarity was a perfectionist, such was her greatest fault, and such would come back to bite her in the tail many, many, many times over the course of her life... It was during these transitory years that Rarity first met Fluttershy. The yellow mare had just moved to Ponyville from Cloudsdale (though rarity eventually learned that "moved" wasn't quite the term that should have been used...) Rarity having been looking for a pony to model her clothing line, she ran into Fluttershy, and though the Pegasus politely turned her down, she did recommend the then-new spa that had just opened up in town. At first Rarity was a little reluctant to go there with Fluttershy, having just met her --- a touch of the awkwardness that still haunted her from her foal years of pouring herself into her work (which she unfortunately still did at times), but upon seeing how much more awkward it was for the other mare, Rarity relaxed and agreed, years later it is still a weekly get-together for the pair. This was also when she met Fluttershy's Foalhood friend Rainbow Dash, and while Rarity and Dash didn't exactly get along, their interactions were not entirely unpleasant for either of them. (Except when Rarity made the mistake of asking Dash to model for her, and she had to almost chain the pegasus down to keep her still --- sadly Rarity's desire to use dash as a model has over-ruled her reason and to this day she still occasionally ropes in Rainbow, even if she does have to deal with keeping the spectrum-maned mare still long enough to finish...) It was during one of these such get-togethers that rarity mentioned what a change it was to have moved from her home with her parents and sister into her shop where it was so empty. What surprised the unicorn was how enthusiastically fluttershy suggested she find a pet, she had never seen the yellow mare so energetic before. Rarity had considered it at first a passing thing, but as soon as they left the Spa, the pegasus practically drug her out to the edge of the everfree forest where her cottage was. Rarity, though not amused by the sudden change in schedule, nor the less-than-pristine area, decided to humor her friend and browse the quiet mare's offerings. They went over everything from parots to puppies, snakes to spider-monkies, and bats to bullfrogs, none of them piquing rarity's interest and a few downright disgusting her, though she fought with all her effort to keep it hidden. Then, just as she was about to make an excuse to get back to her shop and take a nice hot bath, she eyed the tiny white ball of fur curled up in the corner. It was a mother cat who had just had a litter of kittens, the beautiful silky white fur, the gemlike look in their eyes, and the pitiful mews of the kittens was too much and rarity's heart melted then and there. It was not long before she found herself gushing over a small prissy kitten she had already named Opal. Taking it home, she felt a turn-about in her life, the dull and quiet studio felt much more at home now, more warm and welcome, and she found her productivity doubled! This increase in productivity did not go unnoticed, The mayor, needing someone to help with decorating the town for the Summer Sun Festival. Rarity saw this as an amazing honor and indeed a step up in the world for her. The Princess herself was going to come to ponyville this year, which meant that not only would the royalty see her work, but all the paparazzi who followed would be exposed to it as well! This was her first true big shot and she couldn't blow it! While she was decorating she was surprised to be interrupted by a unicorn --- and a baby dragon who was almost drooling on the floor. For a moment Rarity wondered if the dragon had a mental condition, then she realized he was simply in awe of her beauty, which made his infatuation tolerable (Though over time she and spike have become much closer, she still thinks about this first impression and laughs) Rarity almost dismissed the pair outright, thinking they were just visitors, untill she heard they had been sent from Canterlot by Celestia herself! Not only had this mare -who sadly seemed lacking in the fassion-sence department- lived in canterlot, but she knew Celestia! This was too good of an opportunity! Rarity had to make a good impression on them --- and help Twilight with her rather dreadful mane... of course it wouldn't hurt to add some other adornments. With a little work... Unfortunately for Rarity, and fortunately for Twilight, the latter bolted while Rarity's back was turned. Luckily she had gotten twilight's mane straightened out, and it appeared that the unicorn had indeed liked the saddle, so it would be an improvement. Rarity felt her heart still thumping though at the thought of Canterlot, she would have to find a way to hear more. By luck she heard about a welcome-party being thrown by the local hyperactive self-proclaimed "Party Planner" Pinkie. Rarity had seen Pinkie around town, even finding herself at some parties that the Curly-maned pony had thrown, and while she had fun they were not quite her cup of imported herbal tea... None the less, she resolved to make her way to the party as well. The guests were many in number, and from all over the town, Rarity spotted her friends Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash, as well as the local owner of Sweet Apple Acres, AppleJack. It seemed everyone was getting to know Twilight, so she mingled, after all even the farm-pony seemed to have cleaned up for the party. To rarity's suprise she had a difficult time finding Twilight, seeing her only a few minutes before she was lost in the crowd (later finding out twilight had excused herself to go to her room for a nap, or rather to hide from the "crazy ponies" but Rarity prefers to believe the former) As it would happen, though, dissaster struck... Near the end of the night when everyone had left the party to reconviene at the city hall for the Princess's appearance (rarity was quite dissapointed by the lack of paparazzi) it became clear foul-play was afoot, as the previously imprisoned Nightmare Moon made her presence known, having kidnapped Celestia and locked the moon in the sky above "forever". At first, rarity felt somewhat powerless, this was a dredful turn of events, and she knew little more than the old pony tales that her parents had told her as a foal. She headed for the library, thinking she might find something there, a desire in her heart to help everyone, and was reminded upon arrival that Twilight had taken up residence there. Upon hearing Twilight's declaration that she would defeat nightmare moon, rarity felt the desire increase and unify into a single direction - she would help them all by helping Twilight, If they could somehow defeat the menace that had risen once more, then it would help everypony in town! It was during this trek that they faced many perils, but the one that hit Rarity closest was the plight of a roaming Sea Serpent who had been disfigured by Nightmare Moon. Rarity felt the scale's pain, she could only imagine how she would feel if half her mane had been lopped off abruptly and jaggedly. It was her decision to give of herself that would earn her the Element of Kindness. Which, in a bizarre turn of events, could have been the very thing that saved the life of Princess Luna. When the final showdown came and the Elements were activated, The others all were thinking of nothing but destruction of their enemy, but the kindness in Rarity's heart begged not for destruction, but for salvation and redemption, to sure the mare of the night of her wickedness, and this was enough to divert the elements just enough to save Luna from a dark fate. Over the years, Rarity has come to learn many things from her friends (and in turn teach them a few as well), such as believing in those you trust most, Never forgetting who your true friends are, and to look past appearances. While her kindness has at times cost her dearly in both bits and threatened her sanity (such as when she undertook the making of five original designs for her friends' gowns for the Gala and then redesigning them to their specifications (even if she felt they were making horrific mistakes, she cared more about making them happy than her own opinion or workload)) and that sometimes there are more important things than bits and beauty - namely family (having reconnected with her younger sister at the local sisterhooves social). While she still has much to learn and far to go, she knows she can do it with the help of her friends! (even if they do often need some guidance in fashion!) Relationship Status: Rarity spent much of her adult life looking for her, very literal, Prince charming (and much of her foalhood dreaming of him) However her dreams died a rather cruel death when she found him and realized that his beauty only ran skin-deep. After a rather unpleasant night she left him in a rather messy pile of cake at the Gala. This, unfortunately lowered her standards a hair too far, making way for a short but heavy relationship with a large boulder named Tom. After Rarity came to her senses and threw tom out on the street, it's come into question wheather she is still looking for the stallion of her dreams, or if she will decide to settle with an over-infatuated, but good and honest, baby dragon. Misc facts: -Rarity was paterened, in part, after Scarlet O'hera from Gone with the Wind. -The G4 (FiM) Rarity was actually a transplant of the G3 Rainbow Dash's personality (in return G4 Dash gained the personality of Firefly, from G1) Image: Video: Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X300hf89Ju4 +++
  21. I Love this idea! *loves seeing psychotic twilight-esque breakdowns* If I get approved in time, I'm there! (and even if I don't, depending on the location I might throw Hale or Dunes in as a chaperon, the later especially is likely to have a breakdown under stress... Hale... um... she'd either freak out and cause a hailstorm or break down and cry, depending on how things go... not sure she would fit well...)
  22. I like this and I would participate if I had a Foal ready (Working on an App, but it's not submitted much less approved, for Pipsqueak) Love the idea and (dont take this the wrong way) I hope it doesn't get too far along by the time I can join!
  23. My stance on this, which has never been adressed in-series afaik, is that magic is a force of nature, and the horn is the focal point. Theoretically and pony that somehow got a horn propery "wired in" to their brain (so to speak) would be able to focus magic. Likewise other creatures without horns can focus it, possibly in less effective ways (I'm a fan of the idea that ANYONE can do magic with the right tool and enough training) Example (from one of my fanfics, and depending on interpretation possibly very slightly canon): Fluttershy has a connection to earth and the animals, allowing her access to Druidic spells after enough practice.
  24. *GASP* Social Blasphemy! Dont you know it's the government (school) and TV's job to raise kids?! </sarcasm> I wanna know what planet you two are from so I can move there, Everyone I talk to seems to think I'm crazy when I say that parents need to be more active in their kids lives... T_T
  25. lol. Quite alright, we all have brainfarts. Just letting everyone know that the next comic was posted. Reminding everyone that they are posted on Wed and Sat - the next could I wont be able to mention here because they have some "above G-rated" themes... (nothing nasty but things probably that the mods dont want mentioned on the site)
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