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Everything posted by Therainbowtroll

  1. Lol My user name acctully has a bit of a story Well my first high school was crap. I soon moved to an art school. The kids here always had interesting clothing. From blue hair to steam punk the kids were really colorful. I decided I would wear my (You guessed it) Rainbow coat with matching hat. Thats right. A few years before I went to my new school I went to the royal winter fair that would happen in Toronto every year. And thats when I got my rainbow coat with the matching hat. Its still a fond memory. Anyway when I started wearing this people started to notice. Especially the kids out side by the bus stop that smoked weed all day. They decided to call me " The Rainbow troll." Apparently it was an insult. But it was the absolute opposite for me. I LOVED the name and used it every wear. I even made a children's book based off the rainbow troll Lol
  2. Oh and this is a bit off topic but I just noticed your art gallery! Its very nice!
  3. Yes that is true. I wanted rainbow hair beacuse my nickname is well....the rainbow troll lol. The only color I really like other then that is red. Which does also make sense because I am Canadian. (Red and white) I was going to be a flutter pony but its agents the rules here Also the hair style is a problem. >.>
  4. The closest thing to awkward was when I am in the toy department sometimes the little girls that come get a little scared. Heck Im much older then they are so its understandable. When that happens I back off so they can look as well.
  5. This episode really exited my expectations. I thought it would be some crappy girly story with a MLP twist. I thought it wasn't up to its hype....But oh god was I wrong.....Me and my buddies were to exited and always surprised when the next step came into place...I do wanna know. Where did this new princess come from? I think she rules over another part of thier world....And I think RD did kiss FS...I dont care what anyone says!
  6. Well for my original idea I had white and rainbow hair....but then I read a "Dont do this with your character" thread and well it threw me off...So Im not even sure now.
  7. That does help a bit Don't forget fluttershys freaky knowledge of sewing A big problem I failed to mention is the actual design. I kind of want a different body style to match my own but I still want it to look good....And the colors are a whole different story. I have tried the pony creator and drawing a base....ugg I'm a mess
  8. This issue has been bothering me since I started watching MLP. Its not really a serious problem but its been bothering me majorly. The problem is making a pony version of me. I always change my mind and always re change it. I do this because I want to be represented well...and fit the rules of this forum. Because here the rules around characters can be a bit tight but for good reason. For my pony self I feel I would be a unicorn. Cause I value knowledge and the unicorns seem to be the most academic of the three species. And pulse they can do magic...how awesome is that?! I also feel my special talent is psychology. I love studying it. I would gladly do it for the rest of the life. And not to mention I am currently taking psychology and getting a pretty good mark. I am also pretty good at art. (Atleast thats what people tell me..) But alot of people online have that as thier special talent...Rightfully so. What I want help with is...well how did other people do it? How did you desighn it after yourself while makeing it appealing? Did you base it off your actual talents or talents you wish you had/your intrests? Do you just base a pony off dogs while not being medically trained? Anyway I hope someone can give me advice...I would appreciate any feedback
  9. I celebrated by haveing a season 2 marathon. We watched ponies untill our brains melted.
  10. When I show them the show I start with the fluttershy "yay" clip. Works everytime
  11. I dont like Snips...hes ugly and annoying.
  12. Ill get my unplesentness out of the way first Dislikes: *Rarity's new attatude. She seems more stuck up in this season and MUCH more selfish * Too many rainbow episodes. Two in a row is a BIT much.... * Rainbowdash got alot more rude and snobby in this season as well. * Lack of songs. * NO SCOOT EP! Shes my secound fav pony * No talking roles for the durpster Likes: * The "find a pet" episode! *Derpy easter eggs * The songs that are in this season * Twilight isent the "perfect" lil student anymore! I LOVED it when she went nuts. She got bumped up the list of my fav ponys to like 4th when she wasent even on my list * Twilight acctully has a personality now * WHEN SHE DANCED IN THE NEWEST EP! Omg she was soooo cute with her lil toung sticking out...She was trying so hard to dance It was sooo cute * PARTY CANNON! * "OH NO! MAH SISTERS SPEAKEN FANCY!!" * Flutter***** * More Zecora appreinces * Hooity Tootie and Photo finish apprences I might add if I can remeber more
  13. Wow...Its just a show... Its such a silly thing to fight over.... I also have a little story about my like of my little pony being challenged. Ok. I moved into my collage residence in late August which is when I met my roomate. I told her I liked ponies (Hell she saw all of them on my tv) And she dident seem to care that much. Had no problem with it. As the moths past she became inconsiderate to my space. No room on the table in the kitchen, keeping me up at night, keeping alcohol in the fridge (were both underaged so if they found it we were both responceibul), haveing a hot plate (HUGE FIRE HAZORD) and wost of all she prevented toilet clogging by...throwing her used toilet paper in the trash RIGHT BESIDE THE TOILET! Worst thing: She broke one of my vauble possessions. Didn't apologize. She tryied to hide it from me...That was the last straw so I told the RA. She wasent happy about that. But she was breaking the rules and makeing me feel uncomfortable. And since Im paying 6000$ a term to live there I have the right to feel comfortable in my own room... ANYWAY The thing about ponies: After I watched the then newest ep of MLP (The Rainbowdash tank one) I wanted to draw her cuddling with tank. I thought it was so cute that I hung it on my name tag of my dorm. (*NOTE: My name tag= my space)Next day I found a note on my fridge."Move the pony please...oh btw Im moveing out." I was danceED. I knew this was beacuse she was mad at me not beacuse she had a problem with the pony. Passive Agressive much? So you wanna know what I did...I posted another one I wanted to hang a picture of pinkie pie on my door (A picture I drew) I wanted to make her look like she was standing on the door lookie hole. Anyway. Day went on as useual. Then went to my dorm and saw they were gone. She posted them on my door....Disrespect to my expression of myself in my space....I was SO mad I was shaking. I had the right to hang up my art no matter what the subject matter is. I payed money to live there and this is a right of mine. Anyway. I put them in thier rightful places and waited. I called by bf over to help me make sure I dident hit her. We talked about it. Her being very rude saying "I have the right to throw your art in the toilet/trash." "I dont like it cause its stupid." "Your acting immature." Next day she moved out....she moved out over a paper horse....and IM immature? Anyway, I stood my ground and now i have ponys all over my door. (I had to take the pinkie down...she got defaced Gee wonder who THAT was.. So the lession here: Dont let anyone censor you. Like what you like. If they want to have a tantrum about candy colored horses then fine. Hopefully they will grow up and relise that other peoples interests arent something to have tantrums about.
  14. Well for one I LEAVE my collage residence. I am planning to leave next week Thursday....I CANNOT WAITE I useally go shopping for my family and wrap gifts. I love trying to choose the best gift. Then after that I go shopping with my parents for chirtsmas dinner. While waiteing for Christmas I try to beat as many games as I can. I also usually get the newest edition of my favrite manga Negima to read while I Waite for Christmas. I also try to spend as much time with friends as possible. This year my boyfriend/best friend is staying over! IM SO EXIGHTED! Were planning to stuff a stocking for him! Im so happy! For my wish list I want: My little pony crap >v< Pokemon plush (Adino) 3DS Games And so on...cant think right now. For new years I HOPE to get a pinkie pie custom plush....for a graduation gift X3
  15. Ahhhaaaa. I love it. some people threatened to leave the site oh well XD. One of the people I watch said `` Im takeing a vacation during pony week..``
  16. http://askmrscake.tumblr.com/ ~
  17. Sounds good to me! Sweet Tweet had never had a cress sandwich and to be honest she dident quite know what it was. But she was determined to make new friends even if this meant eating starange sandwiches. I personally hope they have french fires at the place were going to. Im addicted to thoughs things! All of a sudden a little green humming bird flew past the three ponies. Oh my gosh! I cant beileve it! Sweet Tweet said as she was caceing it.
  18. One thing I hate is when people on DA SPAM the hell out of photoshop and call it "art"
  19. Your art is wonerful! I espchilly LOVE the Twilight Sparkle at the top. You have a great talant Do you have any tips for other artists? Such as anatomy or coloring?
  20. That sounds good! I love going to the town center for lunch. They always have such tasty things! Sweet Tweet smiled and statred her way to the town square. She walked slowly so they other ponies could keep up. Is there any place you guys wanna go in particular? Sweet Tweet wanted to be sure that she didnet choose the wrong resterant. She wanted to make new friends so badly.
  21. Sweet Tweet smiled. She dident want the pink pony to know that she was not as wealthy as her but she did like jewelry. Oh thats quite nice. I would have a Tiara myself but you see I live in clouds dale so if I drop it its gone forever. She said with an akward smile. She smiled at Silver spoon. Mmmmm food.That sounds nice right about now. Would you guys want to get something to eat? She hoped they would say yes. She does love makeing new friend. Even if they are roughf around the edges.
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