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Everything posted by weesh

  1. Well done. I wouldn't have minded seeing any of the apply family that already wears a cowboy hat riding the bomb. But I can't think of a single pony who is both competent enough and crazy enough to really fit the character in the movie.
  2. The characteristics of Bronies are most meaningful in the context of the whole. Sure some of them, like gender are obvious. But I don't know what the curve looks like for age. Anything that you can get good data on is a good candidate for the next survey. I don't think all of the questions need to be positive either. Rates of depression for instance. Maybe the industries of the professionals? I long a form do you think you can get away with?
  3. I agree that there is bravery in admitting your fears. What impresses me is the confrontation of your fears. One of the most memorable scenes form the movie "The Rock" was... Not that I could actually watch that part. I share his fear. You should see that movie if you haven't yet. Sean Connery is great, and it is the only Nicholas cage movie that I like. And for myself? Lets just say that I am not on track to impress anyone...
  4. Wow. That makes a huge difference. I was confused for a bit because you switched the colors from the chart. What about a gender gap? My guess is that it is closing but that it still exists. Comparing a group of 50:50 versus one of 86:14 might be misleading.
  5. I am going to agree with you but go out on a limb and suggest that it isn't healthy. Perhaps someone can come up with an example that will change my mind.
  6. Even as a joke this hurts the engineer in me! I'm currently working on a square building in which the original architects decided to put north down on their drawings. Every project since has been forced to follow suit to maintain consistency, and it is painfully confusing. Every time I talk to a contractor I have to rider my statements. "The door on the west side of the building, and the right side of the drawing..." Speaking of engineering, I bet you could make a killer trebuchet out of zap apple trees. Did you see how far those three ponies went after the slip? And now I know the construction material for the catapult that RD built in "Applebucking Season".
  7. I agree, this even tops the "I will now perform my people's native dance" thread. You set the bar pretty high with the Dr. Strangelove reference in the title, and had no trouble clearing it. Welcome!
  8. In the USA, "right" generally corresponds to conservative and to the Republican party, while "left" generally corresponds to liberal and to the Democratic party. Are you saying that the Liberal party is Conservative and the Labor party is Liberal? The specifics may or may not be interesting. The TIME spent would be. "About how many hours per week do you spend watching, discussing or creating fan material for MLP?"
  9. I would vote for Sparkle/Dash. Sure the country would go down in flames, but I bet it would be cool to watch...
  10. Ah, that makes me feel better. Good Idea. On the topic of controversial questions, religion, race, and income would be interesting. Does liberal/moderate/conservative translate well worldwide? Perhaps you have a set of optional questions at the end? And now a list of innocuous off-the-top-of-my-head suggestions: *Rural/Suburban/Urban *How did you find MLP? (allow for multiple selections) *Why do you enjoy the show? (allow for multiple selections) *What could the show do to improve? (allow for multiple selections) *What other TV shows do you watch (3 pull down menus) *MLP related teasing/discrimination *Offline MLP events and friends *Pegasus, Unicorn or Earth Pony ranking. *Which character do you most relate to?
  11. Coder, could you clarify what you mean by sliders for your favorite ponies? That seems more complicated and open to abuse than simply ranking your top three or five.
  12. Weakest of the five x-men movies but worth a single viewing. I might have felt ripped off if I had payed full theater price.
  13. I was thiiiiissssss close to missing the "My little pony: Statistics are Magic" So far my second third favorite part is the Mississippi comment. Edit: the letter was excellent! Also, the only question I would have liked different was the merchandise one. At the time, the only think I had bought was iTunes episodes. I think I picked DVDs, but that was unsatisfying. Thank you for all your great work!
  14. Alright, I've never quoted an entire thread before. I agree with you all. Inspiration is an interesting thing because not only can it come from anywhere, it frequently comes from where you least expect it. Creativity in one field is often the results of study in a completely different one. The following is the oddest example that I have and one of my favorite memories... --- Back when I took voice lessons, I was given a cassette tape and recorder so I could audition for an upcoming solo. One side had the song, and the other side was blank. After singing along with the song a few times, I recorded myself. Then for whatever reason, I fast-forwarded to the end so I could switch sides and listen to the song again. When it had been over for 10 seconds or so, I stopped it. Then for whatever reason, I recorded a short note to my teacher thanking her for the hard work she put into the class and then promptly forgot about it. A week later or so I saw her again and she told me with tears in her eyes that after listening to my singing, she had let the tape play to the end, auto switch to the other side, listened to the whole song and let it keep going long enough to hear my message. She didn't do this for any of the other auditions. Apparently she had had a rough week and was feeling depressed until she heard my message. I think it is possible that I was the most inspired person that day. It was a spiritual experience for me.
  15. This is my favorite Clint Eastwood flick. I am sure that has nothing to do with the fact that I lived for 15 years within 10 miles from the setting. Owning an American car absolutely is related to that fact though.
  16. The first one was easy: Click HERE to see why Celestia is an exciting character to me. The second was a harder choice. I have liked what I have seen from Luna and anticipate seeing more of her. Fancypants has surprised me with his loyalty and open mindedness. I don't care about any of the level three characters, but I think I still selected a few.
  17. I saw "Blazing Saddles" (A Mel Brooks loving parody of Westerns) for the first time last night. It was the kind of thing where I mention that I had never seen it, and 30 minutes later we are all gathered in the living room to right the wrong... And it was worthy of the hype. Before that was a documentary called "Power Trip" that pits the people and companies of the nation of Georgia against the Western Power company that has come in to fix their power grid. Georgia has never had a stable grid, but power was free under the USSR. thus when a foreign company comes in asking the citizens to pay for the power there is a horseapples storm.
  18. Perfect! And right on time for the first game of the season!
  19. I used to be embarrassed by the most trivial things. And they would haunt me for years. It turns out that I hated myself, and thus couldn't understand why others would love me. This made me hyper-sensitive to minor embarrassments, and I couldn't let them go. When I realized for the first time that it had all been a pernicious lie, I was instantly healed of the old wounds. I am still embarrassed from time to time, but they no longer have the debilitating effect, or length on me. How trivial you ask? Once I wore blue to a concert when everyone else was wearing red. No one ever mentioned a thing to me about it.
  20. My long answer is in my posts in this thread: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/5280-how-fun-is-it-to-rp/page__fromsearch__1 My short answer is "no".
  21. That was quite strange. I was enjoying guessing who they related to each pony until I noticed the pattern...
  22. Rainbow Dash as Ned Flanders?! Yeah, that is now the strangest thing I have ever seen.
  23. I'm sorry to have been AFK for the last 9 hours... I do see how it looked offensive and trollish. I regret the ambiguity. I will give anyone who asks a bad review of the activity as surely as I would give bad reviews about the books and movies that I hate. The year that I RPed was an influential part of a year that has defined much of who I am today. It is part of my story. In order to know me, you need to know about that year. I have thus even told a handful of my friends who didn't ask about it.
  24. Davroth: Um. No. Um. I stated that one of the things I tried was escapists in nature and one of the things I tried was disappointing writing. I think it is an addictive hobby that draws you into it, consumes lots of time and gives little in return. I think the draw to it is strong enough that you cannot generalize about the people who participate. My best friend is an extensive RPer, and I don't look down on him for it. I feel sad for him because I can see that he is not uplifted by his habit. I am sometimes offensive, impetuous, and slow to think online. If any of you are still offended, I would appreciate you telling me. Publicly if possible, but PMing is good too. I want to speak truth, even if it is uncomfortable. I do NOT want to judge people or make hurtful generalizations. And above all, I do not want to damage relationships.
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