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Status Replies posted by weesh

  1. Someone once said life isn't easy. I think being single is far more difficult.

  2. I just got my second nielsen survey! By saying that I watch MLP, I represent thousands of MLP viewers in my area!

  3. Wake me Up, Before You go - go,..Don't Leave Me Like a Yo - Yo

  4. Heard on "wait wait don't tell me" today: "A walk-man is, of course, a device that plays cassette tapes. Cassette tapes are, for our younger audience...oh wait, this is NPR, we don't have a younger audience."

  5. Anyone else read Vgcats? XD

  6. Trust no one. Show no love, love will get you killed

  7. Fill in the blank:Scootaloo: "maybe we should try to get out Cutie Marks in ___"Applebloom "haven't we already tried that?"

  8. You're gonna go far, kid c;


  10. The hardest part of canterlot telephone pictionary is the waiting. I want to show off my artwork NOW!

  11. Bought some stuff for the pharmacy before travel. Pharmasist: Have a safe travel! Me: You too! (Awkward moment.)

  12. "and the worms ate into his brain"

  13. Are you ready to travel? 'Cause I sure am! Let's dooooooooo diiiiiis!

  14. I have decided to reread all of the Calvin and Hobbes comics I own. Should be fun.

  15. I am now officially a French tutor at my school for grades 7 and down! Woot!

  16. One more day of class, then I can devote my every moment to you again, Canterlot!

  17. "There are many ways to die. But the most important way is to die free." Read that on a Syrian protesters sign. :'(

  18. Never gets old, does it? Nope. Kinda makes you wanna... Break into song? Yup.

  19. You ever direct a status at someone, but they don't even see it?

  20. Never gets old, does it? Nope. Kinda makes you wanna... Break into song? Yup.

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