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Everything posted by Rosewind

  1. Welcome, welcome! Anypony who loves Luna is awesome!
  2. I loved Hunger Games. The next two books...eh, not as much. I would say give them a go, but read them with reservations. Currently I'm reading...a lot of college textbooks. So much fun! For pleasure, when I have the time, I'm working on A Whisper of Wings by Paul Kidd. I'm also a big fan of the Redwall series; I've read all of the books, save for the last one. The author died last year and I can't bring myself to read the last book he wrote. I totally would love to pick up A Song of Ice and Fire, since I actually watched the Game of Thrones series and found it very entertaining.
  3. I've watched it a few times when it was on. It was definitely entertaining, but not enough to really hook me into serial viewership. I can also see how it could make a lot of Star Wars fans cringe. I suppose it would be the equivilent of making Friendship is Magic in rendered 3D instead of Flash -- how awkward would that be?
  4. Hi there! I have to agree that your name is SO AWESOME! Welcome to Canterlot!
  5. I always keep hearing about this series -- didn't it get cancelled not because it sucked, but because of some internal problem?
  6. I'll take the Jelly Stallion!
  7. Like Wily said, this statement started as a meme. I don't see the problem with using love and tolerance as things to live by, though -- especially in an intolerant place like the internet.
  8. Interesting topic. Here's my two bits: RD is sort of Hub's unofficial spokesmare, besides Pinkie Pie. If you look at all the Hub commercials, a lot of them are voiced by Ashleigh (RD's VA). I like to believe RD is popular (she is one of my favorites), but I have no real data to prove this -- I think all of the Mane Six have their own fan groups and people that don't care for them as much, as with anything. So, what does this have to do with anything? It subconsciously puts Rainbow into the viewer's mind. She is a pony with high aspirations and a strong personality, so I think it would be only natural for people to take a stronger artistic interest in her -- for good or bad. All those slashfics or whatnot that feature RD as a victim are designed to offend...if you choose to take it that way. To give an example, I actually liked reading Cupcakes. I didn't like what happened to RD, but it took her character and put it into a really terrible situation. It gave surprising depth to her, and actually made me like her more. So you could say that some of the people that write or design content with RD getting hurt or acting OOC probably like her quite a bit, and they're just exploring more of her character by putting her into a horrid situation; they're literally loving her to death! I know that might sound strange, but it is what it is: an exploration of the character brought to a different, and surprisingly deep level.
  9. They're probably off following Trixie, wherever she is!
  10. Celestia on a ritz, Ash! That's some crazy counting skills there. Now imagine all the money Hasbro would make if they'd give us our Season 1 box set with extras... Get counting!
  11. What about her redesign? I didn't like it at first -- I liked the original Luna from the pilot. Buuuut, the new version is definitely growing on me. Now that I've actually given it a chance, I sort of see how it was necessary to make her appear older and more developed (with the flowing mane especially) in Nightmare Night. She's quite an adorable and complex character; I hope they explore her more.
  12. I think the story behind Celestia/Luna -- and their longevity and place in the world -- is probably one of the most sought after story elements to date. I'm sure we'll eventually get some background on them outside of what we got in the first moments of the pilot, and if they are related to Cadance. The mystery is just so thrilling, isn't it?
  13. For getting all of 2 seconds of face time she certainly has a lot of fans! Her inclusion demonstrates to me that Hasbro is watching us more carefully than we believe, and this latest move is genius -- they can hit their target market and us at the same time.
  14. Taking my FiM example into account -- FiM is "new" enough to 1. Attract a new, huge audience that it was never intended for. 2. Changed a lot of the attitudes behind entertainment designed for girls. 3. Demonstrated an unprecedented production quality with an animated television series on a limited budget. 4. Changed how character design is expressed in a cartoon series. 5. Brought together thousands of people from all walks of life to celebrate their passion over said series. Do you think a large number of existing ideas could magically come together to accomplish everything I just listed, or is there some "X" factor at play here that has some greater purpose? A remix does not make a cult classic. An original idea executed well does. I never said that anyone who did 3D was lazy. I think the producers that take a movie that was not originally designed with 3D elements and edits them in, then markets the thing as a new product -- that is "lazy" business practice. I also agree it's smart business, because instead of producing a new film with all the costs involved, you take a film that's already been sold, and literally sell it again to a possible new audience, as well as a dedicated older one. As I said before, if you feel it's a good value (and I'm sure plenty of people do feel this), then all the better. This topic also extends beyond movies. Taking my game example again, a lot of older games are getting ports. I've bought games I already own so I can experience them on a different platform. I wanted to play it on my handheld device instead of my PC, so I felt value and made the purchase, even though I know it took the publisher very little effort to put the game on a new platform. Then again, maybe they did have to put some effort into it. Who knows? As for my other reasons for disliking the 3D, I didn't spearhead with that because I felt the business practice argument needed more discussion. I think all of my reasons carry importance around my argument, and I do not disagree that just because something doesn't take a lot of effort, that people should not find value in it. I just feel there should be balance, and that if something is going to be rehashed, it should include more than just 3D to put itself across as more than just a cash grab.
  15. Oh no, we're second place to another meme on a cheezburger network site. Whatever shall we do?!
  16. I love the pony meltdown episodes -- so fun! Some fans might not like Lesson Zero because of Twilight's behavior, but it was a very important set up for the rest of Season 2 -- it allowed future episodes to focus on other characters besides Twilight, and focused it has! I didn't like Over a Barrel, except for the opening scene. The whole bit with the buffalo and the Appleloosa war...eh, it just didn't seem to come together and it was way too predictable. Mare Do Well was also one of my least favorites because RD was so out of character to me, and I'm sure I'm not alone on this.
  17. Looks like Hasbro is finally running out of their G3 stockpile! Huzzah! I'd definitely like to get the BG pony set. I'm glad white Celestia is coming out, though I agree those wings look bleh. Does this mean we might see more of Pon-3? Imagine the fan freakout. Trixie too!
  18. Nothing new under the sun? Everything is rehashed? How about new content that is inspired to be awesome? Look at how My Little Pony got redone to Friendship is Magic. Here's my take away point: if producers improve their content, maybe adding more to it, and the 3D complimented it instead of setting it as a selling point, I think I would find the business motive behind it more palatable. That doesn't mean I disapprove of them making money; it's smart business and if I was in their position, I would probably be recycling already-made content to make more money because the production cost to profit would not only be smart, but profitable. However, this paradigm of recycling content can only sell its nostalgia so far -- to the point that all we will get are movies we've seen before because it's less risky to produce those than something new. This trend is already deeply present in the video game industry with the rampant "sequelitis" seen from many video game brands. Investors would rather throw their money at a sure thing than a new IP that might fail, but the end result is that we don't get anything new or interesting on the table...or the big screen. Is it cool to hate on 3D, or do the people that dislike it have geniune reasons for disliking it, besides the obviously lazy business nature behind it? I personally do not like watching 3D movies because I find the effect distracting from the movie, they make my eyes hurt, and they give me headaches. Does that mean that I'm joining a bandwagon to hate on 3D because it's cool to dislike it, or are my reasons of real validity?
  19. I think making money by entertaining people is a great idea...except when it's using obviously recycled content to do it. So, not only is the company getting you to pay for a ticket for a rehash you've probably already seen in the theatre, you're paying more money to do it because of a tacked-on gimmick. Whether or not you're getting a good value is clearly in the eye of the consumer. If you enjoy the Star Wars prequels, this release is something with high value that you will likely pay for. For everyone else, it really does look like a cash grab. It's a niche market to be sure, and a lucrative one at that. This. I suppose for some persepective, the audience this is targeting was the one that was probably too young to see the movies originally in the theatre, people who missed it, and, of course, hardcore Star Wars fans that would like the big screen experience again.
  20. Is this true? *rubs her hooves together grinning Lesson Zero-like* Oh yeah, welcome, Horse! Original name. I like it. It also gives me an excuse to post this:
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