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Everything posted by SilverSwirl

  1. I know somepony who makes pony hats! His dA commissions journal entry: http://wolferahm.deviantart.com/journal/Pony-hat-comissions-open-251401988 He is a member of the MN Bronies Facebook group and only ships in the continental US but it's quite affordable! Does OC hats as well as cast hats.
  2. Name: Silverbolt Appearance: Humanized: Around 6' 2" tall with a slim build and cobalt blue wings. Has great endurance in the wing and legs from his part time job delivering packages. He wears bomber's goggles with lenses that correct his near sightedness but has a pair of standard eyeglasses for when he isn't flying about. He wears camo shorts and standard white socks with athletic sneakers and a thunderstorm themed t-shirt with 2 tone blue hair: 1st tone, sky blue and the other tone is blue ice kept short and slightly spiky. Personality/History: Found here: Present: At Hoofington High, working with a package delivery service part time and making a modest living. He can afford to splurge on whatever captures his fancy every few months. (hope you like it!)
  3. Tim Curry for sure! Give him a slightly villainous character and oh boy it will be epic! Spoilered for the younger members
  4. I don't even have a character posted up to be apped in but Cainam made it sound like that it was closed up in his last post.
  5. Cyclops would also be pretty cool but the one I would love to see would be Beast. He'd find Twilight and they would hit it off and never want to leave her home and library
  6. Timid looked up at the Duke and replied to his inquiry nervously, "I came back to say I'm sorry for laughing at your error. I would also like to apologize for running off and declining the fudge you offered. I hope you can forgive me, your grace..." He bowed his head as he thought, I hope he can forgive me!. The Princess' encouraging nod not forgotten by him as he opened the bag of chocolate fudge and eating several pieces. "Mmm! This is the best fudge ever!", he exclaimed to all and sundry before holding up a piece to the Duke with a smile now that he had apologized for his behavior.
  7. Silver is neutral with basically everyone except: Twilight Sparkle (player dropped out): Acquaintances Fluttershy: Friendly terms JAYZEe: becoming friends but something deeper may be developing!
  8. I don't know if I will participate in any of this but I like the idea! I start looking at the threads and my creative cogs sieze up.
  9. Timid was waiting for the Duke to respond but it seemed he was busy with a pony he had never seen before. His nervousness and fear rising with each passing moment as he thought, I'm a bad colt... I should have stayed home. His desolate thoughts were interrupted by a face entering his field of vision and Timid crawled backward a few feet in surprise as he recognized the pony as being the Princess! Looking at Cadance, his fear nearly became panic as he imagined her raising a hoof and the guards pouring out of the fudge piles to carry him off. He cowered in her presence until he saw her smile and his shaking ceased as he listened to her explanation before she offered her gold clad hoof and commanded him to rise off the floor. Grasping the hoof with his hoof that was tiny in comparison, he allowed himself to be helped to his hooves by the Princess. He then responded to her speech in a low whisper, "You didn't roll on the floor like I did, your highness. Besides, you are royalty and are allowed to take liberties like that. On the subject of not debasing myself, I better explain why I am so timid. Back home, before I came here, I was the only blank flank on the island and ceaselessly bullied. I discovered that it was easier to do what I was just doing so they would not give me a hard time. It got so bad that I refused to leave home after I exhausted our library's selection of books on magic and not finding my purpose in life.... I'll try to not debase myself in the future, your highness." He managed a weak smile for her before it disappeared and his nervous look returned.
  10. Hawkeye, Avenging Equestria everyday
  11. The Tick would be hilarious to see in MLP
  12. "So I get to choose which city we visit first." Silver thought to himself as Boss announced the result of the coin toss. A look of deep thought returned to his face as he replied to Boss, "Let's visit Ponyville. It will have more familiar landmarks and we are less likely to get lost." He was ready to take the road to Ponyville but halted as he also heard the noise. "Yeah, Codex, I heard it too.", he replied with an excited smile. When Codex volunteered Boss to investigate, he held up a halting hoof. "Now hold on, he shouldn't investigate alone. Safety in numbers, remember? We do it together!", he said with authority as he moved towards the bushes.
  13. Derpy would be the Element of Clumsiness
  14. I apologize for being slow in the rp threads I'm in. I've been stressed out over all this testing to give me some help in finding a job that is a good fit for my skills and mental issues. Plus the price of these services is several hundred dollars and I can barely afford it.
  15. I know of an etsy seller who makes 3d clay portraits.... Give them the photos of your face or whatever you want done in 3d and they'll make it! Don't know the address but I saw it painted on the side of a red 4 door yesterday.
  16. I am interested, Lux. I may be holding up the conclusion of Sweet Meets Pinkie thread but I have writer's block in that thread.
  17. He's only in it for his favorite dessert.
  18. He isn't evil, he's just self-centered
  19. Silverbolt looked up at them both with swirling eyes. The impact had left him dizzy, seeing little copies of Nero flying around his head through the cracked lenses of his goggles. Hearing the concern in their voices, he responded, "I'm a little dizzy and my wing feels alright if only a little sore from all the rehabilitation exercises. Aside from that and the headache from the collision with the wall, I'm fine."
  20. No, I Was busy reading Blitzing the Field a M/M RD and Pinkie Pie fic.
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