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Everything posted by DannyMirage

  1. Thanks! I totally forgot that about the moon! and thanks for the feedback! I'll fix those asap
  2. I vectored a background for a scene in a Flash animation that my group plans to release soon. I could use some feedback on it, I think it's missing something... it's mainly going to be focusing in the middle (zoomed in) and pan up to the moon.
  3. Last song for a good while. (I mean it this time) I made this in one day although it took ALL day. http://soundcloud.com/dannymirage/stuck-in-reverse
  4. Thanks, Tales. Skype still amazes me X)
  5. So guys, I'm putting together a spreadsheet for you guyzez available times, It looks like there's going to have to be 2 meetings just because there are people from 2 sides of the earth. whenever we do this (still gathering info right now) I'll be present to both meetings, and I'll make sure to cover everything in the other meeting as well. if things feel too cut off I'll either email or find another alternative (I think "groups" on skype keeps every message so everyone will be able to see it even people we add later so it'll probably do fine.)
  6. I can help, but I have a project of my own. If you get me some screenshots of the areas you descibed I'll do some work on them. also, I assume you mean 8-bit (or similar) not just anything that falls under chiptunes?
  7. I wish I could play an awesome instrument like the Sax... however I would need more of a full orchestra sound than one instrument, however I'll make a note on you, something might open up that we'd need someone with your talents
  8. Awesome chords! the bass isn't very loud though, but nonetheless sounds great
  9. Someone called shotgun on organizer, so that's covered. I'll be contacting everyone very soon.
  10. I hate to say this guys, but I can't accept anymore writers right now, the group's at a 1:3 ratio (one out of every 3 people is a writer) Right now we need vector artists, concept artists, and animators other than me(I don't want to be the only one doing ponies). Also, I could use someone to help with organization, once we get started officially I won't have very much time outside of animating and working. Those of you who don't think you can help right now, don't worry, we're going to need people with free time (literally the only thing you'll need). I'll have more info on this later, probably this summer.
  11. OMG! Flash resourses?! Heck yes!

  12. Alrighty, I'd like to see a sample first though
  13. Haha, my mom just found out that I'm a brony. she doesn't like it.

    1. TheAmazingDashie


      Well tuff!

      Bronies for life!

  14. sorry guys, I didn't get either of your emails... check that you're sending it to dannymirage13@gmail.com If you did send it to that address try my alternate: daniel101393@yahoo.com I don't know why, I haven't been getting personal emails, I'll look into it. Nevermind, Google put it under "spam" I'll respond to your emails asap
  15. Okay, well if you have any questions, just ask away and I'll make sure to answer them. (I don't know what you want details on exactly)
  16. Sorry Tenkan,I didn't find it in my emails... Could you send it again?
  17. This is probably the first song I've gotten this close to finishing this entire month. Feedback's nice, I'll take some if you have it. oh, and it's not really finished yet, i need to add pads and the extra stuffs. http://soundcloud.com/dannymirage/chocolate-wip
  18. Hey guys, there hasn't been that much action on this post, but on a different forum, I've been getting a lot of responses. Right now I have a writer, a video editor, an animator, an effects animator, an electric musician and a male VA. of course im counting myself in the group, but that 6 people so far, but like I said, I could use all the help I can get. I would like to have at least twice as many people helping in this group. I could use another of each, and some artists! Vector artists, concept artists, and story board artists, I need you!
  19. This is so cute! Just out of curiosity, how long does it take you to vector full color pictures?
  20. Hey, I'm a little picky, could you make the ear start and end at the same points? I like what you did though, it makes my part that much more interesting.
  21. You'll have to pm me bro, I only have my PC when my mom's asleep.
  22. I'm sorry to hear that, if there's any way I can help, let me know.
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