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Everything posted by DannyMirage

  1. Haha, I'm on Canterlot more than facebook :)

  2. I'm starting a new method... "tweening" (somewhat), hopefully that takes less time. I think it's the same method that Black Gryph0n uses, but I'll never be sure.
  3. Happy Easters y'all!

  4. That's pretty logical actually, I think I might do that instead, except the other way around (animation on the weekdays and music on weekends). Sadly, I didn't even think of splitting throughout the entire week, I was thinking day to day basis. I'll give that a try then, although I know I'm gonna eventually break the rules.
  5. I'm only asking for opinions here, that doesn't exactly mean I'll actually make a change. the reason I'm asking is because history has proven that I generally do things wrong, and when I do things wrong... well, things... blow up. actually this is more of a time management thing, I do have deadlines to keep up with (I'm in a couple projects where I'm an animator/vector artist) I don't have any in music right now though.
  6. My sleep pattern is so messed up.

  7. Pretty cool, bro. You inspired me to remix this
  8. So, I have multiple hobbies unfortunately the two I like to do the most are the most time consuming. I'm animator and a musician, animating takes me a while because I do frame by frame and I'm a perfectionist, and I'm catching myself making music more. I'm in a couple projects where I'm doing animation in and I plan to study animation in college anyway, however music seems much less time consuming and I get the end result much sooner (which motivates me to do more). I'm thinking I should put my music aside except for projects I'm hired in and focus my energy on animation but I'm gonna hate not working on music... so really the question is, which is more important? Should I focus on animation? Or should I enjoy my music hobby while I'm still in highschool? (I'm not BlackGryph0n, I can't do both)
  9. lol No sudden movements
  10. DannyMirage


    really cool! I like the sparkly effects!
  11. That's true, that's just my method of madness
  12. If you're planning to go the route of FL studio start with LMMS, it's a free program and loads many sound fonts and comes with plenty of sounds to get you started. If you end up liking it I would advise you get FL studio, you can load vsti programs like massive or FM8. Look up drum samples on forums or websites. Word of advice though, worry about about your melody and rhythm first, the sounds don't matter so much at the very beginning you can add effects and change the sound of your bass and synth later. Always organize your work, don't slop it together, otherwise it'll take you longer to figure out what you're doing than you'll want. Last and not least, effects on everything. Bass, drums, synth, everything except for samples with effects already on them I don't like to use those though. You always want "dry" vocals (vocals without effects) and little to no backing vocals. The last thing I'm going to say is make sure your track has a good balance, equalizing works wonders.
  13. Hey guys, I'm still looking for writers. If you're interested inbox me
  14. Time fer sleep and whatnot.

  15. What do you want me to do? Im doing frame by frame and it takes some time.
  16. I've actually put this behind me since I got a new writer, If you do want to contribute later when It's closer to finished I'll write your name down.
  17. Nice! lol made me laugh I thought your voice was good for this too
  18. Yeah that would definitely help, if nothing else I can edit them.
  19. about to freak out, I just discovered that I can freehand ponies! :D

    1. Tenkan


      My goodness, that's awesome, but you just reposted seven times! xD

    2. DannyMirage


      Whoops, I did it on mobile I didn't look like it changed lol

  20. Are there lyrics for the song? or do you want us to write lyrics? I sing decent but I can't write lyrics very well.
  21. okay, most songs follow this pattern: Intro(if it has one), Verse 1, Chorus, Verse 2, Chorus, Bridge, and then a strong ending chorus usually played two times. Some people use different patterns but it's rare to hear a song with a different pattern in the top 40 or something like that (I don't think Skrillex or metal bands follow that pattern). you could try merging the verses (if they work like that) or rewrite the verses so they are twice as long as they currently are. that way people won't be sick of the chorus by the end of the song that's why so many people hate "Chocolate Rain" it's one verse played repetitively, the same chords and same melody made it really annoying. I pretty much live around horses/ponies and I've never seen any in a relationship with the same gender. If they feel that way about another, I wouldn't know, They usually don't talk to me about those kind of things.
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