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Everything posted by tacobob

  1. While I love 'Smile', 'The Perfect Stallion' is by far my favorite song for the series so far. Just perfect. Songs like those would make a soundtrack an instant purchase from me. Some come on guys! Gimmie an official MLP soundtrack!
  2. I -like- Trixie, but I'm not sure what her goal was. So far, pony-peeps like Flim & Flam, Iron Will, etc were in it to make money and Gilda was there to visit an old friend and make trouble. Trixie was there to entertain, but she seemed to spend most of her time insulting or making fools out of the citizens of Ponyville, which probably wasn't the smartest idea, considering she was by herself, and there was probably more than a few ponies with access to buckets of tar and feathers...
  3. We can always wish or wonder out-loud who should pop up in the show, but not get too upset if it doesn't happen...Honestly I would like so and so to appear, but I've also been happy how they've been playing with our expectations so far..
  4. I'd love to see Gilda and Trixie, but if it was between the two,it would be Gilda since she had a long past with RD.
  5. Yeah, how do you think they play water polo?
  6. Speaking of Flight-School, what's the deal with Scootaloo? She's like a 'tween' and she can't fly? It seems Pegasus pretty much known the basics of flight at a very young age. Even shortly after birth. Even Fluttershy who's considered a poor or weak flyer was out and about when she was Scootaloo's age. Hopefully we'll get an episode of the show that deals with this..Duh duh duh daaah!
  7. And saddles. Someponies wear 'em. Why? Who is riding them? Actually, I'll let that part be a mystery for me.
  8. Either that, or she's like Fluttershy, but instead of being good with animals, she's just good with fish/other underwater creatures.
  9. Meh. For every other half-er...bottomed lazy comment, "YOU NO HAVE LIFE BRONY MAN!!!!!!111" out there, there are a ton of well written articles/blogs out there done by peeps who ACTUALLY WATCHED the show and came out very surprised on how good the show is.. I'm surprised to see more than a few of them, from the usual snarky AV Club, to even a rather glowing review of the show on a site like "Movie-Censorship.com" (Which did a comparison of the Derpy censorship..).
  10. We got the really cool "Duck Season/Rabbit Season" tribute in the latest episode of MLP, I have a feeling "Baby Cakes" was inspired by Chuck Jones' "Rocket Bye Baby". Even the Cake kids look like Chuck Jones babies.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzKm6jlR9Gw
  11. You'll be glad you did. It reminds me alot about MLP. Both shows look cute and simple at first glance, but are far more than meets the eye! AT is a tad bit darker considering it takes place after the Apocalypse..Hmm. Just noticed all my favorite AT episodes were written by Rebecca Sugar. Wonder what she could do with MLP.
  12. I dunno. Maybe he was able to unlatch himself from the cart so he could sit down for a moment and then just hook himself back up before leaving. Ha! They forgot to collect their money!
  13. Yeah, it was a hit on Adult Swim and it sold MILLIONS of DVDs.
  14. Well, toys and DVDS! Look what happened to Family Guy. The ratings were usually pretty awful, but it sold a ton of DVDS. So the show was brought back... If only they put out a MLP DVD worth buying!
  15. The cuteness factor of this show always goes up when a pony is either defeated or overwhelmed, so they roll on their backs like puppy dogs. So cute.
  16. Wonder what the Mare to Stallion ratio is in Ponyville. There's got to be 20 females to 1 male there, as you hardly ever see any guys running around. Not like that's bad or anything...
  17. Nah. She was just showing how long she was in the hot tub. And she must have been there very long to prune hooves!
  18. The movie just got 20% more cooler since the very great and very underrated Billy Connolly will be playing the head dwarf, Dain Ironfoot.
  19. I do like the name of this topic. I keep picturing one of those old 1940/1950's film strips. "THE FUTURE OF THE ATOM!". But you got Derpy in a white lab coat with a few test tubes at her side. WHERE WILL DERPY BE IN THE YEAR 2000? (Shows Derpy flying around with a jetpack and knocking BUILDINGS OF TOMORROW over.)
  20. Ha! Only took one Rainbow Dash to defeat Starscream!
  21. It's basically one just really long story. So I guess it's serialized. If that's what you mean. If reminds me of MLP in a way. They took out all the crap that made the previous versions unwatchable and made it cool. And like MLP, the creators are very fan friendly. They have blogs and whatnot and encourage fans to chat it up with 'em. And 2..It's suitable for teens. There is violence, but not the bloody kind. People do die. On screen.
  22. Oooh! I'm a Someone now! Wooh! I've enjoyed it so far. It's the toon I WOULD HAVE loved when I was a kid. Don't want to ruin it for you, but it's alot of fun. You'll probably see a proper season 1 DVD of this before you see one for MLP.
  23. I now have a decent Droid Optimus..er..prime..V..Good phone. Great camera and video recorder. Does everything well, but play games...BEFORE that, I had a VERY old phone, not 1, 2 or 3, but 4-Evers! I really must of had it for seven years. It didn't do anything well, except make phone calls, and it was sturdy as heck..I must have dropped it like a zillion times...From all sorts of distances. However, it did not survive my Derpy moment when I left it on top of my car for an entire summer day during a rainstorm. Derp.
  24. Ha Ha! Look at you fellas talk'n about some girly show! Har Har! *Goes back to watching MLP*
  25. I dunno. So far they took two series that I HATED when I as growing up. The Thundercats and MLP. Shows I wouldn't touch as a little kid...And they really did something great with 'em. Wonder what other shows they could bring back and ACTUALLY make something fun with...Hmmmm. And the He-Man series that was done a few years ago wasn't that bad. Shame it didn't last long.
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