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Status Replies posted by tacobob

  1. Why does 100 Country Kisses not show up in my notifications!? XD

  2. Anyone know how to make an character application 

  3. Wooh-Hoo! Two more months till we get fresh horse!

  4. So, I started working on a new fanfic and used the picture of a human Applejack as a cover art. Well after several people saying my art and story was God awful, I had enough and deleted the story. (Sigh) Maybe I should stick to writing for better endeavors and cease trying to draw humans. 

  5. I'll be leaving Sunday morning on a week long trip for medical business, and to get married! I don't log in to the site from unsecure connections for security reasons, so if you need any help, please contact Dio or one of my Moderators. Thanks!

  6. i4PtCnY.png Slowly working on my posts..working on my posts..finally have some free time, but not enough inspiration, so I am working on my posts...working on my posts.i4PtCnY.png

  7. I am trapped by a dude who has spoken non-stop for an hour.

  8. Anyone know the players for Trixie and Thorax?

  9. Anyone know the players for Trixie and Thorax?

  10. Question for all of you who read MLP fanfics: What types do you like? Romance? Adventure? Slice of Life? Sad? Dark? 

  11. Think I caught up with my posts...

  12. My community reputation is 69.


    Just putting that out there.

  13. Anyone here into anime that could point me towards some good ones? 

  14. Love the art ya have!

  15. Did the unthinkable yesterday.  In order to save money on my household budget, I downgraded my Dish TV package.  Lost access to Discovery Family in the process.  When the new season starts, I'll just watch on YT.

  16. Interested in a sort of "S6 finale" rp with Starlight (me), Trixie, Thorax, Discord, and perhaps Chrysalis.  Anyone else interested?

  17. Wow. Apparently there was an official MLP/Transformers crossover.



  18. Currently playing Animal Crossing New Leaf!  Its so cute and pure.  ^ w^

  19. I'm that weirdo stalking your RP log. Wanting to RP with you, but having no plot to contribute, so I stay in my corner...and stalk.

  20. WAAGH! Why wasn't I following you so that I could see all of your wonderful art as soon as it's posted?! :o

  21. They're censoring cider? Now it's juice? really? o_o

  22. They're censoring cider? Now it's juice? really? o_o

  23. Sad day for me. My grandmother passed away today at the age of 90.

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