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Everything posted by Jane

  1. We can save the Crystal Ponies with their his-tor-yyyy!

  2. Because I live in Sydney, Australia. And in Sydney, Australia, it's 7 o'clock Tuesday evening. As for hints on how to make your character, I'm not RP staff, so someone who is would be better to ask, but since I'm here: try to picture him as a background or secondary character in the show. Would he fit in? As far as we know, Equestria doesn't have too many orphans, and certainly no ponies living in poverty, no mental disorders, and only mild disabilities. Don't aim for something tragic, aim for something lighthearted and fun! A weapon could be a cutie mark if it's for sport (such as a competitive fencer or an actor who likes to be in plays containing battles) or if it's necessary for their job (one of Celestia's royal guards? That would work). As for the Pinkie Pie face, it's just this smilie : D sans space. :D
  3. Admittedly, it was a little bit late in the day to be setting up shop in the crowded marketplace. Cherry Berry couldn't help it though, that the dramatics club had been holding auditions so early in the morning, preventing her from getting to the market on time. She was determined to make something of herself in show pony business - maybe she wouldn't be a super-famous actress, but one day she would get her opportunity to shine on stage. It was in her blood - sort of.The director had given her one of those "that was a nice try" responses at the end of it, putting the pink pony in a less than cheery mood. Grumbling to herself about him being unable to see her true talent, she had gone home to hitch herself up to her small sales cart and was now on her way to the Ponyville markets to set up shop for the afternoon. Her cart was loaded down with her usual mismatch of goods - on one side, veggies like carrots, broccoli, parsnip, turnips, and tomatoes (yes, yes, she knows tomatoes are a fruit, and Cherry Berry would thank you for not making any snide comments on the matter), as well as her usual jams, preserves, cherry pies, cherry cobblers (the dessert, not her father) and cherry turnovers. Upon entering the marketplace, however, Chibsy had been shocked to notice Lyra and Bon Bon standing next to a charred-black cart. She gasped with surprise. "Oh my goodness, Bon Bon, your cart!" she gasped as her amethyst eyes fell upon the scene of destruction. There was absolutely no doubt in her mind as to who the culprit was. "Let me guess? A certain grey pony with a yellow mane and bubbles for a cutie mark?" she asked the candy-maker and her lyre-playing counterpart. The annoyance in Cherry Berry's voice was unmistakeable as she scanned the sky above for the Pegasus in question. ​
  4. Hello! If you're looking for pony friends, you've certainly come to the right forum! Welcome to Canterlot!
  5. Hey Zeke, welcome to Canterlot! Pinkamena Diane Pie is one of my favourites, too, probably because I'm a lot like her as well. Cool! It sounds like you've been RPing for a while! I hope you like our site! If you're really super excited to get started, I would recommend starting out in the Free-For-All (hereafter referred to as FFA) section of the board. You have a lot more freedom there to do your own thing than you would have in the Mane RP section (which I think is what you were getting at there). I hope you have as much fun here as I have!
  6. Whirligig liked this unicorn a lot! (She usually liked every pony she met a lot, but that was beside the point) And she couldn't quite believe their good fortune; who better to show them the city of Las Pegasus than a local? He would know the sites, the best restaurants, the greatest shows, he would be able to show them everything! And what was more, he was opening up his home to them! That would surely go much, much easier on Whirligig's bit purse. She glanced at Flashbomb. Had he not just said that the prospect of staying in a hotel in this city was a little bit frightening? He certainly seemed to be rethinking this trip. Whirligig would have to do her best to try to put him at ease again."Oh, bluebird, that would be simply wonderful! Are you certain it wouldn't be too much trouble, having us stay with you? We wouldn't want to impose, but I must say that it would certainly put my mind at ease, not having to stay in some crummy budget hotel. We're simple weather ponies, you see, and not at all from well-to-do families with fortunes to spend. The train ticket here was pricey enough. Oh, but I do hope everything turns out for the best - I would hate to have come all this way only to have a terrible time. Yes, let's go leave our things so that we can know that they're safe, and after that, I simply cannot wait to see and experience the very best that this city has to offer! Don't you think that would be a terrific idea, Flashbomb? How great will it be to tell everypony back in Cloudsdale that we got to stay with a true Las Pegasus local?" ​
  7. Welcome to Canterlot! It's always great to see new ponies around.
  8. This is me, typing up apps for characters I'll never get to use. :P I'm insane

    1. weesh


      Back when I RPed, 3+ years ago, I was the same.

    2. Jane


      Yeah, creating Characters is turning out to be my favourite part of RPing. :P And just when I thought I was done they open up the Crystal Empire so now I need to come up with an app for a Crystal Pony, too! Gah!

  9. It had been a rather productive week for Cherry Berry. She had auditioned for three roles in the small dramatics club at Ponyville theatre, made two paid trips to and from Cloudsdale in her balloon, and had canned and sold almost 50 jars of her famous Cherry Jam. Now, on this lovely afternoon in Ponyville, she had already given the envelope of the balloon a thorough cleaning (never an easy job; it had been followed immediately by a bath for herself) and the massive deflated balloon was now laying out in her backyard to dry. She had weeded the garden, and her small crops of carrots, strawberries, tomatoes and capsicums were coming along nicely. Perhaps she might try growing corn and green beans again this year. She last thing she had done was tidied her kitchen. She planned on spending most of tomorrow on another big batch of cherry jam. A fresh shipment of rainier cherries from the orchard in Dodge Junction had just arrived that morning and she had enough ingredients on hand to make another good batch of roughly thirty jars if she spent the day working on it. This sense of accomplishment had put Chibsy in a rather uncharacteristically good mood. She felt like celebrating with a nice big slice of cherry pie coupled with a scoop of French vanilla ice cream. She opened the fridge to retrieve the slice of leftover pie only to realize she had eaten the last piece the night before. "Ponyfeathers," she muttered, "I was really looking forward to that piece of pie." Oh well, it was nothing she couldn't fix. Baking pie was one of her favourite activities. She began bustling around the newly tidied kitchen, retrieving the ingredients and equipment she would need. Partway through her bustling about, her soft indigo eyes fell upon an advertisement she had found slipped under her door but cast aside that morning. On it was a simple drawing, seemingly done by a young filly or colt, of an orange mare wearing a brown hat and standing next to some apples. In big, bold and rather untidy hoof writing, Cherry Berry read the words "Buy a bushel of apples of get yourself a free kiss by Ponyville's prettiest, nicest, strongest, and bestest mare, Applejack!" Applejack was running a kissing booth? Chibsy could hardly believe her good fortune; Applejack was a good salespony, a great athlete, an excellent apple farmer, and of course one of the apple family who owned and operated Sweet Apple Acres, any half-witted resident of Ponyville knew that much about her. She was also, most importantly, a darned good-looking mare, and Cherry Berry certainly wasn't going to object to a kiss from the accomplished apple farmer; hopefully mares would be accepted alongside the stallions that would no doubt be flocking to Sweet Apple Acres. A bushel of apples? If she bought two bushels, would she get two kisses? Hmm, best not to push her luck, though she would need some golden delicious and some granny smith apples for her cooking. Cherry pie was her favourite, but cherries and apples combined still made a pretty tasty treat. She could even make a few jars of apple and cherry jam tomorrow - it had been a few weeks since she had last prepared that particular recipe. She collected her bit purse and placed her empty saddlebags on her back, then leaving her cozy cottage she set off through Ponyville to the famous apple orchard just outside of town. Upon arriving at the entrance to the farm, Cherry Berry was not the least bit surprised to discover that a small queue of stallions had formed in front of the kissing booth. She was, however, quite delighted to see that the young mare was conversing with another mare. Pleased, the pink mare took her place at the end of the queue to wait for her turn to be kissed. ​
  10. Okay, I've prepared an app for a tier 2 character, but I'm not quite happy with it and wondering if maybe I took too many creative liberties with it. Is there anyone who isn't on the RPHS who would be willing to look it over for me and help me iron it out a bit before I send it off to Helix? If there is I would really, really appreciate it.

  11. Whirligig was relieved to see that the unicorn was unfazed by the impromptu beating, and maybe even a bit concerned; her friends had spoken about Las Pegasus as though it was the greatest city on earth, and yet this pony was telling them that Las Pegasus was quite the opposite; harsh and shady and not at all inviting. Like Flashbomb, she too was a bit distressed when she witnessed a theft. She was also a bit taken aback by the pony mistaking the two of them for locals. Maybe this wasn't such a grand idea after all...Come on, Whirligig, be positive. This is going to be a fun trip, remember? You're going to enjoy yourself and experience the best that Las Pegasus has to offer. You're here with a great new friend, and you're going to make even more new friends this weekend. She was comforted when Light Harmony told them that this was one of the worst parts of town, though. Hopefully they would find someplace...better to stay. "Hello, Light Harmony. My name's Whirligig and this is my friend Flashbomb. As he said, we're from Cloudsdale and just visiting as tourists - you probably get a lot of those around here. I'm glad you're okay, Bluebird; that old mare seemed to be giving you quite a beating, but you don't even have a bruise on you! I never dreamed this place would be as rough as it's turning out to be - my friends all told me that they'd had wonderful experiences here, so they convinced me to come. No, we haven't got anywhere to stay, actually - do you know of any decent but not overpriced hotels where we might be able to leave our things?" remembering the theft, she curled her tail more firmly around the handle on her suitcase. "We don't really want to be carting everything around with us all day long, you know?" ​
  12. Roleplay Type: World of Equestria Name: Rook Sex: Female Age: Young Adult Species: Diamond Dog Eye colour: Glowing yellow Coat: Her coat is a soft blue-grey colour. She wears a big black diamond-studded collar and a black vest. Physique: Rook is big for a female diamond dog, with solid legs, a broad chest, and massive paws. She has no need for a pickaxe - her sturdy claws are strong enough to do the job adequately. Her ears hang down like a hound dog's and nearly touch her shoulders. Picture of Rook: Residence: Rook lives in a diamond dog camp south of Ponyville, on the edge of the Everfree forest. Occupation: Being a diamond dog, her occupation is naturally that of a gem miner. She spends all of her waking hours deep beneath the surface of the earth, cutting through the stone walls with her strong paws in order to get the gems. Her pack uses the gems for various reasons, mostly tools and decorations but also for trade with other species in Equestria. History: Rook was the pick of her litter and her father's pride and joy. Ever since she was a pup, her goal in life had always been to live up to his expectations by embracing the traditional values of an Equestrian Diamond Dog. A diamond dog was strong, a diamond dog was brave, a diamond dog was a hard worker, a diamond dog remained true to her pack, a diamond dog did not need to go out into the world to seek adventures - working the mines was adventurous enough for Rook anyways. She was younger than most dogs when her pack called on her to start work in the mines, but this was of course due to her size and strength. She started off using a pickaxe like other new miners, but eventually the tool began to feel awkward and clumsy in her big paws and she found herself far more efficient just using her claws to dig through the rough dirt. Now she is one of the more respected dogs living in her settlement, due to her reputation as a hard worker and her undying adherence to the rules and expectations of her community. She does not take the respect she has earned for granted, but continues to be a quiet and diligent worker. Her parents are still highly influential among the hierarchies of the pack and she hopes one day to follow in their pawprints and become a leader herself. Kalime This whole leadership is a bit of a touchy topic for her, however. Her sister, Kalime has more of a take-charge attitude than she does - despite being the runt of their litter, Kalime had demonstrated and even greater aptitude for leadership, though not in a sense viewed as fitting for a diamond dog as far as Rook was concerned. Rook was the oldest, shouldn’t she be the one in charge? What’s more, when they were pups Kalime received praise and encouragement for every little thing she accomplished, from doing well in a rough-and-tumble with their other littermates to finally learning how to manage a pickaxe. Rook wasn’t quite resentful of her little sister, just a little bit irked that she seemed to be getting more attention. You see, underneath her rough and solid exterior there is still a rather sensitive soul. Rook still sometimes worries that she’ll never quite be ‘good enough’ for her father, and one who worries about her sister, too; Kalime is a bit more non-traditional and takes pleasure in leaving the camp and gallivanting all over who knows where, fraternizing with the likes of frilly, colourful equines she claims are 'pretty'. Rook disapproves of this sort of behaviour not only because it is not fitting for a diamond dog, but because the world outside the camp is unknown territory to her; she has never ventured far from home and doesn't plan to. There is still a love between the two dogs; the unconditional sisterly love that comes from simply sharing a home, sharing a family and sharing a history. Rook may sometimes be cross with Kalime, or openly disapprove of her behaviour, but she honestly believes that she knows what’s best for her sister and is only trying to help. The two do manage to put aside their differences more often than you would think so that they can sit down together and enjoy a meal and some friendly, sisterly conversations. Character Summary: Rook is a rather quiet dog who usually speaks in sentences of five words or less. She prefers to express herself with actions and other non-verbal methods of communication, so never let it be said that her bark is worse than her bite. She is often stern with younger pups and strives to serve as a constant example to everyone of how a good diamond dog ought to behave. Despite her many strengths such as loyal, diligent, and strong, one probably wouldn't describe her as brave or courageous due to the fact that she has many fears. Oh, she'll squish spiders with her paws and scoffs at rats and scorpions; her fears mainly revolve around a fear of the unknown. She dislikes being the first miner to enter a newly excavated tunnel, preferring to keep the ones she deems trustworthy. She also prefers not to leave the safety and familiarity of the camp. Sure, the ponies probably are harmless enough, but what of the hydras and manticores, dragons and sea serpents who exist beyond the borders of her territory? Thinking of what dangers may lie beyond its borders turn her insides to mush, so she prefers not to think of them. All of this is, of course, to be kept completely secret to strangers. She has a reputation to protect, and respect among her packmates; she isn't about to let them see the scaredy-cat that hides underneath her tough and rugged exterior. The best way to do this is, of course, to avoid her fears altogether and stay well within the constraints of her camp. ((BIG THANKS to QuickLime for sticking this idea in my brain so that I couldn't get rid of it. On that note, all references to Kalime are used with permission))
  13. *hides build-a-bear pinkie behind her back* I want that one!
  14. Reassign ALL the Princesses!

  15. Jane

    Hello all

    Welcome to Canterlot! And I agree with Rosie - Earth pony fans are rare; they need more love!
  16. Jane


    Welcome to Canterlot! Umm, you can keep your ants, though.
  17. Welcome to Canterlot! I agree, this fandom is pretty much all-around awesome.
  18. Finally caught up on all my RP threads. Now nopony post anything for a few days so it can stay that way. :P

  19. Thanks for being patient with me, guys. I've finally posted in the thread. I think it would be a good idea to wait for Hinata to show up with Fluttershy before continuing.
  20. Banner Credit: http://fav.me/d5c7kxo Starswirl the Bearded had surely been an incredible unicorn. His spells and research still fascinated Twilight. The scrolls she had just received were full of spells that she couldn't wait to try out. Even as she went about her day-to-day activities, like making lunch in the kitchen, she had one or two of the scrolls with her to go through.One spell in particular caught her eye: Sands of time, I bid thee stop Turn yourself about Restore to them their youth As though a fresh new sprout It was pretty clear to her what the spell would do: it was an age spell. Of course, she was an alicorn now, and while even the most powerful of unicorns struggled with age spells, they should be more than possible for alicorn; especially for the Princess of Magic! "Fluttershy, are you still here?" she called out. Spike was in Canterlot on royal business and the pegasus pony had come by to check up on Owlowicious and PeeWee in the dragon's absence. Twilight smiled to herself as she thought about how cute Fluttershy would be as a young filly. The spell on the next page seemed to be a counter spell, so it should be safe to try it out. It belonged to Star Swirl the Bearded: Father of the amniomorphic spell and the most important conjurer of the pre-classical era. Surely nothing could possibly go wrong. Still clutching the scrolls in her magic grasp, she made her way into the front room of the library. She was surprised to find waiting for her an unfamiliar pegasus, and an equally strange Griffon. "Oh, um, hello," she said, placing the ancient scroll on the table in the centre of the room. "Welcome to Ponyville Library. Can I help you two at all?" ​
  21. Chibsy looked at Cloud Flicker incredulously. "Never had pie before? My goodness, what do ponies eat up in Cloudsdale? I never thought Clouds had much nutritional value, being mostly composed of vapour." she shook her head at the travesty. She could not imagine a life without pie.Cherry Berry hardly took note of the - fourth? Fifth? She had lost count - pegasus who came and went. He was going on about some race in Cloudsdale that was of little consequence to her. She was too busy trying to imagine not spending Thursday evenings with Mamie Marmalade baking pies, cakes and cookies, or rainy summer afternoons in Cherryetta's kitchen stewing the cherries to make the pie filling, then sitting down with her family for dessert. It always tasted better to her when she had helped make it. "Never had pie?" she repeated, still a bit awed. "Boy, you gotta fix that problem of yours, and quickly too. You are coming to my house, and I am going to get you some pie. I would say the best darn cherry pie you've ever tasted, but since you've never had any before, that's going to be a given." "Pie? Where? I love pie!" Chibsy turned. One of the pegasi had left (she still wasn't keeping track), and now this stallion wanted to know where the pie was. The pink mare shot him a quizzical look. "Weren't you after Granny Smith's pie over at Sweet Apple?" she asks him, "or are you after cherry pie now?" ​
  22. [colour=#b4b4b4]((OOC: Time out, I'm confused. I'm not trying to give a lecture here or single anyone out (I've proven several times in the last few weeks that I'm not very good at paying attention to what's happening much myself either), but I'm having a hard time following the chain of events, as well as who is talking to who. In post #40, an invitation is put out to someone to hang with Angel at sweet apple acres for pie. It is not clear whether or not that invitation is for everyone, or just for Minyara; for the last 8 posts a dialog has been happening between Minyara and Angel exclusively, so to me it read like that invitation was just for Minyara. So, in post #41, Cherry Berry turns her attention to Cloud to answer his question and tell him that, as Angel has just told Minyara, he can get good apple pie at Sweet Apple Acres. Or, if he prefers, she has some leftover cherry pie at her place. Cloud replies that he's never tried pie, but is willing to try it. Since this was directed at Cherry Berry, It's fairly safe to assume that he's taking her up on the Cherry pie offer. In #43 and #45 we have a random character come and go. This is fine, we are in the FFA section after all, but introducing the orange one interrupted Angel's conversation with Minyara. His coming and going also didn't add much to the progression of the thread. Flashbomb, say something to somepony else so we can include you, pretty please. Whirligig may have gone out of her way to make sure everyone was included, but Chibsy's not as friendly or extroverted when it comes to talking to strangers. So now, in post #46, I don't know if Minyara is answering Angel's invitation to go get pie at Sweet Apple Acres, or Cherry Berry's offer of leftover pie at her place. And Angel, who in post #40 said that they should get pie at sweet apple acres, is now in post #47 asking where the pie is. RPing is about working cooperatively with others to tell a story, so about 99.99% of forum RP is good communication. Replies aren't instantaneous and it may even take days or weeks for someone to come back to a thread to post their contribution. The story that you're telling doesn't have to be a big, epic adventure story, and in this case it isn't. This story is about a bunch of Pegasi from Cloudsdale who have come to Ponyville to explore, meet other ponies, show off their flying stunts (or, in Flashbomb's case, lack therof) and, evidently, eat pie. Which is fine - we're looking for a fun, non-dramatic slice of life RP here. All I'm asking is that when you're posting something, think about how clear your post is; especially in regards to who is speaking if you have two ponies in one post, and who that pony is speaking to. Also, try to remember what has been said by other ponies, and especially yourself, previously. (I kinda fail at this part myself, too) I'm going to try to work with what happened in the following post, so please don't feel the need to go back and change things now. Just please take this as a gentle reminder, and try to keep this in mind for future reference. Especially those of you who want to eventually RP in the WoE section of the board. Also, Chibsy is a bit of a grumpy pony (think Cranky Doodle Donkey grumpy) so just keep that in mind when reading her posts, mmkay? ))[/colour]
  23. To Stormwing's relief, the other three ponies wasted little time in getting down into the tree. He was also relieved to know that if he needed to, he had only to knock to reopen the pathway down to the hidden den. He held his ground and tried his very best to look as intimidating as possible. The creature he was confronting came forward and, to Stormwing's great shock and awe, introduced herself in a rather cultured manner. He listened intently as she explained her situation. A treasure hunting searching for...herself? Almost made it sound like she was a filly looking to find her cutie mark in the Everfree Forest. As she told her story, Stormwing's mind was racing a mile a minute. His first inclination was to help her - she was lost and alone, right? But what if it was a ploy? She seemed apologetic enough; maybe a little bit too apologetic. Like she was trying too hard to gain his trust. And what sort of supplies would she have needed? Was she talking about food? Weren't dogs carnivores; didn't dogs eat meat? If he let her into Silt's den, would she turn around and devour them all? No, he was definitely overthinking this. The final 'please' was what broke him. He lowered his guard just a tad. "Well, I, um - see, I would help you, really, but I'd have to ask the others first and we're all rather lost ourselves. Except Silt - I'm beginning to think that Unicorn lives here," he falters, wondering why he's failing to speak in cohesive sentences. At that moment, there is a faint flash - not even the lightening can break through the dark overgrowth of the forest. But then he hears the thunder, loud, strong and clear. That clap is just the encouragement he needs. "I don't know why I trust you," he says, "And it's probably not smart to, because I still don't know if your kind eats ponies for dinner. I guess if you were planning on doing that, you would have done it already," he gulps, still eyeing the creature warily. "I accept your apology; now let's go see if Caymellow's okay." He turns to the tree and is about to knock when suddenly the trunk re-opens and the black mare steps out, seemingly alone. It's started to rain now, but the wet doesn't bother Stormwing in the least. "Is something wrong?" he asks her, alarmed at what could possibly have gone wrong now.
  24. "Oh, I absolutely adore Cloudsdale." Whirligig exclaimed when Flashbomb asked for opinions of the city. "I've lived here my entire life, and though I've seen other parts of Equestria I will always consider this city my home. I don't think it needs too many renovations - the architecture is certainly unique and the city planners didn't really do a good job of organizing the various levels and streets, but it's all part of what makes this city so unique. Besides, clouds are pliable; you can move them around easily and it's hard to hurt yourself on a cloud." At that instant, as if to illustrate Whirligig's point, a young pegasus filly on the playground tumbled from the top of the jungle gym. Though she flapped her tiny wings, they did nothing to break her fall and she landed with a soft thud on the cloud below. Neither the filly nor her mother even blinked at the fall - she just got up and kept on playing. "See? Anywhere else in Equestria she would have at the very least a bruise or a skinned knee. But here, there's not a scratch on her. And that's just the city itself; the ponies who live here are all rather lovely. Of course, there's a lot of competition, what with the Wonderbolts academy nearby and several other flight camps and weather camps. The Cloudsdale weather team is often considered one of the best teams in Equestria. But it's all in good fun most of the time." Whirligig was about to go off on another tangent about her friends and the various things they liked to do together in and around the beautiful clouded city, when Razor suddenly shouted [colour=#FF0000]"Glimmer, where are you?"[/colour] [colour=#EE82EE]"Here I am!"[/colour] came the reply when the young Griffon Whirligig had seen earlier on the playground tackled her brother playfully. "N'aww, Razor, your sister is adorable!" Whirligig exclaims when the young griffon approaches the group. She bends down to the little one. "Hello there, little bird! My name is Whirligig. You just made quite the entrance! That's a very pretty bow you're wearing; where did you get that from?" ​
  25. Of course, a hotel would be a good idea - they couldn't very well explore the city with all of their luggage about them. And though there had been some food on the train, there hadn't been very much, so a restaurant would probably be a good idea. Whirligig was growing very glad that Flashbomb had agreed to accompany her to Las Pegasus - he was clearly thinking more practically than she was."Of course, that's a great idea!," she told him. "We should go and drop our things off in a hotel so that we can explore the city more freely. That would make sense! Let's see if we can find a nice-looking one that won't be too expensive?" She looked around as they moved away from the train station, Whirligig in the air a few centimetres above the ground. She was, of course, wearing her saddlebags and she was using her tail to clutch her small valise. The blue mare was still taking in the hustle and bustle of the metropolis, though now she wasn't doing so verbally. She tried to guess which ponies were locals and which ones were tourists like her. Perhaps the locals were the ones who knew where they were going, and weren't looking around them quite so much, while the tourists were taking their time. Despite the name of the town, there were more than just Pegasi living there; there were unicorns and earth ponies, too. There was an earth pony waitressing inside that restaurant and a unicorn over there was...being beaten with a purse by an elderly mare? Before Whirligig could say anything to her companion, the mare took off in the opposite direction, still grumbling at the unicorn. He, on the other hoof, began trotting in their direction. Whether this was the direction of his destination or he just wanted to get away from the grouchy old mare, Whirligig wasn't sure. "Did you see that old mare, Flashbomb? How rude! I don't think that Unicorn was doing anything but minding his own business and she just started whacking him around with that bag of hers. That's absolutely terrible! Oh, I do hope he isn't hurt too badly! Some purses are heavy - if she had any books in her bag she could have done some serious damage. I once got hit in the face with a book bag when I was still in school. It was only an accident of course, and Skybright really was sorry about it, but it still hurt a lot. Let's see if the bluebird is okay." The unicorn was white, with a red and blue mane and dark blue eyes that weren't looking around curiously at his surroundings, but were instead rather focussed on the road ahead. He looked tired, but was moving ahead with an air of purpose, and Whirligig had an inkling that this pony was a local. When he got close to them, she tried to make eye contact and smile at him as brightly as she could. "Hey, are you okay there bluebird? What was that old mare so upset about? I do hope her bag didn't hurt you too much - she looked really upset." she said to him. ​
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