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Everything posted by Dunder

  1. Dunder's wing was now in an incredibly intense, dull pain. He bit his lip and looked around at their faces as they said they had mixed feelings about moving foward and no pony was at least tieing down his wing. Also, his kiss to Midnight's cheek didn't have the intended effects of cheering everypony up. It probably helped, which was at least something. He just nodded to Muggo' when the green stallion told him to hold his wing down. He cringed as he slowly pulled his wing down against his body and kept it there. He was scared that he would have permanent damage to his wing. Of course, he needed to stay strong and brave. He help a pokerface and hardly cringed when he held his danging wing to his body. He started to trot off, he looked back to them as he spoke. "Same formation and same spacing. We need to move fast, maybe we'll find a cave or something." He said as he looked up to the sky.
  2. WOAH! That's an epic looking game! I can't wait to see more progress on it! Anyway, welcome to Canterlot!
  3. Dunder Blust was stalking some ponies out in the forest. His lack of armor making him not east to hear, as well as his soft flying. His hiding spot behind a rock made him hard to see as he stalked the zebra and the pony. He wanted to watch them more before seeing what they would do.
  4. Probably the most epic story of how you found Canterlot that I've ever heard XD Anyway, welcome!
  5. Woah. That's a big introduction. But I read all of it And boyfriend got you hooked? XD Society would like to think otherwise. anyway, welcome to Canterlot.
  6. Woah. An Englishman living in Japan! Must be an interesting job. Anyway, WELCOME TO CANTERLOT!
  7. Dunder smiled and nodded to her, "Yes. You're good at dancing!" He said happily. "an it's called mild west dancing? That's good to know. Maybe I could take lessons and learn how to fail at it less."
  8. "This sounds like more of a story than anything else. Are there any evidence of this actually happening?" Dunder asked. He wasn't here to go around chasing fairy tales. He wanted to go out and get paid.
  9. When Ink mentioned sleep, Dunder couldn't help but feel responsible. Maybe they were more worried about entertaining him than sleeping? the thought made him cringe. "I'm up for anything." Dunder said as he sat down. He smiled.
  10. Dunder felt somepony come up behind him and wrap his legs around his waist. He couldn't concentrate on controlling his wings, only on getting back up on the ledge. He was glad to see the green mare help him up. When he regained balance on solid ground, he was panting and his heart was racing. He looked at the faces around him, feeling helpless in their stares. "Thanks.... everypony. And yes.. I will watch myself next time..." He said. He knew he needed to do something to calm everyone's nerves in this tense moment. He grinned when the idea hit him. He grabbed Midnight's head and pulled her close when he kissed her cheek. "I told you your turn was coming...." He said before winking and laughing. Half because of what he just did and half of being scared about what had happened before that. He sat down as he laughed. As his laughing slowed down, he looked over at his busted wing as he flapped it out and brought it around. to get a better look. It looked perfectly fine, just broken in the middle, the top-most part dangling in the wind. "GAH!" He exclaimed, genuinely startled by the condition of his wing. As his adrenaline thinned and his blood rate lowered, it started to hurt more. "Somepony should do me a solid and patch me up, real quick." Dunder said as he stood. Dunder looked at Muggo' as the pony spoke. "How about I just buy you a drink or twenty and then we'll call it even?" Dunder asked. He stuck out his tongue at Muggo' and grinned. "Anyway." He said as he looked around at the other faces. "I'm guessing we all agree with Muggo' on this one. After this wing gets tied down, we'll get moving." He looked at Winter and Dusty. "Go scout out... wait no." He said, he looked at the ground, "We need to stick together...." What should he do? If they move, his wing could get hurt more and possibly not have the chance of getting treated. If they stay, they risk getting another rock...or worse. "Everypony, let's move out now." Dunder said.
  11. Dunder heard his name called from behind him. He turned around, but kept on walking, "Huh?" His brain rewinded what Midnight said as he fell off the cliff. He instinctively started to flap his wings, "WOAH! Thanks for the warning!" He said. He turned around while a large rock flew in... It didn't roll it flew. He prepared to land as the rock struck him on a downward flap. The rock going one way, his wing going the other caused a quick snap. He fell onto the ledge of the pathway, kicking his legs furiously and flapping the one good wing. "Can I get a hoof over here?" He asked, worried as he looked down the cliff.
  12. Eyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy A writer and gamer? That's pretty AWEOSME. Anywho, welcome to canterlot.
  13. Dunder Blust nodded to Ice Storm and winked at her. "Thank you." He said with a smile and a chuckle. He stood up to get some punch for himself and Ice Storm. While he was getting the punch he watched some new ponies arrive. some of them More ponies... maybe I should go out and meet some of them. Ice Storm will be fine He thought as he fulled up two cups with the red juice. Dunder jolted, spilling some of the juice on the floor and bumping the table when an alarm went off. He quickly stopped the punch bowl from spilling before he shifted his gaze to the crate. It unfolded and a pegasus who was in the air landed on it. Dunder watched him with an expression of surprise and awe. This pony had some guts to do what he was doing. Although, this pony was either a charismatic type or the extremely arrogant type.
  14. Welcome to the FORUMMMMSSSSSS!!!!!! : DDDDDDD
  15. Dunder noticed a smile creep across Midnight's face. He decided to take this chance to possibly make her smile a bit more. "Don't worry Midnight. Don't be jelly, you'll get your turn." He said with a grin and a wink. "Also, yes. We should pick up the pace." He said to Midnight. "Everypony, match my speed." Dunder said as he started to get into a jogging speed. Dunder looked back at Winter, "Unfortunately, this is one of the reasons why we have such a large squad. I don't actually know where we will find the ruins... making this a dangerous option to be alone. the map of the areas are... okay. This place doesn't get scouted often, though. Also, earthquakes have changed the geography recently." Dunder said. He thought about if the ruins were covered. His concentration broke. Dunder nodded and watched Muggo' as he spoke with a wide grin. "Ohhhh, my heart bleeds! You broke my heart, Muggo'" Dunder cried while faking a short cry. "Anyway, what is this about seeing a duck?" He suddenly became serious and looked out to where Dusty was gazing. "What did you see?" He asked Dusty. He hoped it wasn't a dragon or an ursa. A manticore or some griffons, he knew they could handle easily. Just then, some small rocks, nothing serious, began to roll down the cliff face to them. Dunder looked up, hoping to see whatever had caused to drop it. He was too concentrated and didn't notice he was about to run off the cliff at a sharp turn.
  16. Dusty didn't say anything with his voice. His eyes told a story themselves. Dunder noticed Dusty's eyes shoot to see something, though Dusty didn't take much notice to it so Dunder pushed it off as unimportant. That Midnight commented on his plan as a sound one made Dunder smile. "Thank you. It means a lot to me, really." He said to Midnight with a smile. He didn't add that he made up the plan on the top of his head to avoid looking like a bad leader and to avoid tooting his own horn. "Also, sorry... I know that they're not evil. It's just what me and my friends had called them since we were colts." Dunder said with a mild apologetic tone. Remembering the mock scary stories he and his friends would share when they were out camping. "Although, I won't call them 'evil' anymore." Dunder said to Midnight. Dunder laughed, "Sorry. Too much drinking that night. As well as it being a long time ago. Anywho I was close enough." Dunder said. "Thank you too, Muggo'. This is why I try to get out here often... reminds me that I can still be a soldier and not be in the REA." He was glad that Muggo' had complementd him in such a way. He always had fantasies about being the most legendary soldier in all of Equestria.... sure a pony can dream! Dunder looked at Winter, "Yes. It wouldn't be fair if I stuck you and Dusty in the back to be an open target for a manticore. Muggo' would just buck the manticore off the cliff and that's why he's in the back." He said. "Also, nothing evi--... Nothing harmful should come our way. The Researcher said they had seen no traces of anything that could hurt us. That was one of the main things that got me." He admitted. "And if anything harmful should come our way..... You can help if you want. Though Muggo, Midnight, and I will probably do most of the work." He said. He turned back to Muggo and trotted over to him. "As for you and you sly remarks about stallions." Dunder kissed Muggo's cheek. "You know it." He said and laughed loudly and trotted off even further away from the group. "Let's set off. We still have a few hours of sunlight... but I don't know how long it will take for us to find anything useful."
  17. Duelist? Yu-Gi-Oh was a pretty epic game. XD Anyway, Welcome to the forums, man.
  18. I'll give you an apple pie if you keep being awesome. Welcome to Canterlot, man.
  19. Dunder sat down. He watched as the two other ponies exchanged remarks. He was just waiting for any more details on the possible adventure.
  20. I must say, I don't remember you XD Although, you seem like a good addition to the Community, and I'm glad to have you back.
  21. Dunder could tell that Midnight definitely had something that she wanted to hide from her past. Just by the way she spoke in response to Muggo'. Maybe something went wrong one day and something horrible happened.... he hoped not. He wanted to assure there to be no prying, but Muggo' already beat him, "Yeah.... no prying." Dunder said. He wanted to get off the topic. Remembering bad memories could be unhealthy and now deafeningly wasn't the time to be unhealthy. He turned back to Muggo' when he spoke. "Thanks, Muggo'." Dunder said and chuckled a little bit, "Although, I'm pretty sure I could woo Running Meadow with my stallion charm to get a few free drinks." He said with a laugh. "Seriously, thank you. I'd love to go to the pub and just hang out. Except it smells like sweaty stallions and grease in there." Dunder said with a playful smile. "Keep the map, you have more pockets than I do anyway." Dunder said to Dusty. "Anyway, I already know where we need to go. I scouted for a little bit before I got dark, and made sure that I knew where we were going..." He said before he stopped walking. He pulled his gaze up to the mountains. A small, narrow path crawled around the side of the foremost mountain into the mountain range. "The researcher said they checked the area around here. All the flatlands he searched, the only way he refused to go was up the mountain." He said as he pointed a hoof at the narrow path. "But that is where we come in, as well as our money." Dunder said, he didn't look back at the group. He stopped walking. He turned to face the rest of his group, his tone became stern, but not harsh. "Alright, we're going to need some sort of organization if anything goes wrong. When it gets too narrow for two ponies to be walking side by side, I want the Order to be me at the head, then Dusty, then Midnight, then Winter, then Muggo'. That way, if anything happens, fight or rockslide, we'll be ready with strong fighters next to weaker fighters. No offence Dusty or Winter." Dunder said to them, back in his non-formal tone. He quickly got back on topic, "I also want plenty of space between each pony. You don't need your face up in their rear, that way a rockslide will be easy to clear away from, especially for the earth ponies." Dunder took in a deep breath. "Of course, these are just precautions. We should be okay. The researcher said they found no traces of anything evil living in the mountains, and I'm taking his word for it." He said. Far off, on one of the more distant mountains, a small flash of reflected light could be seen by the ponies facing Dunder. As quick as it came, it was gone...
  22. Dunder was about to take off when he heard Ink say his name. Dunder only smiled at him, "You haven't caused any trouble. When you cause some real trouble, then you can be sorry." He said before trotting off, "Now go, be happy." He said as he walked off
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