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Everything posted by flutterscotch

  1. My favorite movie before I was in Kindergarten: The Dark Crystal. This year I went to a Jim Henson exhibit and they had many props from that movie and I almost started crying (it was Cantus from Fraggle Rock that totally put me over the edge) Sadly, I did not see Labyrinth until I was a teenager. Which is a little baffling because my mother loves Muppets, and David Bowie, so I'm shocked I didn't see it in theaters. My younger brother's? BEASTMASTER. I have seen Beastmaster 8 million times. If I hear even a nanosecond of it, I know it instantly. I can be in another room, someone can be rapidly switching channels and I will be able to tell it is on. Ditto for my dad. Some of my earliest memories are my Dad telling my brother to cover his eyes when Tanya Roberts gets naked. Other faves from ages 3-12 that were taped off TV and watched until they basically exploded. I was not a Disney fan (and still hate any of the Xeroxed ones, the style just bugs me) : --The Neverending Story, --Fantasia (actual VHS) (which I watched every morning before school for a year for some reason, until I got ... --Beauty and the Beast VHS the next year), --the Black Cauldron (which was basically all thorough a book until they finally released it on VHS.) --the Secret of Nimh, --Watership Down (even though it scared the **** out of me the first time I saw it...which for some reason the sadistic WPIX Station showed on EASTER one year), --The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, --Twilight Zone: The Movie, --House (cheesy horror movie, with Bull Shannon from Night Court), --The Gate (another cheesy horror movie), --Krull (oh dear God I love Krull, it's so horrible), --Clash of the Titans, --The Hobbit and Return of the King (the Rankin-Bass versions) --Dot and the Bunny (had satellite for a year, and this was on constantly) --The Sea Prince and the Fire Child. This being an interesting one because I actually only watched it once. On my 6th birthday, and then proceeded to obsess about it for about 20 years until I finally figured out WTF it was. --Poltergeist --National Lampoons Vacation (which I watched as long as I can remember and then when I was 11 for some reason my step dad decided I couldn't watch R-rated movies, after an entire childhood of no movie filter at all) --The Goonies (duh, I would not be a proper child of the 80's if I didn't wear out Goonies) -- Beetlejuice --Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss (Made for TV movie, a sequel to A Christmas Story) -- And for some strange reason I loved the movie 9-5 when I was 7. Yes the one starring Lily Tomlin and Dolly Parton.
  2. Oh MY! What to wear! Who to choose to go! I shall show up fashionably late, of course! (no, really I just have to help a friend move, but we'll pretend I am fashionably late)
  3. This, though, is VERY exciting
  4. Got it too. It's just a notification from Artax.
  5. AAAAHHHHH! Why is my paypal account dead. i need HoneyBuzz! (the little one, though, is Bumblesweet, who was a g3) also: Trillium keeps bees Not Honeybees.
  6. I propose that we have a for-fun contest where we redo old MLP illustrations in FiM style! Here's a link to the old book covers. Who wants to go first? Post the original (or at least a link to it) as well as your version so we can all see your source!
  7. I work as a publisher, 9-5 in an office. Today I had two emails to send and I updated some pictures on the company website. I had nothing else to do. The rest of the time I spent on TVTropes, Failblog and this site. Most boring day EVER. Work keeps my mind busy. I don't mind doing nothing at all, as long as I at least get to do it in the comfort of my own home. I intend to look for a new job very soon... I too work at a publisher. This will be my life as soon as these courses are wrapped up.
  8. I just realized something: That's dark, man, DARK. Good reference.
  9. I didn't, but my roommate did, he knows the comics though. I had to nudge my husband, who is just starting to read the Avengers sadly, though, my Avengers knowledge is REALLY really good in the 70's early 80's and super shoddy past like 1993 (i'll put it this way, my favorite Avenger was Mantis, before she was green). i pick up an issue here (usually about 4 times a year, more if I happen along a good arc) and there to generally keep up with what is going on, but Marvel's really been pissing me off with their horrible storylines (and extensive use of Greg Land) lately. And Civil war almost killed my interest forever. So I'm mostly familiar with the ones who were active in the 70's and 80's. Which is why I am PISSED OFF that there will be an Ant Man movie, but no Wasp movie.
  10. LG enV Touch. My primary need in a cell phone is to check e-mail, but be cheap enough so that if I leave it somewhere and lose it I can replace it immediately. I know my limitations. Plus I am not a huge fan of handheld tech. I do not want to be "on call" constantly for friends, family, etc.
  11. The clover with the most leaves ever was found in Iwate prefecture, so that's at least closer to you than Massachusetts is, but I would doubt that's much comfort. From experience, though, 5 are slightly more uncommon than 4s, but not much. I very rarely find 7s.
  12. hiya! prepare to be sucked into thinking about ponies 24/7.
  13. i think that with the amount of time it probably takes to get the legal department to commit to a toy copyright and/or trademark...it was probably well before LF's appointment as creative steward when the name was copyrighted. Now, purposely USED by her for the main character... that's another story.
  14. Well, there was a Twilight Twinkle in G3... so it's not too far off.
  15. For some reason, I am ridiculously good at finding 4 (and more)-leaf clovers. When I say ridiculously good, I mean that 80% of the time where I am outside in the spring and summer I will find one. It freaks my friends the hell out (they are really just not that rare, and when you find one you will most likely find another on either that plant, or one nearby)). In one day in 1998 I found 102 of them. For the past 3 weeks I have found at least one every day on the way to work. Today's find (since it's been raining cats and dogs) 4-leaf: 10 5-leaf: 4 7-leaf: 1 Does anyone else have a weird talent for finding multiple leaved clovers?
  16. by MARVEL? The kings of shoddy research (and or science)? :P
  17. Editing to put in some better clarification as to where the numbers are coming from. Each year a pony is alive, he or she ages the approximation of 3 human years from a physical and emotional level. Additionally Each year in Equestria = 1/3 a year on Earth (and Vice Versa, one year on Earth is 3 Equestrian years) Using the math in the first paragraph: 8 years in ponyland + 42 pony years (14 human years on earth) + 72 Pony Years (24 human years on earth) ____________________________ 172 pony years. But I don't think this is what you mean, so I'll tackle the second part. The second part, deconstructed. Firefly leaves: P=8 H=24 (She ages for 5 pony years (14 human years) outside of Ponyland) She is only actually ON Earth for about a year and a half. 8 + 5 years, 39 years old as a Human Firefly returns (for the series)=13 H=38 She ages 1 human year, 3 pony years while in Ponyville during the events of the original cartoon. Megan is around 10-12 here. A year has passed on Earth. 8 + 5 + 1 = 14 years pony, 42 years old as a human Firefly leaves: P=14 H=42 Firefly is gone for an additional 8 PONY years on earth. This is only a little less than 3 years in earth time. 8 (growing up in ponyland) + 5 (on earth) + 1 (in Ponyland for the series) + 8 (years on Earth after the series) = 22 Pony years, 65 years old as a human. Firefly returns (now): P=22 H=65 All told, Firefly from the first time Firefly leaves, she is on Earth for a grand total of 8 Pony years after the events of the original series, which translates to a total of a little less than 3 years passing on Earth, which would only put Megan in her late teens, but Firefly would appear to be aging super rapidly on Earth. This would mean that in that time, Various cities were founded. The Unicorns and Pegasi left and came back, The princesses were decomissioned, Celestia took over her duties again and Firefly had only been gone a year when Twilight Sparkle is born. I'll be back and on Chat later if you want to hash this out. I think I might still be missing something that you are trying to convey. Unless of course the aging timeline changes when she is ON Earth, and Firefly only ages year for year in both places. This would make her age 8 pony years in Ponyland, 8 on Earth, then an additional 5 pony years on Earth, aging to 13/14, then three pony years in Ponyland for the series, etc...
  18. oK, i think i HAVE IT, generally. You'll have to play with some of the dates. I added a column to reckon dates from Celestia's takeover and dismissal of the ponies being year 0 AC. If you move this, just add or subtract the same number from all other years in that column depending on where you move it. https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AuXqNfTJgGrzdGhGQm52VGdEdUlWcHZBdFg2djQ3R2c&hl=en&authkey=CKLY5IQM Firefly would have to be in her 80s. There isn't a way to make the math work out to make her 65 using a timeline based on 1 year here = 3 years in Equestria using today as the basis unless you want to move the timeline of the original series up, which would also affect Megan's age. If you wanted Firefly to be the equivalent of a 65 year old, Firefly would be born midway through 1989, the original series happening in the early 90's and Megan would be born in 1980 or 81, making her 30. Also, I need to rewatch the original series, I keep getting backcard continuity and cartoon continuity mixed up. The Bushwoolies were paired with princesses as toys/backcard stories:)
  19. yeah, I think she's totally going to have have a clause that time on Equestria and time on Earth doesn't pass equally at all times, but that ponies and people age relative to their native time depending where they are. That part I'm not going to be able to help ya with, Tales, but timeline I sure can! Although it does bring up similar issues with the Neverending Story. Maybe time on Equestria passes MUCH more quickly when humans don't care about it. Although, also, come to think of it it's kind of baffling that Equestria has the same constellations as us, so maybe in the distant future pastel Ponies become the dominant species on Earth, Manehattan is actually built on the ruins of Manhattan and Megan was just a time traveler?
  20. Ok, so for the reckoning of this, I can center everything around Luna's Banishment, since it's a known. Items in purple are things I'll need to know a firm-ish "this happened this many years/centuries before/after Luna was Banished). items in pink are just me being snarky. And then I just want you to pick a year, any year, that you want today to be in Equestria time. So, would this be the order of milestones in your vision? Just the "on Equestria" timeline. if not, please reorder. I can totally do this!  Ponyland is founded in the distant past.  Dream Castle is built  Paradise Estate Is built  Firefly is born  Megan arrives and the events of the G1 movies and TV series happen  Firefly and Megan leave  The princess ponies with their bushwoolie companions are in charge for an indeterminate amount of time, centuries.  My Little Pony Tales happens sometime in this slot, where the Princesses are in charge  The original Spike goes to sleep for 1000 years  Celestia and Luna show up, take over for the princesses, set up shop in Dream Castle.  Paradise Estate falls into ruin  *There is a rift between the earth ponies and the "more powerful" ponies  *The Earth ponies build Ponyville on top of Paradise Estate. The events of the g2 series happens, possibly the Everfree forest is part of what was once Friendship Gardens? Or the woods that can't grow by themselves surrounding Ponyville? Or is this just totally somewhere else? Friendship gardens WAS pretty much just earth ponies for the first few years, and it did back up directly into g3 in many countries).  *Canterlot and Cloudsdale are founded, presumably by the Unicorns and Pegasi that defected  Luna is banished (which for reckoning, at least for how other dates relate, We'll call the day she was banished X. X + 1000 years = L (for Luna Returns) We'll fill in X and L later once you settle on a date that you want "today" to be.  Celestia moves to Canterlot ("all my subjects are equal", my ASS)  Dream Castle falls into ruin  The cities in Equestria expand under Celestia's rule  The events of the g3 series happens, somewhere in Equestria, the Unicorns and Pegasi start to return (as evidenced by the toy line) on those 1000 years. This can be arbitrary depending on whether you want any of those characters, children of those characters, or other ancestors appear.  The original Spike wakes up sometime and makes Wysteria a "princess" as well  Twlight is born (L-4ish) years  Twilight becomes Celestia's student (L-2 years , can we assume she's been Celestia's pupil for at least 2 year before we meet her in FiM?)  FiM starts (L=X+1000 years)  Luna Returns (L=X+1000 years)  Firefly Returns (L+ 1 year)? Marked with an asterix, happen somewhat concurrently, within years of each other, possibly within a decade? *** Sorry I keep editing this, but I had to add...and I said "I would never use algebra as an adult" when I was in high school.
  21. Whoohoo! Another one from Mass! Hiya!
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