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Status Replies posted by flutterscotch

  1. Crazy to see how much of the old gang is still around.

    1. flutterscotch


      It would, however, be hilarious if all of the old Equestria days folks did just stop by this month. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Crazy to see how much of the old gang is still around.

  3. *Poke*

    1. flutterscotch


      Not super around...just kind of a, I dunno, victory lap as we approach the end of the series?  It seemed appropriate, plus I've been working on a G1 custom of Trillium lately.


      How are you!

  4. If I vanish during the weekends...The hurricane either took out my power...internet or both! :wail:

    1. flutterscotch


      Stay safe.  Don't forget to fill your bathtub up so you can flush your toilet, just in case.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. How are you?

    1. flutterscotch


      Speaking of, if you want to see the parade of non-stop girly pastel stuff, because it has not stopped, here's my toy instagram. Warning, it is quite often extremely dumb nonsense. 


      I'm actually going to be unveiling Trillium as a g1 pony there in the near future!


      But, alas, no Unicornelius,  He lives with Jen/Helix now.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  6. How are you?

    1. flutterscotch


      You're not wrong. Did I ever tell you about the time I went to MLP fair at Hasbro, before FiM was a twinkle in anyone's eye and there were all these adults like...why the hell are you only making ponies in the same mold right now to fit some clothing scheme, why not branch out and include something for the adult fans which you clearly have because you sold out this convention and they were like...duuuuuhhhhh adults, but only our marketing test groups count?  Yeahhh.


      Who brings a 5 year old to a marketing test group, typically? For My Little Pony in 2008?  That's right, people whose kids already liked the style of play they were already marketing.  So frustrating.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. How are you?

    1. flutterscotch


      Get it!  I got the SDCC one with Twilight Sparkle and old school Twilight and it was way cuter in person. 

      Also, still no regular release blue Luna, eh?  You had 9 years, Hasbro.  9 freaking years!!!!!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  8. I'm gonna binge all the episodes I have missed, which is a lot, wish me luck and sanity. :o

    1. flutterscotch


      I know I saw one with Yaks. Yaks good.  More yak.  Want a toy yak.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. How are you?

    1. flutterscotch


      Pretty good, pretty good.  Busy adulting these days with the corporate 9-5 but I have spent an inordinate amount of time making custom ponies for people lately (of the small child variety), and recently ordered that "retro" mane six set for nostalgia's sake.  Saw that the finale had leaked and thought I would check in to see just how much I had to catch up on for the official last hurrah.  It's been a ride.  Nearly a decade!


      How are you doing?

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  10. :LiliSurprised: How are we at Season 8?  How did this happen.  I remember yesterday we were giving Amid Amidi guff about stomping on a show that he's never seen, and now, season 8.

    1. flutterscotch


      SEASON 9.


      I guess I have a season to catch up on.  This is what comes of being out of the loop and not watching TV.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  11. <3<3




    1. flutterscotch


      Old Scotch no understand Discord.  I'll have to look into the fresh things the kids are into!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  12. You still in "the Jerz"?

    1. flutterscotch


      HAH!  Awesome.  I probably could have predicted that. I stay pretty far away from Jersey these days, only make it once every few years.  Crazy family and all.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)



    I'm just a rainbow in the dark!


    *runs away*.


    1. flutterscotch


      @DreamingKnights not quite back, not for RP at least.  More like a drive by.


      @Rosewind Unicornelius is still around.  I posted him to Dio's facebook wall yesterday, hehehe.  And yes, we do need to catch up!


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  14. Given that I literally just bought a beat up G1 pony to make a custom of one of my characters on here, I thought I would say hi, and HARASS DIO!  muhahahah. :sans:

    1. flutterscotch


      OMG!  Dubstep! Rosewind!  StatSwirl!  Corsair! FREAKING PONY_SAGE!   How are you all???




      Also...how are all of you still here??? AAAAHHHHHH.  Man, I have to read some RPs!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)



    I'm just a rainbow in the dark!


    *runs away*.


  16. Given that I literally just bought a beat up G1 pony to make a custom of one of my characters on here, I thought I would say hi, and HARASS DIO!  muhahahah. :sans:

    1. flutterscotch


      The changes sound awesome and way more relaxed and flexible.  The site's looking really good, actually!


      As for me, I finally tackled NaNoWriMo last November (it's barely coherent but at least it's 50K words)...still working on the same two things: a children's story that deals with my angst about how little girls are expected to love princesses, pink, and all weird themed 80s toys aimed at girls held this no-conflict bent to them when they weren't pretending to be the mother to an inanimate object...but in a magical kingdom.  I wasn't a fan of how I was expected to play as a child (this is actually directly related to the difference between My Little Pony commercials in 1986...vs the ones in 1987).  The other is a graphic novel that deals with my frustrations about how superheroines were portrayed in the 70s and 80s, and the implications of having women just randomly all be into designing costumes in post-apocalyptic environment.


      They are both way more fun than I am describing them, I promise :D 


      I probably won't stop by the Discord, but I'll definitely drop the customs in here when I am done with them!  Provided I won't get drummed out of town for being a fogey who still likes g1. You working on anything cool beyond ponage?


      Sigh, I still haven't watched the movie. Bad Scotchie!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  17. Given that I literally just bought a beat up G1 pony to make a custom of one of my characters on here, I thought I would say hi, and HARASS DIO!  muhahahah. :sans:

    1. flutterscotch


      Well, I am getting back into g1 customs, on a limited basis, so that's some pony!  Only a couple though. But mostly I'm working on some of my own stuff, and it's taking foreverrrr because I'm a crazy person and second guess myself about a billion times and have way too much of an attachment to what I am working on.  Same projects that lead me to joining the site when it was Equestria WAY back in the day to get me to write more regularly.


      I see you've got Apple Bloom!  Awesome!

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  18. Given that I literally just bought a beat up G1 pony to make a custom of one of my characters on here, I thought I would say hi, and HARASS DIO!  muhahahah. :sans:

    1. flutterscotch


      I'm good!  Mostly busy with work and life, you know how it goes. Pushing 40, adulting happens and ponies don't sometimes. I live in the rust belt now, "Stillers" country. Hope you are well! :D

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)



    I'm just a rainbow in the dark!


    *runs away*.


    1. flutterscotch


      (also, like what you've done with the place, and Unicornelius is staring at me right now).

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. I liked a @YouTube video from @mrstykimikk http://t.co/86jeaIkb Death Note Movie - Full English Dub

    1. flutterscotch


      You might want to reconfigure your settings so that you're not posting links to not safe for work or copywritten content in your status updates.

  21. A depressing thought...leslie nielson is no longer around to be the funniest human alive. The world is a little less funny because of that!

  22. you can tell by the eyes http://t.co/CKBjEW60

    1. flutterscotch


      Um, I remember Eilonwy plenty!

  23. But tell me, if I stop breathing, would you miss me...

    1. flutterscotch


      We'd just wonder why the heck you're not using your seapony gills.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  24. Apologies to those who friend-ed me who have been removed. Because I am making my on-site blog friends only, I am restricting the list to people I actually interact with regularly..

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