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Status Updates posted by flutterscotch

  1. Taking a little 24 hour breather from the board to regroup some personal projects.

  2. Under the bushes, Under the stars.

  3. :LiliSurprised: How are we at Season 8?  How did this happen.  I remember yesterday we were giving Amid Amidi guff about stomping on a show that he's never seen, and now, season 8.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bellosh


      Nice to see ya again, Scotch! ;)

    3. flutterscotch


      SEASON 9.


      I guess I have a season to catch up on.  This is what comes of being out of the loop and not watching TV.

    4. tacobob


      Wow, it seemed just like yesterday when I was confused on why so many people were streaming My Little Pony! It can't be good! They're never good...maybe I'll see what the fuss is...

  4. Given that I literally just bought a beat up G1 pony to make a custom of one of my characters on here, I thought I would say hi, and HARASS DIO!  muhahahah. :sans:

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. starswirlthebearded


      I'm well! And I have no idea! I'm not even here for the ponies anymore really...

    3. SteelEagle


      So many RPs to read. So many ponies to pony!

    4. QuickLime


      ....Flutterscotch? :3;

  5. I'm gonna binge all the episodes I have missed, which is a lot, wish me luck and sanity. :o

    1. SteelEagle


      There are some good ones in there!

    2. flutterscotch


      I know I saw one with Yaks. Yaks good.  More yak.  Want a toy yak.

    3. SteelEagle


      Yak character very good character. Very Yak.

  6. You still in "the Jerz"?

    1. Pony_Sage


      In Morristown now running a farm, but yes in the Jerz.

    2. flutterscotch


      HAH!  Awesome.  I probably could have predicted that. I stay pretty far away from Jersey these days, only make it once every few years.  Crazy family and all.

    3. Pony_Sage


      Well, if you're in the neighborhood just shoot me a text, you still have my cellophane number.

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