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Everything posted by Chonico

  1. Dear Princess Celestia, My rash won't go away. Where do you buy your cream?
  2. Clay simply continued his leisurely trot towards the town as he pulled the cart behind him with all his wares. He could hear Ezio walking behind him so he knew he was now heading into town with a dragon in tow. If there was anypony or anyone in town, this was sure to turn some heads. He was rather content about his plan to mention gems to Ezio, which was the case until he heard his question. “What’s so special about gems?†Clay stopped walking as he was caught completely off guard by the question and turned around to look at Ezio. “I… What’s wrong with your chest?†He raised an eyebrow as he noticed Ezio puffing out his chest. The image of a pigeon suddenly came to mind and he immediately began clearing his throat to try and avoid laughing a bit. “Well I, *snicker* ahem, excuse me… Actually, I do not rightly know to be honest. I had heard rumors that dragons like to hoard gems and treasure, and that they even eat the gems. That gems are like a delicacy for dragons.†He tapped the end of his chin as he considered what he had just said. “Actually, considering you’d be eating gems, that would be a delicacy by anypony’s standards. Hmm, perhaps dragons have as varied tastes and diets as ponies and griffons do. If I may ask, what do you like to eat Mr. Darkclaw?†He started trotting again and began making his way to more lonesome buildings up ahead leading into town. A minute or two passed, as so did another lonesome building on the outskirts of the town. “To be honest Mr. Darkclaw, the more time I spend talking to you, the more I realize you are proving the opposite of these rumors I’ve heard. A fact which has turned out to be a rather pleasant surprise.†He craned his neck a bit as he passed a building, trying to get a glimpse through its dust covered window. “I doubt anypony will believe I’ve had a rather civilized conversation with a dragon. Especially the part about you not knowing about gems. I mean, honestly…†He pulled his cart over to a small patch of pebbles and cobblestones and slightly began to rummage through them with one of his hoofs. After a minute he headed back to the road carrying something in his mouth which he quickly spat onto his outstretched hoof. “Honestly, would you eat this if given a choice?†He held up a piece of turquoise, offering it to Ezio. As he did, he looked over at the town. The buildings where getting closer together and he had yet to see anypony or anyone.
  3. Aside from MLP:FIM, I watch a variety of shows. If I had to choose though, I'd have to say... Doctor Who (British show that is totally awesome!) Bones (American show about solving crimes through forensic evidence) Wipeout (American show about people falling in painful ways all for the sake of winning 50k) Supernatural (American show about two brothers hunting demons and monsters) Mythbusters (American show where they try and test out myths for validity) Whites (British show about a restaurant and their crazed staff) Futurama (You should know this one) Hmm, I can't think of any other ones that I would classify as my favorites. Most of everything else that I watch, I watch out of sheer boredom.
  4. I, good Brony, refuse to read this. I would imagine though that they would try and get out the DVD set, assuming such a set will come out, before the start of the next season. I dunno but maybe the date might not be 100% legit. Still, I hope its September 17, that would be so awesome Especially if they release them on iTunes so that I can get them through there too. Really looking forward to it although I am a bit nervous about it, and excited at the same time. Perhaps the worst combo there is.
  5. I think you just scared away any possible lurkers with Pinkimena *Gnawing on non-poster - munch munch munch* Hmm? I'm sorry, did you say something? *munch munch munch*... Hmm, a bit stale but edible But no, seriously now, hmm... Something I hate? Well, I mean no disrespect to anyone and I make no assumptions, but I really really can't tolerate irresponsible parents. Maybe its because I work at a video game store located inside a mall, but seriously? Parents leave their kids, 5-12 in age, in the store and then go off shopping as if expecting us to look after them. I spend a good portion of my day re-arranging and re-building displays that children destroy. I've had children throw the game boxes across the store like frisbees and then when you kick them out of the store (I know is sounds cold-hearted but there is literally a play-pen outside in front of the store where you can drop them off. THEY HAVE A SLIDE AND SEE-SAWS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!) and the parent comes into the store angry because you weren't "watching" their child. Its' a retail business, not a daycare, don't know where the confusion lays... Don't get me wrong, I'll tolerate a lot of things, especially when children are involved. Twice I've been hit in the face by a flying "frisbee" game case on separate occasions and all I do is wince and take deep breaths. I don't blame the child, I blame the parent. Most of the time that the parents are in the store too, they don't care that the child is screaming, throwing stuff, knocking over stuff and running around like escaped chimps in a banana farm. You ask them to leave and they look at you like if you just insulted their family and insinuated something having to do with a goat, their parents, and a lot of alcohol. I understand children will be children, but seriously? At least try to get them to behave in public settings. *SIGH* Hm, very therapeutic this venting stuff. Oddly enough I now feel like I can take on a store filled with irresponsible parents and their offspring... I may live to regret this though.
  6. I like this video. This is not a jab or anything towards anyone, so just enjoy it for the music
  8. What the HAY am I looking at?! Since when have hooker toys been available? And why are they on their hands and knees?... WAIT, don't answer that!... OH! I see, this "things" are horses? But no, seriously, this is just... Wrong on so many levels. They look like anorexic short giraffes. IF these things actually become popular, I will eat my sombrero. Heck, I'll even film myself eating it and put it on youtube. True... very true... But this is more like a back-handed compliment in my opinion.
  9. Wow, I will admit I am glad I have them on iTunes so I don't have to worry and I can get my pony fix AND overdose at my leisure. But still, that kind of sucks. If not for the episodes on youtube, I would have never fallen for ponies in the first place. HOW will we continue to convert the rest of the world into Bronies?! HOW?! We need Pinkie Pie and her one pony parade to get rids of these parasprites
  10. Some days ago I decided the same, as don't wanted to post any pony-stuff on my facebook cause I had some classmates that will make fun about it but I found that I have many bronies on facebook. So I decided to post some of ponies video in facebook , I will don't tell around world that I like ponies but if someone will ask me I will don't hide it. I didn't post that I think you got your quotes backwards I do have the mane 6 now, bought most of'em when target had that 2 for 1 sale a while back. Still trying to find the ones with molded hair and my local Big Lots doesn't seem to carry them. Or at least that's where I was told I could find them. Any who, I have the mane 6 proudly displayed on my bookshelf which causes my brother to cringe when he sees them.
  11. I never had overwhelming issues with anxiety myself. I was a shy kid, yes, and I was slightly panicky about interaction or such. But I just kind of pushed through it even if at the end I was spent and slightly shaken. Realized early on that no matter what, I would have to interact with people that didn't like me, thought me odd/weird, hated me, or that I just flat out thought they were jerks. Guess it helped I had a lot of interaction with racists people too, learned to ignore them real quick. In the scheme of things, I just figured I'd bite the bullet and get it over with and found that just having a laugh made it a whole of a lot easier. For me at least, sometimes made others uncomfortable which oddly enough I found enjoyable. Hmm, guess that's how I got on the road to my pleasure in messing with people... Hmm, all mild of course and I try to keep it fun. Yes, hmm. But yeah, I hardly ever get that anymore now, I don't mind meeting people and especially love it if they have something good to talk about. I do however get bouts of depression every so often, but more seldom than I used to. Relatively mild too, though, from what I've been able to gather. I mean, compared to what they usually show on the TV and what not. Its just the standard self-loathing/hate, sadness, and regret kind of depression. Hate how drained it makes you feel, like you can't do or fix anything. But it doesn't happen as often as when I was young. I think that as I've gotten older I've learned how to better deal with things and not let things get to me. All together though, its probably helped a lot that since my teen years I've learned to just flat out laugh at myself and take everything with more than just a grain of salt or two... Also, I always make myself a Napolitan ice-cream banana split when I feel a bout of depression coming on. The ambrosia of the gods as far as I'm concerned when it comes to comfort foods. That and some ponies, and I feel like I can take on the world. Heck, I do that even when I'm not depressed. Maybe I should cut back on the ice-cream though, getting kind of pudgy around the mid-section... Oh well I hope your evenings have improved a lot since this topic went up
  12. Klondike stood there for a moment in deep thought, one of his hoofs having found its way to his chin as his eyes looked off into the distance. Even knowing that what was said was in jest, he could not help but get a little lost in the idea of working for royalty. “Hmm, surely someone as old as Princes Celestia would have hundreds of things in need of repair… Perhaps something to consider once my shop gets more fame. But for now…†“Nah, I’d make a lousy researcher. Besides…†He commented as he made his way around the counter and gave Zacora a knowing yet joking smile and a wink. “If she took away a brilliant mind like me, who would be left to fix broken things here in Ponyville? Nope, no pony would have my flare and "humility" when it came to fixing things.†He struck an awkward pose as he brought up a hoof up to his puffed out chest. He stayed like that for about a minute for effect, and to let the joke sink in, before relaxing and smiling at his customers. “Although, with all the talking I’m doing, you’d think I’m just buying time hoping you ponies would forget why you are here. No no, that’s not it at all.†He began to make his way towards the back door that led to his outside workspace and simply called out, “To work! Oh, and feel free to mingle! Odds are I'll be here while I'm not really here for a while!†as he disappeared through the door. After a few minutes, noises began to be heard from outside. A melody of sawing, bangs, and scraping noises reached the inside of the shop before suddenly stopping as Klondike made his way back into the shop carrying a flat square piece of wood in his teeth. Four equally long piece of twine hung from his neck as his expression was no longer one of smiles and jokes, but a focused and slightly content expression instead. There was a slight glazed over look to his eyes and his right ear twitched with every step he took and every noise those steps elicited from his wooden floor. Setting the piece of wood on his work bench near the counter, he immediately took out the two pieces of the broken tureen from the wooden box, as well as a piece of the broken dish he brought from upstairs, and placed them on the workbench next to the square piece of wood. Putting the pieces of the tureen together in the center of the wood piece, he took the twine that hung around his neck and began to take measurements as he crisscrossed them from one corner of the piece of wood to the opposite, making sure they hugged the sides of the tureen. Content with his measurings, he removed the tureen from the piece of wood and carefully placing a long silvery screw between his hooves, and then a screwdriver in his mouth, he began to screw in a screw into each corner of the wood. After that was done, he tied one end of each piece of twine to each screw and the screw next to it, making sure to keep the twine extremely slack. It only took him a minute, incredibly considering he was using his hooves and mouth to do it, and when he was done, the square piece of wood looked like a small boxing ring, minus the boxers of course. Maybe Klondike was making a toy? Rock-em Sock-em ponies perhaps? (OOC - My most sincere apologies for my delay in posting as of late. Well, at least later than what I'm comfortable with. Things have been hectic and I'm finally finding some time and space to sit down and type with a clear head. So, you can expect me not to drop the ball anymore ... Maybe )
  13. I only hide it from some ponies but my friends and brother know. My brother is not all that "proud" about it and seems honestly disgusted by it. But as far as I'm concerned he's just a sour apple. I love to quote the show and I will admit more than once I've gotten an odd look from people around me, but I'm enjoying myself so that's what counts in my book. I especially have a lot of fun at work when I mix my love of ponies and love of messing with people... I can't help it About a month ago... The video game store I work at was packed and I was busy on the register with my line. Manager decides to stick his head out from the back room and call out to me. Manager - "Chonico, can we talk w-" Me - "Can bees squawk?! Ah don think so!" Manager - "Hu-what?..." Me - (Come on say it... no way he's going to say it) Manager - "What? No, I need to talk to you wh-" Me - (Oh sweet yes!) "You need to walk to the zoo!? Then who's stopping you??" Manager - "..." Me - "..." Manager - *disappears back into the back room* Co-worker - "Why do you that to him?" Me - "Whatever do you mean darling?" Co-worker - "..." Me - "No, seriously, you're gonna have to be more specific. I did a lot of things just now like breathing, looking at him, talking..." Co-worker - *sigh* THIS is the extent of my letting others know about my love of ponies. If they catch on, then we have a good laugh. If not, no harm done
  14. Spade finally made his way down the stairs with Crackers the pigeon contently riding on his back. It had taken him a bit longer to settle in and he had allowed himself a few minutes to explore the second floor to make sure he didn’t get lost at night if he needed to use the restroom, but now he was ready to see what that odd commotion had been. With a tired expression on his face, but with an eager look in his gray eyes, he hoped off the last step and looked towards the door. Spades had spent a lot of time traveling around and he had seen many things. However, what he saw at the entrance to the inn, he had honestly never expected to see on his travels. Growing up as part of the circus had led to hearing many odd but often fun stories. His parents had once told him of a Hippocamp that had joined the circus in their earlier years, yearning to see the “surface†world as she referred to it. She enjoyed it and had a beautiful singing voice, but unfortunately, she eventually grew tired of her water tank and kindly asked to be dropped off near the ocean, a year or so before he was adopted by his parents. It was odd though, because many of the other ponies in the circus told stories that Hippocamps were reclusive and often uninterested in the surface. All the stories he had heard were conflicting and more often than not contradictory to each other. As such, it never even occurred to him that such a creature could be nothing more than a made up story his parents told him to entertain him when he was but a foal. And yet, here was one of those odd creatures, appearing all the likelihood of belonging in such a setting as the front door of an inn. “Hmm, this day is turning out rather… interesting. At least Ms. Sealight seems to know her judging from their interactions. Hmm, I wonder if Hippocamps enjoy a good magic show?†As Spades pondered this and stood a few feet away from the gathered ponies, Crackers the pigeon had decided to take a closer look and promptly hoped of his back and began to walk towards the door, his head cocking back and forth in the weird fashion they do when pigeons walk. Reaching the gather ponies, Crackers began to coo again as he walked in, out, and under the gathered ponies and took turns staring with his beady eyes at each pony. Finally coming to a stop in front of the Hippocamp, Crackers simply walked off to the side and stood looking between Sealight and Pearl Wishes. “Heh, guess this is a good opening...†Spades thought to himself as he took one step towards the ponies and called out. “A pigeon walks into a bar and sits on stool. The bartender turns to him and says, “Hey! We don’t take kindly to stool pigeons here!†There was a smile on his face as he got closer to the ponies, his grey eyes mirroring the content he felt with his horrible, yet well fitting joke. Stopping a foot or two from the ponies, he locked his gaze on Crackers. “You know it’s not polite to stare Crackers.†He looked at each pony and stopped when his gaze fell on Pearl Wishes “I am White Spade. Magician extraordinaire…†He gave a deep bow and stopped as his horn hovered millimeters above the floor. “Who might you be?â€Â
  15. Spades knew that there was no profit to be gained from putting on a magic show for his kind host and fellow guest. But that did not mean that he would put any less effort into it. If anything, for Spades it meant it was time to pull out all the stops and take advantage of this occasion to practice his tricks and throw in some of his newer tricks he had been working on. There was nothing to gain, so there was nothing to lose. It was plain and simply for the sole purpose of entertaining the young filly and his host. Also, since he was at a table and unbeknownst to him, much to the relief of Rivet, he would not have to use his customary distraction tactics such as being “hoofsie†with his audience in order to do things behind their heads and backs. The underside of the table would do just find and even his tea cup and plate would play a part. He was a professional entertainer and wasted no opportunity given to him. “Now, my kind public, my generous audience!†He stretched out his hooves as if he were addressing a crowd of hundreds, a beaming smile on his face as his bright purple eyes looked from face to face, even if there were only two. It was force of habit really, seeing as this was how he always opened his show when he was doing it for large crowds. His voice always filling with joy and wonder which he always hoped to infect the crowd with. “Watch closely, if you will, my horn. Unicorns are the only magical ponies, but neigh say I! At no point will my horn hum or glow for that is not the kind of magic I will show you today! What you are about to see is magic that anypony, ANYPONY can do! So, my beautiful audience, please sit back and enjoy the show…†Having seemingly made his deck of cards appear on the table while he gave his intro, Spades began his show off slow, with simple tricks like making more stuff appear and disappear, seemingly out of thin air. Flowers, cards, small red balls, bits, and even his tea spoon, nothing was immune to his disappearing act. Slowly, he moved onto more elaborate magic tricks such as making objects float between his hooves and pulling seemingly mile long strands of tied handkerchiefs from his ears. As he got into his card tricks, he began to ask his two observers to pick out cards in turn, each time using a different trick to reveal which card it was they had picked out. Cards jumping out of decks seemingly at his command, cards that appeared and reappeared within the deck and under plates or tea cups. At one point, he asked the small filly to pick a card and put it back into the deck only to ask her, after a series of flare with the deck, if she had honestly put it back in the deck and revealed shortly after that the card was under her seat, which it was. At another, he had Rivet select a card and put it back into the deck only to have her later seem to “magically†select the card he had picked out from a dozen of face-down cards. It was a bonanza of varied card tricks As he got closer to the end of his show, and his magic tricks became more elaborate, he brought out a flat disk from his satchel and tapped it on the side of the table only to have it pop-up into a top hat. From within the seemingly empty hat, Spades began to pull out all sorts of things. Flowers, more cards that had been selected by his audience, balls, chocolate, and such. Often time his hoof seemed to disappear entirely into it up to his chest, giving the impression that if he was not careful, the hat might swallow him whole. For his final trick however, Spades simply asked small little Whirlwind to pick out a card from the deck and place it back into the deck, which he then shuffled and placed into the top hat. He set the top hat on the table and for all intended purpose appeared to be doing nothing as he looked at the hat with a smile on his face. After a few seconds, a “cooing†noise began to emanate from that hat as cards began to seemingly jump out of the hat. After a few more seconds of dejected cards and a lot more cooing noises, a rather plump and almost entirely white pigeon emerged from the hat. Its gray head and beady eyes were dead set on Whirlwind as it jerked forward and back and cocked to the side. The pigeon was holding the card Whirlwind had picked out a little while ago. “Crackers, are you sure that’s the right card?†“Coo†“Good, give it to little Whirlwind.†Crackers the pigeon flapped its wings once and landed in front of Whirlwind. Looking at Whirlwind, Crackers coo-ed once and then proceeded to drop the card in the tea cup and grabbed the tea spoon as he took off into the air, making it a point to drop it on top of Spade’s head with a resounding *dink* and then landing on the brim of the hat. “Hmm, I guess we still need more work on that one… Ain’t that right, Crackers?†He asked the non-interested pigeon as he rubbed the top of his head. His horn glowing for the first time, the somewhat tea soaked card levitated out of the cup and flew towards his side of the table, where he proceeded to dry it off as he addressed his audience. “That, my beloved audience, has been the show. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.†He bowed his head again, stopping once again short of stabbing his horn into the table. Crackers the pigeon did the same, which was somewhat odd since it was a pigeon. They were both waiting for applause.
  16. Clay continued to hover while he looked at the town in the distance, taking a few seconds to digest Ezio’s comment about the town. As he did though, a smile began to form across his face as his eyes narrowed. “Curiosity, Mr. Darkclaw, plain and simple curiosity! If someponies decided to set up a town in this of all places, they must have had their reasons to put such an effort. And, I doubt they would just up and leave, throwing away all that effort they put into their town…†Clay held his narrowed gaze on the town as he continued to smile and brought up a hoof to scratch his chin. “Well, I will admit it does look like they hardly put any effort into it…Hmm… But be as it may, Mr. Darkclaw, curiosity calls! You have been observing it for a while, I’m guessing it was not just to enjoy the scenery but to probably venture in. Come on, aren’t you curious about why this town looks so deserted? What could have happened to it? I know I am!†With that, Clay began to lazily fall to the ground and landed right in front of his cart with a content look on his face as he made up his mind and began to hitch himself up to it again. “Besides, I came all the way here to sell my art, my pottery! Even if I have to peddle it to ghosts. I am not going to turn back just yet.†He finally finished hitching himself to the cart and began to tug at it until momentum built and the cart began to move forward at a casual trot. As he pulled, he looked at the seemingly, thus far, none hostile dragon and began hatching a small plan. “You know, Mr. Darkclaw, if the residents just up and left and this is in fact a ghost town. Maybe they left some of their possessions behind. Perhaps a few GEMS laying around…†Clay wasn’t sure if adolescent dragons collected gems and treasure, as he had heard dragons were keen on the habit. But maybe that was enough to persuade the dragon to venture into the town and find whatever it is that he seemed to be looking for. Clay, although he may not give the impression, was more aware of things than he led on. He knew all actions had a purpose, whether it be a pony or a dragon, and this particular dragon had been there for a specific purpose. He pondered just what that may be as he continued to move at a leisurely trot towards the town. [OOC - Sorry, recently it's taken me longer to reply than I am comfortable with. It has been a rather hectic month to say the least but I will try and cut down on the time between posts.]
  17. I used to love playing Mouse Trap and Monopoly. Although admittedly Monopoly led to a lot of quarrels between my brother, cousins, and myself. One of them still owes me rent for landing on Broadway with a Hotel! Still, another game I used to love playing was the Pac-Man board game. Came out in 1982, 3 years before I was born. When my brother and I were 7, we were helping my dad clean out the storage room (because I wanted my own room) and we stumbled upon the board game buried in a corner of the room. Needless to say it took longer for me to get my own room seeing as we started playing and stopped cleaning. Have a pic! Took me forever to find a picture... At least until I realized that maybe I should be searching for Pac-Man "board" game instead of just Pac-Man game.
  18. Oddly enough, I never considered Fallout to be an RPG but now that I think about it... Okay then, although I loved Super Mario and the Legend of the Seven Stars growing up. I have to say that Fallout 3 and New Vegas are by far one of my favorite games :heart:
  19. I found this on Equestria Daily. I know its far from being considered "News" but I thought it was actually really well done and surprisingly positive Know Your Meme: My Little Pony
  20. Super Mario and the Legend of the Seven Stars was the first ever RPG I played... I loved the hell out it :heart:
  21. I got these to work thanks to the help from Appledash. I am loving it I usually play either engineer, medic, or heavy, and the first time I saw that giant Applejack run towards me, I couldn't help but start laughing... It just so odd looking. But I'm loving the mods! Also, the Legion of Ponies servers are a ton of fun! Try'em out bronies
  22. Klondike still had his head on the floor with his right ear twitching every now and then. The noise that had originally caught his attention was still holding on to it and unfortunately, as always seemed to be the case for him, it meant he was not really aware of the inquisitive pony that had found him in his home. He could hear a light creaking noise coming from the floorboards. One floorboard in particular sounded different from the others and that was the one he was focused on at the moment. “This sounds vaguely familiar…†He thought to himself as the creaking grew louder and more pronounced. The mallet in his mouth mirrored his thoughts as it slightly wiggled this way and that, as if searching for an answer. Suddenly, the now loud creaking of the floorboard gave way to a resounding *SNAP* and a sudden cloud of dust shot into the air and obscured Klondike from sight. It didn’t take long for it to settle though, and when it did, Klondike lay on the floor with three of his legs sprawled out and his right hind leg missing through a small hole on the floor. There was a slight surprised look on his face which suddenly gave way to a smile as he realized what the noise had been. “I should had known, the floor in my repair shop made the same noise when I was fixing it and…†His thoughts were interrupted as he suddenly noticed the hooves of a pony standing close to him. Still on the ground and showing no signs of intent to get back up, his eyes moved up towards the face of the pony that was staring at him with an inquisitive and expectant, and perhaps a bit irritated, look. “Hi! Mame’s Clownb…†Klondike suddenly stopped as his face gave way to a look of realization and he immediately spat out the mallet he had been holding in his mouth. “Why do I always have something in my mouth? And on that note, I should have left my things outside... OH! Sorry, hi, I’m not a clown… My name’s Klondike and I’m a repair pony from Ponyville and don’t worry, I plan to fix these floorboards… and the hole I made.†He paused for a second as he glanced at the mallet he had spat out and then looked back at the pony. “Did you know somepony savagely attacked your front door with that mallet?†He motioned with his head towards the mallet that lay silently on the floor. “Also…†His right haunch flexed a bit as he moved his missing hind leg. “Did you know you seem to have a basement or cellar of sorts?â€Â
  23. I'd like to give'em a shot. Not sure how to install them though, I read the readme file but I see about 3 things that say teamfortress and their a gcf format thingy. If anypony can clarify, that would be super.
  24. I wouldn't mind living on Sweet Apple Acres myself. I imagine if I did, I'd have to help with the farm and that would be a-ok with me Plus I'd be hanging out with Applejack and Big Mac... Eeyup
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