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Everything posted by BaconofChaos

  1. No Nightmare night costumes? Aw. #12: Regular Pinkie Pie (i.e. Friendship is Magic part 1)
  2. Oh, yeah! I'd skipped over it, since I'm naturally immune to Schmuck Bait, and then forgot about it. DERP. Ginger, are you rhyming due to poison joke influence, or is that just for fun? I opened the spoiler. I'm naturally immune to poison joke (impromptu roleplaying result; long story) but I think I can deliberately fail a fort save for the purposes of fun. Luckily for me, the effects of poison joke don't kick in until after one has slept (Everyone forgets that fact), so I've got time to figure out my posting ailment.
  3. I have absolutely no idea what's going on in this thread ._. I'm behind and haven't been rewatching the episodes, but I think I've seen Bridal Gossip enough times to chat about it (it's one of my favs) Voted Twilight's horn for easiest joke, since despite looking silly, it didn't really impede her in any way. Was going to vote Fluttershy, but then I realised that with her crippling shyness, that voice would probably make her want to lock herself away and never speak again. For hardest joke, Applejack. Not as funny as the others, but potentially more dangerous. She could was nearly swallowed by Dash for Celestia's sake! Random discussion: Spike got a lot of laughs from the mane 6 getting joked. But if he had been with them in Everfree, what kind of joke do you think the plant would have played on him? How would it attack his pride? I think Spike prides himself on being a good assistant, so probably the plant would affect his hands in some way. Maybe making them super long and gangly or turning them into hooves.
  4. Heh, that's cute.
  5. Beatnik Rarity is best Rarity. *sagely nod*
  6. That's a beautiful mane! Well done!
  7. Very, very nice. Shame about the duckface I kid, I kid.
  8. What a horrible thing to say! She tried her best. That's all anypony can ask of her. Frankly, I'm suspicious of anypony who be be so cold towards another. ¬_¬ 'kay. Vote: SilverSwirl
  9. Okay, I've looked over the wiki, and I kinda get how this works, but there's one major question I have: Is this a roleplay? Are we acting out investigations and stuff, or is it more like people would play a board game, saying "okay, let's vote for so-and-so"?
  10. She's looking very smart here! I concur.
  11. This sounds interesting. Not entirely sure how it works, but I'll check the wiki when I get a chance. 1. SilverThorn 2. MicroChip 3. Dunder 4. Tyler008bon 5. star1228 6. Conor Colton 7. featherquill 8. Flimflam 9.Starfox64x 10. Diego Havoc
  12. Just got a chance to play it. Only for a short time. Got a monk to level 6. So far, so good. Feels a lot like Diablo 2. Only being able to use certain skills in certain skill slots feels weird, but I'll get used to it. Not having to waste time figuring out stats is heavenly. My tag is DiegoHavoc#2761. I'm unlikely to play multiplayer for a while, but feel free to add me.
  13. Smooth Move could work. Greased Lightning might work better for a pegasus pony. Thank you for the comments by the way. The pictures were shunted off the front page not long after I posted and I thought no one would see them.
  14. ...Apparantly all the signatures disappeared in the last update. I only just noticed ._.

  15. Gee, I wonder. Yep, pic I drew. Unique Username FTW. Incidently, if I type my real name in, the first three pics are of a criminal arrested in Milwaukee. :!:
  16. Great stuff, though I'll be honest, I don't think Rarity's face in the last panel really works. The tounge hanging out makes her look like she's seen something disgusting ^^:
  17. Lyra jumped at Trixie's touch. This was getting to be too much! The endless flattery, Trixie's proximity, that touch. Lyra couldn't handle it. It wasn't bad. It felt right somehow. But it was too much, too soon. She didn't know how to deal with it and that was making her sweat. Trixie... was getting closer. Her muzzle drew closer. Lyra could feel her breath on her face for a split second... before she moved away. Not a jerking movement of shock, but a simple leaning away. She gently pushed her hoof to Trixie's lips. "I-I'm sorry Trixie. I'm very flattered- very, very flattered- but I just- I don't think- I'm not ready for something like this. I mean- Not that I don't like you- I mean- Maybe not that way- or- well, I don't know. It's just-" "OH, hey! Trixie! Not that I need ... um ... this is totally under control, but if you wanted to - ACK!" The interruption nearly made Lyra jump out of her skin. For a while there, she had forgetten that anypony else was around. The world came flooding back. She was suddenly aware of how warm her face felt. She turned away, partially from embarassment, but mostly from the worry that she may have hurt Trixie's feelings.
  18. From the album: Diego's Art

    Haven't uploaded anything for a while, so here are a few quick pics I've done recently. I didn't plan this. I just started drawing a random pony, ended up with a pompadour cut, the rest went from there. Feel free to suggest names for him

    © Diego Havoc 2012

  19. From the album: Diego's Art

    Haven't uploaded anything for a while, so here are a few quick pics I've done recently. Blushing Bon Bon. Was actually done a couple of month ago, I just never posted it. Her mane is too small (drew without references) but I still think it's cute.

    © Diego Havoc 2012

  20. From the album: Diego's Art

    Haven't uploaded anything for a while, so here are a few quick pics I've done recently. Cute Carrot Top picture. Big eyes, small mouth = cute. Lesson learned. Drawn after I bumped up the size of my canvas; gives a much smoother result.

    © Diego Havoc 2012

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