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Everything posted by kunio18

  1. id totally would love to see a blu ray box set release with all the extra special added features, then id t shut up and throw my money at Hasbro. i do think that is pointless thought releasing like 5 episodes for 1 season on 1 disk, thats just a money grab opportunity, why not put all the eps from the season on it instead ....
  2. Hasbro need to acknowledge the Bronies and the ultimate fan base following sooner or later, with us combined there will be no stopping us, we would make some killer sales together with the amount of stuff produced
  3. i agree i highly think that the fans in the end will be the ones creating the DVD and Blu-rays with full episodes to the seasons with all the special features added that are necessary.
  4. This is what i always pictured and would want to see when it comes onto any form of DVD or Blu ray release, it fits 100% perfectly well with the instrumental version of the shows greatest songs and the background videos . If only Hasbro or whomever they hire could be bothered to put this much effort into a DVD or Blu ray because i hear that "Friendship Express" DVD, it has horrible with short looping static menu's and pointless bonus features ALL OF MY WANT !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfP4t96g7Gc&feature=player_embedded
  5. i really hope they will use the places that we have not seen yet in equestria in series 3 when it FINALLY airs
  6. okay well i use tiny pic and i normally right click save gif. let me try, but i dont think it works for some bizarre reason, or it takes friggin forever dude
  7. yeah you could meet your favorite ponies but they would have jobs and have their own routines so you would have to build upon relationships, the ponies in PonyVille would be very nice but PonyVille is a crazy place there is almost never a quiet day where something totally bizarre or freaky doesn't happen. meat would be taboo and alcohol is most probably frowned upon.
  8. can somepony please tell me how i can post a gif. to the forums boards so it plays continuously that i want to share with the community, ? help will be greatly appreciated
  9. speaking of toys... man i wanna go to toys r us tomorrow and look in the pony section, there is a massive one at the one near my place, though im pretty much going to get a few dodgy looks from the peoples
  10. it seems that they have been doing a lot of work for the 1v1 street fighter style pony fighting game, the music is immaculate and sprites look so darn good that i cant wait any longer for a release date, i don't even think that there is yet one that's been confirmed so far. Just been looking at the Mane6 website for the project and it looks like they have just started doing sprites and voice acting for fluttershy just as well as more artwork for the stages, MAN I REALLY WANT THIS GAME ! really good fluttershy voice actor below
  11. to be honest ive never heard of a farmers market before but thanks for telling me rainboom. sounds like they sell alot of neat stuff, im from England so it sounds like to me for what we call it over here " a boot sale"
  12. this is made of awesome! that must have been one epic farmer
  13. really getting into the extended version of love is in bloom, this video is beautiful http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PIr2GlNoGGA
  14. what!?!?!? when how.... really sad news.........damn
  15. aaaahhhhhh yeaaaaaaaaaaaah! cheery drops mofo !, best sweets
  16. crikey that's pretty darn incredible, i remember hearing about it on EqD mentioning of it being a "massive" read.... wow !
  17. how about the possible fact that people have other addictions like smoking.. or that they need certain pills and medications to function properly and get through the day considering that they have health problems, i dont think Equestria would supply those kinda supplements nor have the technology to figure how to create it.
  18. Evidence of how much this has weighed on my mind, I can honestly say that I've considered every single one of the points, im not entirely sure how I'd react if I was given the opportunity to go I'm still deliberating with myself if it would be a good idea in the first place. Either way, these are things that I don't think many people pause to consider when expressing a desire to hop the dimensional gap over to our favorite ponies' world.
  19. Lyra for me always, just love the spearmint color of her
  20. im a Virgo so that means twilight for me, im oke with this though
  21. Twidash all the way for me and also gotta loveLyra and Bon bon, they are the cutest ever, squee !
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