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Everything posted by BlindJester

  2. PaintedWings couldn't help but giggle at the little sparrow as it seemed to have quite the personality. The filly patiently waited for the Colton to finish introducing himself before she turned to the chef and bowed before him and introduced herself "My name is PaintedWings, young painter in the making. I lend my wings to my big sister CookieSweets, who is a huge fan of yours Mister Cask, when I'm not helping her I'm furthering my painting skills!" She was quite for a moment as she tried to think of any possible conditions that might be as severe as the chef's after a few minutes she came up with nothing "I don't think I've come across any conditions as of yet."
  3. PaintedWings was relieved when she felt the young stallion stir in her hooves and gently put him down at his request. The filly looked around to see that quite the crowd had gathered 3 stallions, one colt and her. It made her happy to see that so many ponies would care about a random stranger on the street. When the khaki stallion introduced his self the name rung a bell as she recalled CookieSweets talking quite highly of the chef, maybe she should get a autograph before they all part ways surely Ms.Sweets would enjoy it! She hovered next to Nighthoof as Cellar Cask offered to have everypony over for dinner, free dinner at his restaurant! She couldn't help but to let out a small squeak of excitement and whispered in Nighthoof's ear "Maybe we should take the offer, like your first reward of many for a job well done! I mean that is what super heroes do right? Then after you finish you could disappear into the night mysteriously! So what do you think?"
  4. Octavia put a hoof to her chin as she thought about her choices, she wasn't a fan of peanut butter, but the milk chocolate and Dark Chocolate did sound rather scrumptious so she decided on those. "Well my young filly I would love to try the dark chocolate and the milk chocolate if you would be so kind" she trotted over to a glass which held all sorts of assortments of sweets. All of it looked rather delicious and Octavia was tempted to try them all the mare licked her lips at the thought "Actually Miss Sweet Surprise I'd like to taste one of everything"
  5. I can't wait to see what you cook up!
  6. PaintedWings gave him a confused yet worried look, saying he didn't know wasn't a very calming thought but she did agree that they needed to get him off the streets at least until he comes to,'If he comes to' she thought dreadfully. The pegasus helped lift some of the weight off the colt by hoovering just above them and lift as much of the stallion as she could off Nighthoof. They were making a little progress the weight of the stallion was a little too much for her small frame to handle even with Nighthoof's assistance. "There has to be a better way to get him off the streets Nighthoof." she said through gritted teeth. A few seconds later a new pony appears, another pegasus asking if there was anything he could do to help, she was certain from another pony's point of view this would of look rather odd and might of called the authorities on them. PaintedWings was just glad this stallion decided to help surely he could move the fainted stallion much faster than two young ponies. "Well it would be great if you could help us move this pony off the streets! Me and Nighthoof here," she nodded towards the colt as she said his name "Were talking and suddenly this guy walked by us then a few seconds later he passed out in the middle of the street! So now we want to get him off the streets and maybe try to wake him up."
  7. We will give the portable steam-powered engine a pass, but be warned that things might change and you will probably have to change it so be sure you're willing for that! (If not you can just make this a crossover app then you can really go crazy.) Other than that this is a rather unique app although I'm not sure how fun RPing an anti-social pony could be. Maybe he could have weekly/daily outings so he won't be such so secluded? I also think this pony could use a bit more of a personality! With that being said I hope you take my suggestions into consideration!
  8. Beautiful! The lines are so clean I'm jealous!
  9. "Move here from Fillydelphia huh? Not too enough crime for your superheroing heart?" PaintedWings asked in a part serious and part playful manner. She picked up one of the warm chocolate chip cookies and munched on it as she listened to the crusader talk. She noticed that the colt had a hard time separating talking like a super hero and talking like young pony and when he caught himself it made him flustered, Painted giggled at it because it seemed cute. The young pegasus hoped to learn his true identity so she could look out for him at school tomorrow, 'If he seemed this fun as a super hero maybe he's just as fun as a normal pony!' she thought happily. A young stallion trotted past the duo and gave a small nod PaintedWings nodded back and mutter a small "Evening" as he passed by. Just she was passing the box of cookies towards Nighthoof the stallion suddenly collapsed! She stole a glance in Nighthoof's direction but already noticed that he was right by his side giving her a pleading look. Putting the box back into her saddlebag the pegasus flew over to the stallion's other side panic rising in her chest "Wh-what happened to him? Should we go get some help or what?" she barely able to contain her fear.
  10. The excited bouncing filly took Octavia by surprise in her profession she's hasn't met many ponies with such high spirits and hyper energy, except for that one pink pony she met at the gala. The thought of her sent a shiver down her spine at how disastrous the event was, the mare was quickly brought back to reality as the little filly vigorously shook her hoof with a large grin on her muzzle. It took a moment for Octavia to regain her posture, once the Sweet Surprised stopped shaking her hoof the momentum made it continue going for a few moments before she was able to set it back down on the ground. "It's a pleasure to meet you Sweet Surprise, my name is Octavia and I must be quite honest with you I've never really had many sweets so I'd be more than happy to taste a few samples. Especially this. . . fudge you speak of" she gave a polite nod and a cheery smile as she waited for the sugar filled sweets.
  11. Thank you both for the comments! I'll be honest I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to post this or not, but I'm glad I did c:
  12. Aw! Can I cuddle her? This is too cute<3 Great job c:
  13. From the album: BlindJester's Pictures!

    Tried to vector. Failed. I like it so sue me Enjoy! I had a lot of fun making it XD

    © Insane Lioness

  14. The professional tone was something PaintedWing did not expect especially from a colt her age playing super hero. She bowed politely to Nighthoof before introducing herself "My name is PaintedWings and I was just curious as to what you were doing, Nighthoof. How long have you be around here? I haven't see you here before especially the night I was. . . " she couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence due to the memories it would bring back. She shook her head lightly as if trying to dislodge the bad thoughts from her mind. "Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet you." She reached into her saddlebag to pull out a box the smell of freshly baked cookies came strongly from it, Painted set it on the ground. "I don't know if you're busy or not right now, but I would love to get to know you better and I even have cookies! Fresh baked too!"
  15. Since this is a crossover application you have a little bit more freedom with the app! So far it looks good and I don't have much of a problem with it.
  16. Sorry, but we already have a pony named Saw Bones. Another thing I'd like to point out is that there isn't much about his personality here. I can gather that he is always happy and eager about his practice, but what else does this doctor do in his free time? Does he enjoy other activities?
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