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Everything posted by BlindJester

  1. "I-I'm so sorry your Majesty!" PaintedWings bowed down so low that her muzzle practically touched the floor. "Forgive Princess I was clumsy and wasn't looking where I was going"she said in a rush hoping the Princess didn't feel sour about it 'Great first impression Pani. Great first impress' standing back onto her hooves"Good evening to you too and might I add it's a wonderful night. I mean your nights are always wonderful they are so full of life and the stars shine so brightly!" she smiled a smile so great that it seemed as if her teeth began to glow. PaintedWings hope she didn't hurt the Princess with their collision "M-My name is PaintedWings your grace and I enjoy your nights very much so. Like I said before the stars shine so bright and the mood looks beautiful and it's fun to fly under their beauty" she relaxed enough so that she didn't seem to stiff "I came over here to see if we could um.... you know . . . be friends?" closing her eyes bracing herself for a 'No' or call for the royal guards.
  2. SQUEE!!!!!!! THANK YOU TALES! <3
  3. PaintedWings was enjoying the gala dancing in crowd "This is a great party!" she said to herself dancing to the beat. She wondered if she'd meet any new ponies or maybe catch a glimpse of Princess Celestia or even better Princess Luna. Until then she enjoyed the music and the excitement of the other ponies while until something caught her eyes near the outskirts of crowd. 'Th-that can't be' she mumbled to herself rubbing her eyes with a hoof. "It is!" she exclaimed. PaintedWings saw the beautiful and elusive Princess Luna she hurried over to the Princess of the Moon trying to keep it cool and practicing what she'd say "Hi I'm PaintedWings I'm a huge fan I love your nights they are so gorgeous!" she shook her head "No that sounds to fangirlish. . . . . . Hey what's up Princess I saw you at the edges of the crowd and thought I'd say 'sup" she tried sounding cool but ended up sounding like a foal. During her self conflict of what to say she ended up running straight into the Princess once up close Painted mind went blank as she saw the sweet looking princess up close "I-I-I um uh" she stumbled out trying to form a sentence or at least an apology.
  4. Merry pouted at his response feeling that a colt his age should be more excited to be at one of the biggest parties of the year. Thinking about it for a second she decided to ask the colt a question "Would you mind being my um what do ponies call it....." she pondered since she never brushed up on speaking properly her job never called for her to speak on find and deliver "A date! That's right would you mind being my date for the evening? I came here alone and would at least like somepony else to talk to." giving one of her brightest smiles to Re-roll "That is if you want to if you don't I totally understand and I'll just go see if there is some pony else who wants to hang out with me." she turned away from Re-roll expecting a rejection to her proposal.'I highly doubt somepony else would want to hang out with a dud like me anyway' thinking silently to her with a heavy sigh.
  5. I knew this question would come up Yet I didn't address it. Stupid pony >:C -smacks self- /EDITED to include how she does her job.
  6. Can there be a "Undecided" option because I can't choose XD
  7. MelodySpark heard a voice calling out to her and she turned around to see it was a Pegasus pony tied up in what looks like his bow-tie. "How in Luna's name did he manage to do that" she asked herself trotting towards the stallion seeing that his hoof was practically tied up tightly in his bow-tie.'This stallion probably isn't use to those ties although that's quite a shocker' she thought to herself when she finally got closer to the stallion she asked in a polite manner "Um how can I help you uh sir." trying not to laugh at how silly he looked up close "Or is that a new crazy fashion thing all the stallions are doing?" stifling a giggle. She did admit that this stallion looked quite dashing even in that silly pose.
  8. BlindJester


    Is that your super power Kirby? XD
  9. MelodySpark was walking through the garden enjoying the exotic plants she saw around her. She sat in the garden in awe at what she saw the beautiful flowers and rare animals. 'I wonder how long it took for this garden to finally become the way it is now' wondering to herself. "I hope I get to meet other ponies out here, but until then I can do with the company of the plants and animals" she said and trotted over to the pony looking down into her reflection what she saw was her new look again. Melody had grown her hair out just for this one occasion having it brushed to one side of her face and letting the rest of her mane fall into what looked like a waterfall of curls. She wore something that looked like ballet slippers tying all the way up her leg. Her dress was white and had rumples that fell in sections while the random music notes were dotted onto the dress. "You really out did yourself tonight Melody hopefully you'll even find your prince charming!" she told her reflection hopping around. She took one more look at her reflection to make sure everything was in place then walked off to explore the rest of the garden. 'This surely will be a night to remember' smiling at herself and her head held high while humming a few tunes.
  10. Welcome welcome welcome! Welcome to our wondrous forums that is Canterlot!! My name is PaintedWings and I will be your new friend here on these fourms You joined at a great time if you like to RP We have a wonderful grand galloping gala Live RP event going on so I hope you get a app in soon! Anyway onto my two standard questions for every new pony. 1. Do you like to RP? 2. Do you plant to participate in the RPing goodness that is Canterlot?! If the answer is yes then I can't wait to see you around on the RP threads! If the answer is no that's fine! We have plenty of other wonderful threads that I'm sure I'll bump into you somewhere! I hope you enjoy your stay here with us at Canterlot. Welcome to the herd!
  11. 'The Grand Galloping Gala! I can't believe I was invited!' Merry thought happily as she flew towards the main gate enjoying the sunset "I guess this is that Magic hour I've heard so much about". Landing in front of the it Merry showed her golden ticket to the guards and they let her in. She started to trot towards the main hall when she noticed a pony hanging in the background "Hm wonder what that pony is up to" she said aloud "Let's go see!" flying over happily to meet this pony she stopped in front of him "Hi! I'm Merry!" she cheered "Who are you? Why are you in the background you should be having fun this is a party!"
  12. HA! Confound these ponies drive me to not notice errors.....
  13. OH MY ****ING LUNA!!!!! I REMEMBER THAT MOVIE! It was AWESOME! -squees-
  14. Jurassic Park was awesome!!!! Although I've never seen Back to the future :c
  15. LOL Chonico all good points Maybe John likes to carry apple because he likes to give them away with a price.
  16. BlindJester


    Girls in JL just make guys go all gaga for their costumes. -jokes again- We do need more female super herons though I agree
  17. Name: BlindJester (Nickname: Jessy or Jess) Sex: Female Age: Young Mare Species: Pegasus Pelt Color: A light orange or a tannish like colour Mane/Tail Color & Style: Her mane is a magenta like colour and even though she's blind Jessy prefers to be presentable so she keep her mane and tail short but straight. Having it done by one of her good friends each day Eye Color: A very light blue with a clouded look Cutie Mark: A yellow and red jesters hat the tips of the it has yellow small fuzzy pom-poms at the end Physique: Tall but is a little weak due to her not getting much exercise her wings are strong. Residence: Fillydelphia Occupation: Waitress at a local restaurant does comedy acts on the weekends. BlindJester does her job by memory and markers that the restaurant graciously set up for the blind pony. Motivation: Jessy's motivation is to make the world laugh since she can not see the world she wants to at least hear their laughter Character Summary: BlindJester was born blind her parents weren't excited to hear about it but accepted her nonetheless. Growing up neither of her parents took their eyes off her, if both parents couldn't watch her then they resorted to taking her wherever one of them went. Jessy was home-schooled for the first few years until she convinced her parents that she's big enough to take care of herself. Her parents had a long debate about it and soon registered her for school where she discovered her special talent. It was at a talent show she tried to make other ponies laugh because she heard that sharing a laugh with others makes them closer to you. Overcoming her stage fright she walked onto stage and started with her first joke. Some ponies laughed and others coughed. She got scared and just said what was on her mind "Man, I'm glad I'm blind so I don't have to see my jokes crash and burn" for whatever reasons ponies started to laugh. She loved the feeling of making other ponies laugh it felt like a way to communicate with them, Jessy kept telling her jokes and made other ponies laugh. She enjoyed the spot light so much and the laughter of the ponies that by the time she was done she was practically glowing from all the excitement. Waiting till the end of the talent show Jessy hurried home to tell her parents what just happened. After telling them about what happened and reliving the moment she told them that she wants to become a comedian. Jessy heard her parents gasp and thought that meant that she can not pursue what she loves but her parents gave her a hug instead. Jessy was slightly confused by the hug but her parents explained to her that she earned her cutie-mark and that it was a jester's hat. Jessy bounced around in excitement happy that she earn her cutie-mark despite her handicap. When BlindJester was old enough she moved out of her parents house and decided to live in Fillydelphia since it was a busy place and she thought it could use a bit of laughter. Jessy navigates where she goes by extending her wings out and feeling for whatever brushes up against them letting her know that something is there. Despite her handicap Jessy has always been a bright and happy go lucky pony sometimes forgetting she's blind when she has fun, she does have the tendency to run into objects that her wings didn't feel and that may land her in a sticky situation from time to time, but she uses her wits to get out of them. BlindJester is the type of Pony who likes to take on the world even though she can't see it and loves a challenge. When she isn't acting like a goofball she usually gets very serious when time calls for it and has a quick wit. Jessy works at a restaurant in Fillydelphia as a waitress after long time convincing that she can do it like any other pony the owner finally gave her a chance so she could earn more money. She enjoys her job as a waitress because it keeps her busy and focused. Although on the weekends she goes to comedy spots to get her weekly dose of laughter. In order for Jessy to waitress the tables each table has a different shaped marker on it so when Jessy's wings brush across it she knows which table it is. Her memory comes into play two ways the first way is that she memorized each shape that is the table's number such as "Order up at table 4" it would be known to her as 'table star' and so on. After working there for a month she pretty much knows where each table is by memory and rarely has to use the shapes unless the restaurant decides to redecorate where they then show Jessy the new layout and uses the shapes again until she's comfortable. It sometimes took Jessy a while to get the orders to customers so when she started out they let her handle drinks only so that the customers wouldn't get to impatient with her sloth-like speed. So after she has been able to become employee of the month once or twice due her joking nature and good service.Sometimes Jess likes to use her disability to use to help her in jokes such as seeing jokes. Previous: Current: Art by the fabulous Flutterscotch Art by me --------- I'm terrible at jokes....... WIP tag removed ready for evaluation. -hides-
  18. BlindJester


    Because guys complicates things -jokes-
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcdsCfDXD9c Can you loop 3:06-3:10? I love this part XD If you know that's okay.....
  20. After a long and difficult battle. Ziddia finally came out the victor. Congratz on your app
  21. o.o; Well I'll be sure to keep my birds away from your chin >>
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