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Everything posted by CrescentBlaze

  1. ponies on the the brain man. ponies on the brain...

    1. shyshy


      us and them is on mine

  2. nah but see it was every time I saw him head on I cringed. I just felt something was really off about it. like his muzzle was way too long to look so flat you know?
  3. yep! added a nice chunk to the back story. Just working out all the little details, should be done soon
  4. I'll basically say this. If they do somehow make the show watchable and of the caliber of MLP yes I will watch it despite it being care bears. If I didnt I'd be going against the same philosophy that makes me brony.
  5. it never bothered me until I saw Shining armor head on. Every time I was just "dubuq just happened to his face?" he always looked cross eyed to me like that
  6. Honestly one of the things that is going to keep me away from this is that there is no relatability to the care bears like we have in MLP. As far as I know from the horrible movies I was forced to watch with my sister from time to time there are only like 8 care bears. its too simple to appeal to an older audience (or at least me) imagine MLP and its only the mane six ALL THE TIME only interacting with each other. I would get boring and the same jokes, ploys, and nuances would be endlessly repeated through each episode. there is no carebear society or any depth to their world at all. They live on a little world of clouds and floating pieces of land connected to earth by a rainbow that only a few kids can cross. If you ask me that severely limits what they can do with the show.
  7. I've been wondering the same thing myself. Personally I dont think it could happen unless they found a way to significantly expand the care bear universe to make it more immersive, as of right now its pretty shallow. (I know because my sister used to like it) That and fix that god awful CGI nonsense. That and some real writing and plot then yeah I would. Its the same argument for ponies. If the animation is good, the plot is compelling, the characters are well developed, and the humor in entertaining, then yeah why not watch it?
  8. their are already designs for fusion powered vehicle engines. hydrogen cell fusion engines that recycle their own fuel through fision. its crazy awesome but way too expensive to produce right now.
  9. ((alright she says she doesnt want in so we either need to find someone else or move on))
  10. aww I just found this and was all "hey I wonder if they have a flight team in their air force like the wonderbolts I should totes volunteer the aeroblades as the official aerial team of the NLR" but no all done
  11. actually now that you bumped it i 've seen it so maybe not! I would say at this point the most effective way to make something widely accepted in america right now (I cant speak for the world) would be to make it workable into to a form of transportation. ei. make a fusion powered train engine then cars and the like. What people want right now is cheap convenient transportation. If they can make it work at a feasible price then bam, you got yourself popularity
  12. aaaand im out...*flies to the moon trembling with bad memories*
  13. well well well somepony who has achieved what I strive for! I too seek a degree in writing! gotta tell me how that is sometime. Anyway happy to have someone with some awesome experience on site!
  14. When you say guards do you mean actual EAF or can it be any pony with combat capabilities?
  15. Crescent felt the recruits touch wing tips with him right on time and nodded to them. He continued the forward loop and, as an extra guide for them, did a slow corkscrew so that his wings would indicate where they aught to be in the spiral. He turned three times while he worked his way through the loop, paying extra attention to make sure they remained in sync and avoided any collisions. As he leveled off he raised and dropped a hoof, fighting hard against the increased drag, to signal the two to cross beneath him. As far as he could tell they had both done well, but he would have to consult Fleetfoot as she had viewed the whole stunt. He made his was back to the starting point and waited for Kicks and Sky. While he waited he turned to Fleetfoot. "So how'd they do? I couldnt see everything form the air."
  16. Crescent crouched in preparation for take-off and steeled his mind once again. His gaze narrow and and his focus slimmed to himself and the two ponies beside him. He knew if anything happened to them any consequences were on his hooves; he would have to pay extra attention to them both in case he had to save either of them. "Ok. On my mark. 3...2...1...GO!" Crescent launched into the air accelerating as best he could at a direct ascent. He reached a good cruising speed and held it there not wanting to push himself faster than the others could go. When was, to his best estimate, 400 hooves above the stadium he sloped forward, tilting himself downward and waited for the other two to convene upon him before initiating the next move.
  17. I like to imagine lauren faust's alicorn OC as PC's and PL's mother. It makes me happy. I'm also a fan of my own phrase "luna above!" and "By Starswirl's Beard!
  18. well then that settles it. His bronyism is official. :D
  19. OH MY GOD HES A FRICKIN BRONY...nobody else say otherwise I need to solidify this head canon.
  20. oh my god pegasus. pegasus! PEGASUS!!! Ive had dreams of being able to fly since as long as I can remember, and I've always had a very strong grasp on the dynamics of flight. It was even my childhood dream to be a pilot. Not like for an airline but to own my own prop plane to just fly around and be awesome. Plus I'm a total adrenaline junkie, I get either incredibly ansy or bored when I dont get my daily dose of excitement so flying and doing stunts would suit me well. Damn it would be awesome to fly...
  21. Crescent looked down and adjusted his red and black flight suit a little, Fleetfoot hadnt been kidding when she had said they got itchy after a while. He looked up to see Kicks asking Fleetfoot to look after his bird that, to be honest, Crescent hadnt even noticed before. When Kicks suggested they name the trick after themselves he put a hoof to his chin pondering the name Kicks had presented. He thought Satin might get a little jealous that her name wasnt included but Satin Ribbons doesnt work into the name of a cool trick very well anyway. "Well sounds good to me! Looks like we'll be doing the Crescent Sky Kick! Oh and Sky if you're confused just take another look at that diagram there, basically you two lift off at 45 degree angles away form me, then as I start to slope downwards you both converge and touch wing tips to mine. Then I'm going to do a forward loop and you guys will do 3 slow tight circles around me staying within wing length. once I level out you will both cross beneath me, kicks you will cross over top of sky." Crescent lowered his goggles and flared his wings, waiting for sky to take position on his left wing.
  22. Crescent dove through the swirling contrails with Fleetfoot and released a shout of success, relinquishing some of his concentration to have some fun. He looked around him at the swirling vortex of thunderclouds and admired how his own trail of purple added a nice dark sheen. "WOOHOOOOO! NICE JOB FLEET!" He reached out his leg and gave Fleetfoot a high hoof as they reduced their speed and approached the bench where the newbies sat. Crescent took a deep breath and tried to come off his adrenaline high. "Woo. Okay you guys ready? You wont be doing the moonbeam that would be too dangerous with three of us wrapped up in there. You two and I will be doing a simpler move that I havent named yet. Here come look." Crescent turned around and started dragging a hoof on the cloud drawing out a flight pattern. It was a team maneuver that required precise timing from all of them. it began with Colton on his right and Sky Flare on his left. The three of them would take off crescent strait up and the other two on opposite 45 degree angles to Crescent's sides. Crescent would swoop forward into a loop and act as marker to help guide them and be there in case something went wrong. As Crescent would angle downwards the two would converge back to his side touching their wings tips to his. Crescent would perform a forward loop and the prospects would attempt to circle around him in a close but gradual spiral staying on opposite sides. upon Crescent leveling out they would cross each other beneath him and make their way back to the cloud where Crescent would meet them. I took Crescent few good minutes to sketch the trick out on the cloud. On completion he turned back to them. "Alright take a good look and memorize the routine. Let me know when you're ready to go."
  23. Crescent smiled excitedly at the Wonderbolt, though something was off. He could tell when his friends were nervous and despite her attempt to hide it Fleetfoot had it written all over her face. Crescent knew she may have difficulty with tricks but he was confident in her abilities as a flier and was pretty sure she could handle some spirals. He took a cue from Fleetfoots own book and offered some friendly encouragement. He bumped her flank smiling and said, "C'mon Fleet you got this! you start on the north side and I'll go from the south. Oh and just a tip! its easier to hold the spiral if you angle your wings just a little higher than usual instead of straight out!" With that he motioned for her to go and went to address the the recruits. He began to prepare himself mentally already as he spoke. "Alright boys listen up! I have good news, you both have the right stuff for the team, but before I offer you membership there is one more thing you need to prove. The AeroBlades are a team and naturally we must act as a single unit, always in sync. To test your ability to work as part of a group the three of us will perform a stunt that involves the three of us. Although before you attemp this I want you both to know what you will be getting into, so Fleetfoot and I will be performing an adaptation of one of my own signature moves, The Mega Manic Moonbeam. Keep a sharp eye on how we interact because next it will be us three up there. Crescent then took off for the south side of the stadium, rising far above the edge in preparation for the dive, and waited for Fleetfoot to take position. Once she was in place Crescent finished his mental preparation, he narrow his focus to a needle sharp point blocking out everything around him but Fleetfoot's position and the task at hand. He raised a hoof ready to signal his companion to get ready, and after a few seconds dropped it signaling her to go. He took off just as she did at a moderate dive towards the center of the Cloudeseum maintaining as much control over his velocity as ponily possible. Too fast and he risked serious injury. Despite holding back his full speed he was still rocketing at high speed towards the hole at the base of the stadium. He concentrated intensely on where Fleefoot was and just as she passed to his left he threw himself in to a tight upward spiral in which he hoped she was able to reciprocate.
  24. Oh good lord dAsh only you ...but thats why we love you I feel \like it makes sense though. Not dAshtons theory but about Cadence being from Itaily, I mean why not? She's a princess which means she has to be a princess of SOMETHING.
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