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Everything posted by Soarin

  1. I'm not colorblind, my hue order? I barely understand what they're asking
  2. Thank you! I was trying to find a way to move it to the chit chat!
  3. I've never seen nor heard of Silly Filly Adventure. Would you recommend buying (if it costs money)/downloading it?
  4. I love your topics. It vague suggests sex in the beginning, and then it's like "romantic rp, will have sex" ;)

  5. "If you break your legs, don't come running to me!" lol (of topic) Contrary to popular believe, the Daddy Long Leg spider is not the most poisonous spider in the world. The Phoneutria nigriventer. Portal 2 Was Originally Set In The '80s And Had Giant Chickens And Smoking Robots Halo (the game) didn't start off as a shooter, it was meant to be a real time strategy game. Steve Jobs was stoked about it, too. If you can read this, that is cool!
  6. Will be done, COMENCING THE MOVE IN 3.....2......111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 Error: Renamed Thread to Dark Section Can you even move full topics or do you just make a new one?
  7. Do you know where the stretch to fit option is? In the pull down box it only has tiled and standard.
  8. If you check out my profile, in the upper left hand corner, there is a small picture that I want to make my FULL background. It's only that big, and it must be bigger to be seen. Any suggestions?
  9. Same, I feel as if they will rip my heart out now.
  10. Thanks for the clarification!
  11. OkAY, I guess I'll start SCP - Containment Breach SCP - 173 - http://www.google.com/imgres?q=spc+173&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1066&bih=532&tbm=isch&tbnid=k7JtSSJGi0dW-M:&imgrefurl=http://www.scp-wiki.net/scp-173&docid=wdECeZOOn2zOSM&imgurl=http://scp-wiki.wdfiles.com/local--files/scp-173/SCP-173.jpg&w=1200&h=981&ei=0zrqT_q8C86J6gH3nNjXAQ&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=138&sig=117606318767657473050&page=1&tbnh=152&tbnw=185&start=0&ndsp=10&ved=1t:429,r:2,s:0,i:80&tx=27&ty=41 Pinkie Pie SCP- 173 - http://www.google.co...:83&tx=44&ty=63
  12. HELLLLLOOOOOOOO! This thread is for the dark and the scary! Post whatever scares you or anyone else! Keep the gore and vice to a medium level, I don't want to get any warning points Games, movies, photos, anything that is scary, feel free to post pictures and videos. Again, keep in mind that you should put a *WARNING* label on any vids or pictures that have profane material. Happy Haunting! I love this movie and especially love this song! (this movie doesn't scare me)
  13. I remember seeing this a while ago, it seems every mlp vid I see on youtube ends up here.
  14. Hi guys, just wanted to make an appearance. Being a GM with Cainiam and not posting is irresponsible !
  15. Gah! I wish I was as lucky as you guys When I turn 17, I swear that I will strut around New York with brony merchandise on and see how many bro hoofs I get :! It must be done!
  16. YOU LIVED IN NJ!!!! awewe shucks, I live there now!!! Gahhh I wish we could have actually met!
  17. It must have been hard to hold it in and not tell them.
  18. I hope this is where you post when you are not going to be online for a while. Today I'm going camping, so I won't have access to the internet. I'll be back Friday, and if I don't return, I was eaten by bears, wolves, mountain lions etc.
  19. Soarin


    I love this picture.
  20. Ha! I like those shows, too. I've only known of one brony in real life, well only seen for that matter, but he was mentally deficient, so I'm not exactly sure if it was a phase or a way to vent frustration. The only reason I know this is because he was flaunting his shirt that had RD's flowing mane and no body that read "This shirt just got 20% cooler"
  21. You guys, the guys who have met with real life bronies, are so lucky!
  22. "Maybe the helicopter.. maybe it's made of chocolate" -Nick from Left for Dead 2
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