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Status Updates posted by DarkStar

  1. Important update! To all those that participate in my current FFA roleplay, I regret to inform you that school has overtaken most of my weekly schedule, so I won't have as much time on my hooves as I'd like... I express my sincerest apologies to all of you. :(

    1. SongHeart


      can you pst? me and another guy have been waiting on you.


  3. Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to announce my third return(I think it's my third, anyway)! I come to you now with quite a bit of time on my hooves, and a new operating system! :D

  4. Such long absences these days...

  5. Stupid computer... Keeps crashing. -.-

  6. Incredibly calm...

  7. Learns everything about friendship... Goes against every single rule. :/

    1. tacobob


      (Angry Chief Of Police voice) DARKSTAR! Why must you break ALL THE RULES? If you keep it up, I'm taking away your friendship badge!

    2. DarkStar


      Take it. I don't seem to need it anymore...

  8. Pokemon has gotten very addicting. :P

    1. AtDawnTheySquee


      I've been playing Pokemon since I was 8.

    2. DarkStar


      O rly br0? Haha, I kid. But I started at age 16. Turning 17 this year... How's that for inexperience? :P

  9. Nothing brightens the day like a Twix, a Milky-Way, and a Kit-Kat :3

    1. tacobob


      Wishes he had some Kit Kats from Japan-Land. They got some crazy Kit-Kats there, I tell you.

  10. The Werewolf deck has improved! :3

    1. ShadowWalking18


      Werewolf deck? Do you play magic the gathering?

    2. DarkStar


      I do! However, I can't get any real cards, so I use computer software instead... I'm using LackeyCCG to play. Maybe you can set it up with your computer as well and we can play! :D

  11. Good morning, everypony! ^^

  12. Well, tonight has been a good night! It's good to be back. :)

  13. Guess who was a real dummy in the past few months? xP

    1. DreamySunday
    2. tacobob


      Charlie McCarthy?

    3. DarkStar


      I kinda was... But it doesn't matter now! I'm back with a newly found rage! ...The good kind! ^^

  14. Guess who was a really dummy in the past few months? xP

    1. tacobob


      Mortimer Snerd?

  15. Well... we have a new refridgerator now. xD

  16. Well, hopefully today goes better than yesterday. ^^

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      Well, tomorrow is another day, and the sun'll come out tomorrow.

  17. What I wouldn't do for my true friends...

  18. A new favorite genre... Text Adventures! :D

  19. And now... I'm sick. v.v

  20. Who keeps an imp locked up in a storage cabinet??

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. weesh


      Free range imps are actually much healthier, so I let mine hang out in the courtyard.

    3. Warbrony


      Yeah. But if you let them have the courtyard, they'll want the inside of the house too.

    4. weesh


      Setting clear boundaries with imps is very important. I've found the following useful: "You are welcome in the house so long as you wipe the blood from your feet first", "I will be happy to provide access to the Robinson's apartment AFTER you return the Smith's kids", etc. Remember to lead with a positive statement!

  21. Two days away from school just bothers me... >.>

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