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Everything posted by hinata2000100

  1. "Hmm... I guess so. I suppose I'm just a bit impatient." Twilight said, then got up and started pacing in a circle. 'What could my talent be? There's so many things I could be good at.' She thought to herself.
  2. Well, I'm Apple Fritter now, but I still need to think about where I want her on the tree...
  3. Congrats everypony who won! You all deserved it!
  4. (I know. At least, I hope Fermata doesn't hate Fluttershy...)
  5. Ah'd join if given th' chance. (Just to let you know, anything written in cyan is spoken by my OC, Fantasia Tempo. Anyway, this idea interests me. )
  6. "I-I didn't do this..." Fluttershy said, looking at the butterfly perched on her nose.
  7. Fluttershy noticed a couple butterflies flying around her, and most of them landed on her shoulders, and one landed on her nose. She tried to resist her urge to sneeze, but couldn't hold it very long, and let out a quiet sneeze. The butterflies, for some odd reason, didn't seem to care about her sneeze. She smiled and left the butterflies where they were.
  8. The camper's chatter eventually died down, and Fluttershy pulled some papers out of her pockets. Twilight had recommended she have papers dictating what she'd say just in case she got nervous, which was pretty obvious would happen, and forgot about what she's supposed to say. Fluttershy quickly fumbled through her pages, almost making them fly everywhere. She eventually found where she was supposed to start, and cleared her throat. She tried to speak clearly into the mic. "U-Um... OK, so t-the first activity that you can do with me is Animal Care. B-Basically, you find out what it's like to be an animal caretaker like me. Y-You know, feed the animals, care for them, should they get hurt, and make sure they're always happy." Fluttershy said, and then quickly turned to the next page out of fear someone would get mad at her for taking too long. "Next is... U-Um.... Animal Studies. We pick an animal, and study things about it... Y-You know, what they do in everyday life, what their diet consists of, s-stuff like that. Afterwards, we would, you know, m-move on to... another animal." She muttered, dropping her papers in her stage fright. She quickly picked them up again, but they were all disorganized, she quickly played around with them until they were in the correct order, and moved on. "Third, we have Animal Watching. We would go out into the wild, and find some animals, and study them, sort of like what we do in Animal Studies, but with the full experience of getting to watch the animal." Fluttershy said nervously, shakily turning to the next page. "F-Finally, we have Nature Walks... O-Or hikes, whichever word you prefer. So, we'd go outside, and walk around in the wild, and just look at some animals. We'd also be able to see things like plants." She finished, setting her papers back in her pocket and going to sit down, her legs still shaking.
  9. You're just making me want the game more! And I have no money!
  10. Fluttershy noticed that Applejack wasn't going, so she decided to be a good friend and go up before her. Fluttershy nervously took the stage, her legs quivering like there was an earthquake. She noticed some of the campers were talking, so she decided to take action. "U-Um.... P-Please quiet down...." Fluttershy said so quietly, not even the microphone could amplify her voice. "P-Please be q-quiet...." she tried again, with no results.
  11. (I assume your talking about my Fantasia. Who isn't in this RP.)
  12. Yes, I love the Kingdom Hearts series! I hope to get the new one for 3DS, Dream Drop Distance soon.
  13. ((Aw, you shouldn't have to get up your OC! I don't have plans for an OC, so I can take Rainbow Dash so you can keep Emerath! ))
  14. "Yeah, that's what ah thought." Apple Fritter said, noticing the fact that the mustachioed stallion looked as if he wanted to throw up. "Well, ah'm done wit' this, so ah'll be goin', maybe tell mah cousin Applejack ya'll are back in town." Apple Fritter said, giving one last glare to Flim and Flam before running off.
  15. "But most fillies and colts my age have already gotten them... Everypony in our class has them." Twilight said sadly.
  16. Apple Fritter angrily took the drink, and took a small sip of it. To her surprise, it wasn't necessarily good, but it wasn't bad either. She drank some more and threw a bit right into Flim's face. "This is better, but ah still ain't payin' 2 bits, so that's all yer gettin'." Apple Fritter said, sitting down next to the twins' machine and drinking the rest of her drink.
  17. Apple Fritter looked over at the pony asking about the elixir, and started to warn him about this. "Ah wouldn't bother with 'em if ah was you. Their 'magical elixir' tastes like dirt." Apple Fritter warned, glaring at the two brothers. "Don't even work either. Ah tried it, and ah felt th' same as ah did before." She said.
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