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Everything posted by Ancre

  1. Bumble Buns walked around the place, admiring every stall. Every pony had put a lot of work in what they presented, whether it was hoof-made little dolls, dresses and costumes, farm-made goods, or any other strange idea. A lot of them wore costumes, some bore fake stitches, some were disguised as witches, ghosts, or pirates. It was quite lively. In the end of a row of stalls, a pony had put up an unusual stall, titled “Olde-Timey Gaming Wares for the Gaming Pony”. The honey-yellow mare wasn't quite sure if he sold goods or presented what he did ; perhaps it was a bit of both. The teal colt had a wizard disguise, but his hat was just a tad too wide and kept falling in front of his eyes. He looked really annoyed at it, and watching him try to keep it in place made Bumble Buns giggles. Her curiosity awoken, the earth pony mare walked toward his stall. He was indeed selling games and things to play games. He had a lot of strange dices … wait, some of them even had more than 6 sides. She had never seen those before. He had sets of cards, too, some of them quite unusual (“friendship is magic : the gathering” ? ). He had little figurines of ponies and monsters, many of them in action poses, waving big weapons around them. Were they done hoof-made ? And everything came with detailed illustrations and pictures and artworks. Forest & Fillies, Hydras & Hippogriffs ; she had never seen many of those games before, but they all had an attractive atmosphere of great stories and adventure, with their colorful images of noble heroes fighting dangerous monsters. Bumble Buns looked at the wizard pony in front of her. “Hello sir ! How do you play those games ? I've never seen them before.” They sure looked like fun. And even if they all looked complicated, the young mare hoped she could try one of them ; she was getting quite curious now.
  2. I sure like her costume though !
  3. Finally updated his Pony log !

  4. OTHER CREATURES . ZEBRAS . [colour=#008080]River Spirits[/colour] Mare ; Wanders around Equestria. [colour=#008080]Active Threads :[/colour] None yet !
  5. UNICORN PONIES . [colour=#808080]Moondrop[/colour] Young mare ; Toymaker ; lives in Canterlot [colour=#808080]Active threads :[/colour] Curiosities
  6. PEGASUS PONIES . [colour=#FF8080]Whirlwind[/colour] Filly ; lives in Cloudsdale [colour=#ff8080]Active threads [/colour][colour=#ff8080]:[/colour] None yet !
  7. Fillydelphia's Harvest Spook-Tacular event ! This was one of the few things Bumble Buns liked about the city, even as a foal. She had fond memories of going there with her family. Being farmers, it always was an important event for them. They'd put up a little stand, bring pumpkins, do something that would help their sales and make their farm better known. Bumble Buns was old enough to work (and actually had her own little group of bee hives to take care of) so this year she'd have to work at the family stand in Scarecrow Corner too. But she wouldn't be the only one, and would have plenty of time to enjoy the festival as well. And there was so much to do this year ! She didn't even knew where to start. Today the earth pony mare wouldn't have to be at her family's stand before much later in the evening, so she decided to wander around in Scarecrow corner. She was disguised as a bee, with a headband in her mane, holding two black antennas, fake bee wings on her back, a small dart tied at the base of her tail, and lots of black rings painted on her yellow mane. The honey-yellow mare admired the stands. There was a lot of pretty things to sale, arts and crafts and decorations, and a lot of art material too ! The ponies around all had impressive disguises, made out of original ideas sometimes, and it was great to watch them. All in all, this promised to be a great evening and a fun festival. The little pony mare was smiling all she could, happily wandering around Scarecrow Corner's many stalls. Perhaps she would even make some friends in Fillydelphia this year !
  8. Morning. Misericord couldn't see the sun from where she was, but she knew The Empress had her gaze on every pony in the universe. Watching them for eternity. Morning prayers and ablutions. Her life was following the rituals of her order. She had always been very consciously following every rule, and wasn't about to stop now. A signal echoed across the large ship. “Would all acrolytes please report to the briefing room, repeat, all acrolytes report to the briefing room. By the Empress' will, tarry not.” Misericord raised an eyebrow. The briefing room wasn't exactly next door, and she still had a prayer to finish … Well, there wasn't anything she could do about it : “The Empress come first”, she thought. She made her prayer short, grabbed her belongings, and walked out of her room. She put on the robes and the necklace of her order swiftly, trotting at a hastened pace. The sister mare wouldn't be late, but she wouldn't be early either. Misericord opened the briefing's room door. She grimaced inwardly, hoping she wasn't in fact late. Everypony was already here, and the Inquisitor, a young black and white stallion, was already giving orders to the crew, making sure everything was properly done. She waited politely for the Inquisitor to finish and introduced herself, with a clear voice. “Sororitas Acolyte Misericord reporting for duty.”
  9. I've just finished "At home" by Bill Bryson. It was a fun thing to read.
  10. Yay new episode ! There's a new generic song it seems. The sound on this computer is awful, I'll have to watch this episode again. I can't wait to hear it remixed though ! There's a train in the background ! What is it doing crossing the middle of the city like this ? It's dangerous ! Applejack and Rainbow Dash blowing the barn up was especially hilarious. Also, Twilight with a "bun"? hair styling, playing psychanalist. Twilight became really creepy too. Accidental nightmare fuel episode ! But it was very fun to watch from start to end (and kinda over the top, but fun !). Derpy Hooves ! I liked this episode.
  11. Ancre


    I work as a pastry cook in an artisanal little shop in Paris (I have Pinkies' and the Cakes' job). I do a lot of individual little cakes and baked goods but no big cakes (which anoys me, I want to learn to do this). I'm trying to find a job somewhere else in order to learn different things and to have my own house and stuff. I've also worked a few student jobs, I've watched over kids in a school, I've been an office monkey ( "administrative assistant" where I basically answered the phone and did whatever my superior didn't wanted to do (sorting mail, sending stuff, classifying things) ) and both of them paid well for student jobs. I've also worked in a museum, where I made sure nobody did anything stupid (basically, I did nothing and ensured everybody did nothing as well).
  12. It had been a good moment of fun for Whirlwind. She had squeezed a good amount of tricks and stunts in a few minutes of flight, knowing that she wouldn't have much time to do them (even if she had the strength, Starflower would never had agreed), but that she'd never have another occasion to play like this for quite some time. And she hadn't had the possibility to play like this since .. since the time she played in a weather factory and lost her legs to it, actually. It was strange to fly without her four legs like before – and she had been forced to do constant last-second adjustments in her flight the whole time, because she couldn't move the same way anymore, too. But it had been fun, strangely enough. The little pegasus liked to deal with unknown variables like these. It made everything so much less predictable, it forced her to be reactive, and inventive, in a word it was never boring. She loved to test what she could do, to see what could be done, like this. Flying had been fun. But it was time to stop now. She was landing toward the wagon, in that strange, careless way that she had, not really flying, not exactly falling. She had her wings open and was letting herself go down at a comfortable speed. The pink pegasus was too high to see Mojo and Starflower clearly – she had zoomed upwards to let Jubilee find her, because the white pony had had trouble keeping up with her erratic, unpredictable flight. Whirlwind had waved a hoof at her friend and started to descend. She didn't knew she had scared everypony out of their minds with her crazy games. “Heeey !” Suddenly Whirlwind had been stopped. A gentle glow was surrounding her, immobilizing her movements, and dragging her down. Very slowly. The little pink pony squirmed and jerked, trying to get free, in protest as much as in shame : it looked a lot like Starflower's magic, and she could see the older unicorn glowing her horn, her face clearly worried. Mojo was looking very worried too. Whirlwind felt like a little foal in front of her two overprotective parents. It was very, very humiliating. She could fly now ! She knew herself well enough, thank you ! Eventually the pegasus filly stopped fighting and let Starflower bring her down and drop her off on the wagon's roof. She moved toward the two ponies with a very sour look on her face, and snapped at them, trying to contain her frustration. “Why ? Why, Starflower ? Why did you do this to me ? I was doing all right ! I was actually landing ! I know when my wings needs a rest, and I crashed enough times to know how to do it safely anyways ! I'm a freaking pegasus, I know how to fly ! And I'm not going to make another stupid mistake, I promised that already ! Do I look that irresponsible to you ?” She was hurt. She couldn't be angry at them, she knew her new friends meant well, and cared about her, but she couldn't help being hurt by their attitude. She knew she had made mistakes as well, one of them costing her two limbs, and that ponies around here would naturally be worried now, but she still couldn't help being hurt by being treated like this. She was a pegasus. She was a flier. She had a green twister for a cutie mark. Flying, and especially chaotic, improvised flying like what she just did, was her special talent. Was what she was talented at ! She wasn't a poor, maimed, hurt little filly, she was strong, and she was a flying pony. They shouldn't have stopped her like this.
  13. ... Incoming Transmission ... Access codes Beta-0611 Authorization confirmed ... Please wait ... Transmitting file ... =I= RESTRICTED ACCESS =I= ADEPTAS SORORITAS ORDER HOSPITALIER SOLAR SANCTIS Name : Misericord Pelt Color : Warlock Purple Mane Color : Skull White Physique status : Fit for duty Cutie Mark : A blue heart with a blue drop under it. Role : Medic, Close Combat Specialist. Additional information : CENSORED fit for duty she followed at an early age the standard admission procedures for a life in the service of the Adeptas Sororitas. Misericord developed her talents for medecine under the guidance of the Order. Her unwavering faith, sense of justice, and vindictive temperament have been successfully channeled in close combat training. She will make an adequate Acolyte for Inquisitorial missions as per request of the Abbey matriarch. Personality Analysis : Virtuous distrust of zebras, gryphons, and other non pony races ; saint intolerance of mutants and heretics. Strong sense of duty. Misericord holds dear the teachings of the Order as well as those of the Faith. Her love for the Princess is only matched by her obedience to Its rule. Conscious of her image as a Hospitalier Sister she will always strive to follow and enforce the teachings of the Princess. Her zeal is commendable but must sometimes be kept in check. Thought of the day: Blessed is the mind too small for doubt. ... end transmission.
  14. Thank you for the comments Appliance, Diego Havoc and Ginger Mint ! Ginger, I don't understand what you want to say sorry ! I didn't see my pony as overprotective (I Just thought the pose was cute). The story I had for him was that he was supposed to be a no-gooder, vaguely delinquent pony who unexpectedly had a foal in early age and now works hard to have a decent living because he wants to keep him. (But I grew attached to the mother I imagined and I can't just get rid of her in the backstory now ... so I don't know what will I do with him now ! ) Drawing is harder than it looks and it takes a lot of time ! But I have made another picture of him, I'll put it online as soon as I can access the scanner again ! I wanted to say thank you to everyone before that though !
  15. I really, really like this one !
  16. I really like that picture. Northern Lights looks so cute !
  17. "Am I still Great and Powerful ?" "Oh please Pinkie, not another party !" "Yeah, but I really liked Gilda ..." "How does Cloudsdale make rainbows anyways ?" This is harder than it looks. It's difficult to do something sufficiently evocative that also summarize a situation in only 6 words. You always risk either throwing out a boring sentence, or do something too cryptic to be understood. And finding something that's not a spoken sentence is even more difficult for me. But, hey, it's fun. Oh, oh, and I just found the perfect one ! "And that's how Equestria was made ! "
  18. "Give a man a fish and he will have to eat for a day. Teach him to fish in the Yellow River and he will be sick all his life." -Chinese proverb.
  19. HIIII ! Well, welcome back ! I don't think you need special permission to play a FMA / FiM crossover around here ; you will need people to play with though : ) one thing you could do is post a thread in the OOC Crossover section to talk about it or something.
  20. The little group chatted merrily while Mojo and Starflower pulled the wagon toward the center of the city. Whirlwind wasn't really listening however : she was quite busy watching the streets and the buildings, everything was new for her. And she wanted to fly. She had spent months in a hospital, months locked in her house, and an entire day failing to take off properly. It wasn't the kind of flying she was used to, which involved loopings and corkscrews and dangerous stunts done while razing the ground. The pink pegasus felt babysitted, overly protected since her accident, but she didn't complained : she had, after all, injured herself in a spectacular failure of judgment, and she understood how scared her family and her friends must have been. Still, she yearned to fly again. The rest of her new friends was talking about the city, how it changed since they were young, where to set up shop. Jubilee looked forward to dance and sing. And Starflower, as always, was taking care of her patient like a mother took care of her foal. But this time, she wanted Whirlwind to fly. “Hu ? Really ? I mean, sure !” The little pegasus quickly recovered from her surprise, and grabbed a corner of the wagon before basically throwing herself in the air with a push of her leg. With a loop and another loop she was flying again, gaining altitude and speed. Whirlwind flapped her wings and glided lazily in the air, a bright smile on her face. It was so good to fly ! She was forbidden to do anything fun, she knew. Starflower just wanted her to strech her wings, or something. But she wasn't sure she'd have another opportunity before Sun know how long … And Jubilee was supposed to watch her progress … A malicious smile worked its way on her face. Well then, let's see how much progress she could do ! “Hey Jubilee !” she shouted. “Think you can catch up ?” And off she was. Whirlwind dived in the streets, gaining speed, scaring the ponies around, pulling out a ninety degree turn at the last moment, which made her raze the street instead of crashing into it ; and with another succession of sharp turns and dangerous moves she entered the maze of Fillydelphia's streets, barely avoiding collisions many times over. Oh how she missed that ! Speed, danger, last-minute reactions, and the rush of the wind in her face ! This is what she lived for. She didn't intended to play for a long time, because she knew she'd lose Jubilee (and herself) eventually ; but she did wanted to play, knowing that she would never have another opportunity like this before another couple of months, at least. She was so going to be grounded the minute she entered home after all. Could the other pegasus filly keep up with her daredevil flight ? She didn't knew. She didn't care ! These precious moments were for her. She flew. Her wings finally started to ache, and she gradually decelerated, ignoring the angry shouts of the frightened merchants and the glares of the other ponies. She turned around, gliding slowly now, trying to see where Jubilee was, if she had managed to follow her.
  21. Fillydelphia ! It sure was a sight. Whirlwind had never seen a city other than Cloudsdale before ; she had seen the various farms and little houses ponies had around the NimbusGait Lakes, but a city was another thing entirely. For one thing, it was so big. And wide. Non-pegasi couldn't fly, so they couldn't have buildings on different heights like in Cloudsdale. So they put them one next to another, and the city would stretch for miles, all the way to the horizon. “I, uh, I like it” the little filly finally answered to her friend. “It's different, but it looks nice...” Mojo's wagon entered the city. There was a lot of other ponies trotting around in the town, and Whirlwind watched everything with curiosity. Some of them caught her gaze and waved hello, with a bright smile on their faces – she waved back absentmindedly, perhaps a little shy. The shops, the houses, the roads, the ponies, everything was so different, and so similar at the same time. It was very interesting, and also very fun. “So, were do we go to set shop Mojo ?” the pink pegasus queried. “You've been around here already ?”
  22. What just happened ? Everything was going fine ! Spades was doing magic tricks, Whirlwind was watching them in awe, Rivets was coming back with crackers and munching on an apple. The magician's pigeon started to peck the crackers happily while his master watched him with a smile. He gave a bite in an apple and Whirlwind drank some more tea. They were all spending a nice afternoon. Then Rivet's ears twitched and she became very stiff. Alert. Like something was wrong. Spades got worried too. He asked what was going on. The mute mare didn't answer, she bolted toward somewhere else in her house. She tripped on a chair, and the white stallion tried to follow her. And then, suddenly, a deafening roar rose from the insides of the shed, startling everypony. The house blew apart. Spades reacted quickly. He magicked the table away and jumped on Whirlwind. She screamed in fear, completely unable to move under the big stallion. Everything around them was being ripped to shreds. The windows shattered in a million of glass shards. The walls crumbled, unable to contain the tremendous pressure pushing against them. The roof's beams fell one by one in a bizarre arrangement. Fortunately the table acted like a shield, protecting the two ponies from a score of flying debris and other projectiles sent by the explosion, that tore through the hardwood but never went through. The chaos all around her. The house falling apart on her like a trap. The machines feeding the destruction as they continued their work, ignorantly, indifferently, unaware of anything, just like before. Everything, everything all around her, was just too much to bear for the maimed pegasus. It brought back memories. What was going on ? She started to panic. She needed to go away. To fly. She was stuck again. She tried to pull, she tried to push, she squirmed and wiggled, she couldn't flee, she begged, she cried, she was terrified, she couldn't die just now, please, she had to do something, she — Spades ignored the little filly, or perhaps he didn't heard her amidst the detonations. He stayed on her during the whole time, protecting her, until everything went silent. He got up and looked at her. Whirlwind had calmed down a little, but was still crying. He yelled, asking if she was alright. She could barely nod. He took her face in her hooves, trying to shake her out of her terror. She had to get help, she was the only one who could flay fast enough, and perhaps the magician wanted to get her away from this mess. This time she nodded more firmly, understanding what was at stake. “O .. Ok. I'll do it. I'll fly fast. I can fly.” She was still shocked. Spades' pigeon joined her. She grabbed him with her able hoof, put him against her chest, holding him with both her arms, and then kicked the floor to take off. It was a strange way to start a flight – but she had no time for the slower, more orthodox technique. She flew as fast as she could, bolting toward the city, swirling and rolling around the obstacles as if she barely controlled her wings. She'd be there in no time. For Spades, for Rivet.Whirlwind didn't even knew how they were. Where they injured ? Was Spades deaf now ? Was Rivet maimed ? And all she could do for them was fly … She flew as fast as she could to Hoofington. It took her a few minutes, but it had felt like years. She crash-landed in a merchant's stall, hurriedly jumping on a guard pony, begging him for help. “Sir, Rivet's house, it explosed !” The little filly shouted in panic. “The magician, Spades, and Rivet, they were inside, and me too, and it just fell on our heads, with a gigantic boom, and we nearly died, and I don't know how they are, I don't know what happened, they need help, please, sir, please help them !” It took a few seconds for the guard to process the situation, but he quickly got everything under control. He asked a lot of very precise question to the little filly, collecting every meaningful information he could need. He called other guards for help, and together they mounted a rescue expedition. It was amazing how fast they managed to do this. In just a few minutes half a dozen guard pegasus accompanied two doctors, the little group flying as fast as they could toward the light tower. Whirlwind was carried to Hoofington's hospital to make sure she was all right, and the guards called her parents. The little filly was still traumatized by the events, and burst in tears once again in her mothers' arms, stuttering how sorry she was between two sobs, even if it wasn't her fault. She felt very guilty. She nearly died, once again. She didn't knew how were the other two ponies. She hoped they were all right. She couldn't do anything for them, she couldn't anything but cry, hugged and comforted by her mommy and her daddy, and in the end, exhausted and terrified, she fell asleep in their arms.
  23. I really love that one ! I took the liberty to use your pictures as computer wallpapers, I hope it's ok Celestia is difficult to match, because her three-color mane is very striking and impressive in that style, and also because it organizes the space well. There is a very good balance in Celestia's wallpaper because of it. Luna on the other hand have a much shorter mane and therefore she doesn't occupies the space as well. There is a kind of "hole" in the left of the picture, as if it's not completely filled nor completely empty, and it doesn't look as good. You could have used the same trick you used with Faust's wallpaper, for example, where you used the space very well by reversing the side the pony is looking at and using the space with the wing. But that's just minors observations I did without having any knowledge in art or drawing or picture organization or anything. I hope I'm not offensive or arrogant ^^" I really like what you do Ginger Mint !
  24. Pro : you can do a lot of strange and amusing things ! If you're creative, it can become very useful as well. Like grabbing the cookie jar by attaching your arm to your other arm. Con : One day, you will lose one of them. Fly-like eyes ! Edit : I've been ninja'd, but I answered the correct question !
  25. I've considered the question long enough ... and I'd do it. Just to watch what happens, I guess.
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