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Everything posted by TheInvisiblePony

  1. You know, I've given the episode some more thought, and I've decided. I would totally watch a spinoff series starring Discord and Fluttershy.
  2. Fantasy stood there for a moment, and watched. Of course, simply watching something, even somepony you love, can be difficult to do without thinking as well, be it about the somepony in question or something completely different. In this set of circumstances Fantasy was thinking about the somepony in question, this somepony of course being Darkness. Watching the sort-of-snore was enough to put her at ease, and keep her thoughts from being unpleasant after all ease can be quite contagious. So, as she stood there, she decided to think of how content she was. Well, mayhaps content was a bit of an understatement, but she found it to be a good word. One thing she did notice, was that he was taking to the cape quite well, which probably meant he was at least slightly serious about asking her to fetch it, as well as being playful. Not wanting to disturb the sleeping pegasus, she looked back up towards the sky, specifically towards the moon. She could remember a time when there was a mare on the moon, and only one princess on the throne, even though it was a while back. She could also remember when she would go into tombs, and have adventures and such by her self. The two were comparable only in that having a second pony join you was decidedly better than being alone. With that in mind, she felt better having given those thoughts time to think themselves out, and looking down, she concluded he was probably too heavy of a sleeper to mind herself. Laying down, she nuzzled up next to him, and began to rest her eyes herself.
  3. Why do I occasionally get the feeling that I'm depressed, when really I'm quite content? It makes little sense.

    1. MyLittlePonyTales


      I have been there and understand. It doesn't make sense, but just try to get through it.

  4. "What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would be just as sweet." Ah yes, names. Somehow my musings of late has drifted to the one thing that somehow seems both incredibly important and incredibly meaningless at the same time. How many fantasy novels have I read where magic works off of knowing the true names of things. How many other tales are there in which the mysterious wanderer has know singular name but rather a selection of nicknames the fearful locals have given him? What really intrigues me about names is the attachments people form to them. Upon birth, everybody is given a name. This is obvious, but why is it people get so attached to their names? Well, the technical answer, I suppose, is that its easier to give everyone their individual name so as to more easily differentiate and identify people. That in it of itself is probably how the whole naming business came around. One day a cave man just called his buddy 'Ug' and from that day forward every time he wanted to get 'Ug's' attention he just shouted out 'Ug!' I do think it goes beyond that, though. Consider the world at large. Nothing, and I do mean nothing, is certain in this world beyond the laws of physics and death. And maybe taxes. Other than those, everything is subject to change. People die, cities are moved, personalities age and change, business's shut down, and even entire civilizations die out. Namely, the really big change is the simple act of growing up. It kind of sucks at times. So I would say that people get so attached to names because, well, its one of the few things they can maintain. A name sticks with one as long as one desires, and it provides stability. It cannot change unless you want it to, because quite frankly, names don't exist to be changed. So people turn titles into anchors of stability, and people are satisfied by this. You're given a name, you grow up with a name, and you die with a name. Nothing is forcing you to keep a name, but it gives the illusion of stasis. And that, coupled with convenience that names provide, is why they still exist. That's what's in a name. Sure, the rose could be called a snufflelufflegus, but then it would have changed, and it would have subjected people to that much more entropy, so it would never stick. Sooner or later, people would go back to calling it a rose, and stability would return. Then you consider all of the different languages both dead and currently alive, and then I realize I don't exactly want to drag on a blog post for a page or two. But I digress. That's what I have to say on the subject of names
  5. (OOC: Sorry 'bout the lack of activity. I've been slightly out of it) [colour=#800080]"As you wish"[/colour] Fantasy continued smiling, and stretched happily for a brief moment before slowly walking over to where her cape was draped across the clearing's floor. She moved slowly so as to avoid making a ruckus of herself, and thus disturb Darkness, which she didn't want to do in the slightest. Upon reaching the nostalgic piece of fabric, she picked it up by one of the corners and turned back towards the now curled up Pegasus. Continuing the relaxed pace, it took her a good few seconds to get back towards Darkness, despite there being little actual distance there. She would have said something at that moment, but she was using her mouth to hold the blanket, so even had she had something important to say, it would have muffled. Trying to match the pace and temperament she had but a moment earlier, Fantasy gently draped the blanket over the pegasus, then took a step back to admire her handiwork, as well as the stallion currently resting underneath it. Satisfied, she whispered out [colour=#800080]"I hope that'll do. Its not much, but it doesn't look like you have much in the shape of blankets around her anyways." [/colour]With that, she turned back around and through the darkness located her hat, which rested in the same spot her cape was in. Although it matched the night around her, she never had any trouble spotting it, mainly though experience. Again, she walked the brief distance across the clearing, and picked up the hat. Putting it on with a slight tilt, she stood in the spot for a minute, frowning thoughtfully. With a realization, she realized the hat was backwards, and she addressed the problem with a slight chuckle.
  6. I'd be 'appy to throw my hat into the ring. So.. brief run over of strengths: Strong, even for a griffon, fairly smart (though he obfuscates this a bit), while not terribly fast, he has tenacity, and has a strong sense of honer. Some might argue too strong of a sense, really.
  7. Let's see... on a playthrough of Professor Layton and the Curious Village I once solved every single puzzle without consulting any outside source, nor did I spend any of the hint coins to solve the puzzles. Oh, and I didn't get less than full points for each and every one. That's probably my greatest accomplishment. Or, you know, the one I'm most proud of.
  8. I'm the I to the N to the Vis-able Po-ny And ain't no other pony here can see me. I'm Invisilicious
  9. I'm... actually not sure what to think of this episode. On one hand (or rather: hoof) it was fairly well written, had good jokes, and it has Discord, for Celestia's sake, but on the other hand, I have some problems with it. For one thing, I'm not sure how terribly happy I am with D being reformed. A: if all the villains get to reform, it kinda takes away what made Luna so unique in the show. That is to say, she was the character that got redeemed fairly early one, and struggled with the whole concept. First Trixie, and now Discord, and soon we'll have back up element-bearers if it continues at this rate. Not a big problem, but more me being a bit nitpicky. The second problem I have with this episode is the existence of a reformation spell that Twilight mentions. Now, we don't ever get to see it in action because it was kind of eated (which I did love about this episode: Discord being such a sly dog. Goat. Dragon. Thing) but its implied that it reforms ponies. This bugs me intensely. I know mind-warping magic exists as evidenced by pretty much every main villain thus far (with the exception of Nightmare Moon), but thus far its also been clearly classified as a villainous type of magic. The fact that Twilight has no qualms in using it kind of freaks me out, even given the circumstances. I know Discord is kind of, well, evil, but the point still stands that even though the use it for good, Twilight was essentially planning to do to Discord what Discord did to the main six. That was plan B. The other problem I have is as follows: How in Equestria can Celestia prevent Discord from stealing the elements? As a serious, good to honest question, how? Its already been cannonized that Discord is both more powerful than Celestia and able to circumvent her spells, seeing as how he got them in the first place. So, I guess she made this spell specifically or.... I dunno. Maybe I'm just overthinking it. Don't get me wrong, it was a great episode, and I absolutely adored all of the different ways Discord demonstrated his nigh omnipotence, such as the rolling of the eyes, and even the purifying of Sweet Apple Acres. But yeah, Discord's back! Everypony can cross that off the checklist of things they want, and we can go back to trying to find Derpy. Or something. I don't know.
  10. Sooo... I have little excuse for my brief hiatus, and nothing to show for it except an apology for those it may have inconvenienced

  11. It was absolutely amazing. It wasn't as good as Broadway, but I suppose that's kind of a harsh comparison. Russel Crowe was not the best singer, but he certainly acted the part excellently, and I certainly felt emotion during the film, so what more can I say? It was awesome. That's what more I can say.
  12. Why does the electric guitar sound so amazing?

    1. weesh


      Great question. I have to imagine it would sound like awful noise if you could demo it for someone born 200 years ago.

  13. Actually, I can't say I've played FF that much myself. I've played a little of VI, which I admit I liked, and a little of XIII, which was painful. Just... painful. The cinematics were pretty great, but it was sooo linear. Other than that I haven't played much either. I just can't really get into them, although I certainly have no qualms with anything in particular. In fact, I can certainly respect them. Just not my cup of tea, I guess.
  14. [colour=#800080]"Fair enough, although I may be a while before I sleep myself."[/colour] She smiled at him, and then looked around the clearing. Spotting her hat and cloak, she figured an offer was in order.[colour=#800080] "If you think you'll pass out, you're welcome to borrow my cape. It makes quite a nice makeshift blanket."[/colour] She smiled kindly at Darkness, before looking back up to the sky.
  15. "A man's got a heart, hasn't he? Joking apart, hasn't he?" - Fagin

  16. Hello, everypony! So, I'm aware that there's a favorite game thread up already, but what those series of games that you have special ties too? They don't have to be your favorite games, and indeed they could be far from the top, but that doesn't mean you can't love 'em just the same. They might be a favorite game from one's childhood, or rather a guilty pleasure, or even something you know is bad but still find yourself playing it time and time again. You know those games, those wonderful discs, cartridges, and programs that have fought their way into the fiber of your being until, dare I say, you've developed a certain bias for them. Believe me, I don't even mean bias in a negative connotation. I mean straight up games you will defend to the point of defeat and back, because you love them that much. Or, you know, something less intense. For me, I'd have to say its Neverwinter Nights 2. Hey, I never even finished the thing, and I still love it to pieces Mainly because it got me into D&D and RPGs in general, but I digress because it was still first and foremost a stellar game. Hey, it was even one of the first games I'd played, and I loved everything from the characters to the quests. Like I said, maybe not my favorite game, but definitely one of the most meaningful.
  17. Fantasy paused again at the kiss, still finding it new, and so she followed his gaze up towards the stars. As she did so, she was instantly reminded why she preferred night to day. Somehow, the sky always seemed more... spacious. There was more room in the sky itself. How else could it get so many stars in? Regardless, she always felt at home in the night. She herself was not terribly tired as of yet, but she understood why Darkness would be. She didn't think he would be terribly accustomed to the night life, seeing as how he had places to be even by sun rise. Smiling as she looked up, she stood there for a moment stargazing, as well as getting distracted with her own thoughts, but eventually she looked back towards Darkness. Not wanting to seem impolite, she decided to feign being tired herself. [colour=#800080]"I guess I can see your point."[/colour] Stressing the point, she put her hoof up to stifle a yawn.
  18. What has roots as nobody sees; up, up it goes, yet never grows?

    1. MyLittlePonyTales
    2. StarStorm


      Umm.. A dead plant or.. Something..? >#< I'm just not sure! I think that Tales has it!

    3. TheInvisiblePony


      Yes, it is indeed a mountain. Kudos to you!

  19. [colour=#800080]"Fair enough. Sunrise is an excellent time of day."[/colour] She nodded, as she decided to step out of the pool. Upon reaching the shore - deliberately a distance away from Darkness - she planted her four hooves firmly on the ground and shook the water off, not thinking much of it. Besides, she hardly had a towel or somesuch thing, so she excused the shaking (she always considered it slightly impolite, and did it only when necessary). Looking at him yawn, she inquired [colour=#800080]"Are you a bit tired?"[/colour] She tilted her head slightly, asking mainly out of curiosity. Now that she was fairly dry, she walked over to the spot where he was sitting, but seeing as how she was still rather wet she stayed put a few hoofsteps away.
  20. I'm rather happy I found my old Professor Layton game. Let the puzzles commence!

  21. Fantasy paused to think that one through for a few seconds. Her... with wings? She had expressed slight jealousy seconds before, but she wasn't quite sure if she could actually see herself with wings, even temporary ones. Also, she was mildly surprised to hear this Moonlite's name again. The more Fantasy learned of her, the higher Darkness' opinion seemed to grow of her. She had to be awfully nice, but that was a meeting that would probably take place at a later date. Then she went back to mulling over the wings. She was aware of the spell, having read many a magic tome over her life, but she wasn't quite keen on the details, or anything besides the spell giving you wings. Still floating around in the water, she spoke [colour=#800080]"I've half a mind to agree with that proposition. The other half is firmly rooted to the ground."[/colour] She paused and gave a small smile, [colour=#800080]"Of course, being firmly rooted anywhere only works so long, so consider it a deal."[/colour] She looked around at the water, and the wonderful scenery one last time, before concluding with [colour=#800080]"But of course, we really don't have to leave now. Whenever you're ready, I'd be inclined to, but otherwise staying works fine with me as well."[/colour]
  22. Movie of the week - Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are dead. Spoiler: the main characters die at the end

    1. weesh


      Fantastic movie.

      But it has been a long time since seeing it. My memory was that they may have been dead for the entire thing. Does it clearly progress chronologically?

    2. TheInvisiblePony


      Oh, I'm not quite sure, I'm a bit fuzzy on the whole thing myself. Something like that, though. Heck, their deaths may have not even really been 'deaths' persay.

  23. So today I was sitting around, not doing much - just kind of derping about, when I got to thinking about the nature of perfection. Don't know how it happened, don't know why. Maybe I'm just delusional and thinking of all this stuff right know. Who knows? I don't. Point is, I'm seriously starting to wonder if the person who came up with perfection was a few cards short of a full deck. Don't get me wrong, its a excellent thing to strive for, and certainly a necessary goal for anyone who wants to get good at anything, but I seriously doubt that perfection really exists. First of the bat - What is perfection? What even is that? Does it mean without flaw, cause that's a silly thought. Flaws can very well be just as subjective as they are objective, so something that's perfect to one man is absolute garbage to another. On the whole, even though one man finds this thing flawless, it by very definition cannot be because another man finds it flawed, unless an object is both perfect and imperfect at the same time. Either its a paradox, or it simply isn't. (My main problem with perception - but I should save that rant for a rainy day.) Of course, existential (I hope I used that word right) ramblings aside, I also took a small look at myself, because mental exercise with myself is complete without a small twinge of self-doubt. I guess I just unconsciously seek to offset the good with the bad, which led to the identifying of perhaps my two worst flaws. First up - I suck with organization. Like, really badly. As in, I doubt this post is even organized that well. If I can get things straightened out, fantastic, but that happens about once in a blue moon. I don't really know why, but things always just stack up, which brings me to flaw number two A lack of motivation. - I guess this is my big one. I can think up a lot of cool things, but I never can get around to doing them. Either the day is too short, or I put it of for a few more minutes, or listening to some music seems like a better idea or who knows what else. Regardless, those are my two main flaws. Although I realize I can never be perfect, admitting I have I problem is the first step to solving it and all that. An once I finally put these demons to rest, I can go find some other personal flaws to be self-unconscious about. I find a lack of conflict boring.
  24. Silver perked up quite curiously at the comment, taking it in for a few seconds with a blank look on her face. After a slight stare, she chirped in happily [colour=#696969]"Its very possible that I could have inspired that. I have't really met anypony else who sculpts clouds."[/colour] Staring happily, she more or less glossed over the comment on her looks, as she was more happy that she could have possibly inspired another pony. After all, it did certainly look nice, so she supposed Hope must be quite the artisan. Moving her gaze, she started looking at the piece in question, she continued a thoughtful stare, wondering several things about it. Chief among the thoughts were if she would like it seeing as how she wasn't one to really wear jewelry. Of course, she had never really tried it out, so she reasoned she very well could love wearing it as well. With that decision in mind, she nodded decisively and turned back to Hope. [colour=#696969]"I'd be absolutely happy to try it on, if only to appease your curiosity I certainly think it does look nice."[/colour] Smiling quite happily, she noticed a tuft of her already messy mane had managed to find its way directly in her eyesight. Absentmindedly,she focused on it just long enough to blow it out of her face before reverting back to a happy grin.
  25. Fantasy smiled as she watched Darkness burst from the water, before quickly shielding her face with her hoof. The droplets from the flight burst pretty much everywhere, including in her direction. Not that shielding herself helped her in any way, given that she was thoroughly covered from head to hoof in water already. It was really more of an instinct thing, and while up she reasoned that she probably deserved that one, but she was still fairly happy with the deed that caused the small explosion of water. He didn't seem to be upset at all, so that was just a bonus. As she realized the droplets had stopped, she lowered her hoof and looked up only to see Darkness gliding back into the water. Smiling broadly and suppressing a playful laugh, she started to speak [colour=#4B0082]"You know, you looked quite in place up there. Probably goes hand in hand with the wings. Take it as an Earth Pony's admiration."[/colour] Letting the chuckle slip out a little, she followed a brief laughter by adding [colour=#800080]"And a touch of jealousy, might I add. I can only imagine what flight is like, really."[/colour]
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