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Everything posted by StarStorm

  1. My lucky cat broke before I even got it home.. Sa

  2. My lucky cat broke befot

  3. Id just like to say that I am SO happy that we're doing this. Ive been looking for a way to start rp'ing in mane for about a month, but I just never could find an rp that I wanted to join, but this gives me the chance to hop in and have some fun over there
  4. Her tail and plot seem a bit awkwardly placed.. but that is a very cute pic C: Babs!! I love her, so I was extremely happy to see her again!
  5. (("Licorice pulled up her roll shee.t with a few short clicks of the mouse." Yes, because I am TOTALLY ******* swearing back there. xD I'm just kitten, I know that sometimes people use that inappropriately, and I sort of wanted to set off the censor for the fun of it ^^ Thank you for ringing the bell Cloudy!)) [colour=#800080]"Shade" Britches[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Umm.. Sure? I'll see you in class, I guess?"[/colour] [colour=#800080]I wonder what's up with her..[/colour] Shade turned to Puzzlebeat. [colour=#800080]"That's just the thing. They weren't able to prove it, but I guess EVERYbody knew. Some kid named Fresco. She was 18, if that makes any difference or whatever. TOTALLY still her student though."[/colour] Shade opened the door to enter chemistry class, immediately pretending like she'd just been talking about something else entirely. [colour=#800080]"..and THAT'S why Nightmare Night is my favorite holiday."[/colour] She plopped her plot in a seat by Lightning. ((I'mma wait to post Licorice's part after we get some more kiddos in here c:))
  6. It's COLD outside!! Good thing I have my blanket scarf and some nice, warm cider :3

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. StarStorm


      Murica? My name's Jayden..

    3. StarStorm


      Oh.. Wait... *Facehoofs* I feel silly nao :P

    4. StarStorm


      Ha... ha... Imma hafta make another status now just to cover that up XD

  7. From the album: Star's Art :D

    I drew this for a game of telephone pictionary, and thought that it was kind of cute, and that it would be fun to share with you all C:
  8. What a beautimous piece!!
  9. ((Why can't one say s.heet on this site..? O//o Btw scamps, Shade is the purple pony in my new profile pic C: Also, I dont know about you guys, but Im totally ready for the "go to class" bell ^^)) [colour=#008080]Miss (Licorice) Black[/colour] [colour=#008080]"Oh wow! That sounds very, very, VERY intense, Lightning! I really didn't have much in the way of a lesson plan for the day, but I figured that I could get away with it since it's the first day and all." [/colour]She smirked. [colour=#008080]"First period I just let everyone introduce themselves and get to know each other a little better, and then we played "Ask Miss Black" for the rest of class so that they could get to know me a bit, too! I would do it again, but Im guessing that EVERYONE did something like that for their first class or over homeroom, so I'll hafta mix things up for my next class."[/colour] Licorice pulled up her roll shee.t with a few short clicks of the mouse. [colour=#008080]"Hmm.. I really don't know if my chemistry class is going to be very strong or not this year. I hardly recognize any of these names at all!"[/colour] She glanced at the clock above the door. [colour=#008080]"Well, I suppose we'll see pretty soon."[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Shade" Britches "I guess she's gonna be the new science teacher this year. Lightning[/colour] (the student, not the teacher)[colour=#800080] told me earlier that she's supposed to be pretty good looking or whatever, so.. That's pretty cool. I guess she got fired from her last job for having student-teacher relations. Really sounds like quite the character."[/colour]
  10. "I love how I can just wrap your presents right in front of you and just know that you won't even be paying attention!" -mum "...Wait, wut?!" -Me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. weesh
    3. StarStorm


      She did it, and I was just on my phone, posting to canterlot and texting friends, COMPLETELY oblivious!

    4. DreamySunday
  11. Linkhopper... : D Hooray for our local cyanide addict!!
  12. I couldn't agree more! It lets things get all jumbled up, and that makes the changes more dramatic :3
  13. Not that it will end or anything, but.. Just in case it does.. We should have a giant cuddlefest :3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. NovaArkwing


      British, therefore Insane. BWAHAHAHAHA!

    3. StarStorm


      What have I gotten myself into?! O//o

    4. Warbrony


      A British invasion. That's what you've caused, Star. If I didn't love you I'd be so disappointed.

  14. Thanks!! Im glad that you like her ^-^ Hehe, this was SUPER fun scamps!! Somebody should totally let me know if we ever do another round :3
  15. "Get up so that if you get killed by an axe murderer, you won't mess up the water bed!!" -mum

  16. [colour=#800080]"Shade" Britches[/colour] [colour=#800080]"Yeah.. Puzzlebeat?"[/colour] Shade shrugged. [colour=#800080]"I actually kinda like him. Keeps it interesting with the whole alien metaphor."[/colour] The girl got up and stretched, yawning silently. [colour=#800080]"You guys have Ms. Black next too..? We should prolly head that way or whatever. That was really cool how you fast you solved that cube."[/colour] [colour=#008080]Licorice Black[/colour] [colour=#008080]Ah, might be someone important..[/colour] Licorice tossed her feet off her desk and sat upright. [colour=#008080]"Come on in!"[/colour] When she saw who was entering, she relaxed, kicking her feet right back up on the desk, exactly like a teacher shouldn't. [colour=#008080]"Lighting, hey!" [/colour]Her face lit up instantly[colour=#008080]. "Gonna be a good year this year! There was this little filly last period, Petals. Kid's a physics PRODIGY!" [/colour]Ms. Black's excited hand motions jingled her bangles. [colour=#008080]"You have a first period this year, right? How'd that go?"[/colour]
  17. "I don't know, but I really like this year's history teacher! He really knows how to make things interesting or whatever. I just wonder if it's some sort of metaphor.. Like, how the windigos were said to feed on anger and hate, and Equestria was made by being saved from them with love and tolerance.. So by alinating the windigos, along with the feelings related to them, it really does stick better in my mind, and allow for such a deeper understanding.. Don't you think? And just straight up calling them aliens or whatever.. Hes just gonna be fun I guess" Shade let her nerdier side show a little. "I guess we could step out for a minute and get a drink or something." She smiled at Lightning. "How long is break this year?"
  18. ((Nah, you can be by whoever you want Puzzle ^^))
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