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Status Updates posted by rjrgmc28

  1. ...on the other hand though, the last day of the Australian winter gives me a chance to watch the "Winter Wrap Up" episode. Always a tradition at this time of the year.

    1. Bluelight


      Winter wrap up, winter wrap up!

      Lets finish our holiday cheer!

  2. It's been a while since I posted here, but I have to say this: "Well folks, that should do it. That's the last ever episode of My Little Pony that I have watched. It's been a great run with lots of memories and memorable moments (and some that I would rather forget) over five great years, but now it's time for me to pack my bags and move on to bigger and brighter things. This isn't goodbye, but the start of a new chapter. Thank you."

  3. Not having a good weekend at the moment. Am I having a good run of bad luck as of late?

    1. tacobob


      If it wasn't for bad luck, I wouldn't have any luck at all.....

  4. Arrrgghhh!!! I can't pick up my copy of Splatoon until Monday afternoon! This is what I get for living in a rural area with no public transport on a weekend...

  5. Just took part in the final Splatoon testfire event this morning! Despite the server troubles, got a couple of games in and feeling a lot better.

    1. SunsetSombra


      A bunch of fun...love it!

  6. I was in the middle of doing some news writitng work (not on here, but on another forum) and a newsflash came across my Twitter feed announcing that Australian cricketing legend and commentator Richie Benaud has passed away this morning at the age of 84. What a way to begin the weekend....

    1. ShadowWalking18


      Man that stinks. :( Still, its a reason to make every day count right? 84 isn't that bad an age to go. Long as you have no regrets.

  7. Just took reciept of two EQG vector commissions of Charmie Heart this afternoon. All sports themed and showing off a new side to her: http://imgur.com/CV51XmN & http://imgur.com/ZRCKEIR

    1. rjrgmc28


      A special thanks to Ambassad0r on deviantART for commissioning these! Check out his page here: http://ambassad0r.deviantart.com

  8. Picked up my brand new custom drilled bowling balls today! Now all set for the brand new league season: http://imgur.com/CcCP7cl

    1. tacobob


      I bowled the other day. I haven't done that since I was eight. I was -only- slightly better than the CMCs o_o

  9. Today was meant to be one of excitement for the FiM movie announcement, but instead I have been mourning the loss of one of the Australian political greats who helped bring change to our country and give future generations what we take for granted today.

    1. Lux


      Sorry to hear about this loss.

  10. So Cathy Weseluck has been announced as the first guest for the 2015 edition of PonyconAU, but as with previous conventions I won't be able to attend the event. (Sighs)....

    1. WhiteLightning18


      I know that feel :/ There's Galacon in Germany each year, and I can never attend it either..

  11. Just got two EQG vector commissions of Charmie Heart done this morning. The first vector features a whole new look for her: http://ambassad0r.deviantart.com/art/COM-Charming-Heart-EqG-style-486181651 and the second vector [spoiler WARNING] http://ambassad0r.deviantart.com/art/COM-Charmie-Comforting-Twilight-486182485 shows off her caring side.

    1. rjrgmc28


      A special thanks to Ambassad0r on deviantART for commissioning these! Check out his page here: http://ambassad0r.deviantart.com

  12. Spoilers. So many Rainbow Rocks spoilers everywhere. (Sighs)...being a brony overseas can be hard at the best of times, especially in Australia.

  13. After a hectic week full of work, bowling, Destiny and photography, I was looking forward to the weekend. That's until a kangaroo jumped out and hit the passenger side door on the work car on the way home....

    1. pizzamovies


      Kangaroo Jack strikes again lol

  14. (Sighs)….this will be the first Christmas without my Pop. Come tomorrow it's just not going to be the same without him. One empty spot at the dinner table, one empty place in the heart.

  15. My new bowling gear that I ordered from Amazon arrived yesterday just in time for my weekly match tomorrow. Couldn't resist putting some pony themed keychains on the side of the bag..... http://twitpic.com/e5vzom

    1. XanXeto


      Sweet. Good luck with your game tomorrow!

  16. From hot and humid summer days to torrential pouring rainfall. Autumn sun showers bring out Rainbow Dash's finest across the township with a double rainbow: http://twitpic.com/dzshk9

    1. XanXeto


      Everything behind the first rainbow got a little bit brighter, thanks to Rainbow Dash!

  17. I decided to a tribute video for my grandma tonight as I won't be able to attend the funeral and for one of the final shots, I lit a candle and placed a photograph of her to pay my respects: http://twitpic.com/dsq4bn

    1. Apolline Allura

      Apolline Allura

      As a complete stranger, I offer my condolences and prayer.

  18. This heatwave is starting to take it's toll. Four straight days of 40 degree temperatures (104F) with little to no relief in sight.

    1. Ashton


      Take your pick, we up here in the USA are having cold-snaps WAY below normal (though only for a few days at a time)

  19. Wow. 28 years. 28 years old on the 28th November. Another year older, another year wiser. Now where did I put those plans so I can sneak into work without being noticed?

    1. tacobob


      gets older, but never wiser.

  20. Wow. Tomorrow I turn another year older. This time it's 28 years. Only two years away until I hit the 30's...scary stuff.

    1. Slazer


      Age is a perception of the mind. Look at me: I'm not even 20 and I have back problems. :U

  21. I'm on the mend and very close to returning to work soon after the sciatic nerve went in my back last week. Remind me to never, ever go though sciatic nerve pain like that again. It will, and I mean, will put you out to dry.

    1. Brony55


      Hey just a reminder never ever go though sciatic nerve pain like that again.

  22. (Sighs)...it looks like someone at Madman decided to throw the rule book out the window and accidentally ship the third volume of the Australian Season 2 DVD's out two weeks before it's "street date" of the 2nd October. To quote from my tweets, "I've heard of episodes being leaked out and released early, but this is a first. A DVD being sent two weeks early?": http://twitpic.com/ddocki

    1. NeoExlucky


      Happened with Equestria Girls in Canada...

  23. Got some new pony goodies coming very soon, mainly some new plushies, which includes my long awaited Snowdrop commissioned plush!

    1. Rosewind


      I hope you'll show off pics, especially of your Snowdrop!

  24. Although it's around 37 degrees outside right now, it feels like a 40 degree day: http://twitpic.com/bw51lo This heatwave is really draining me.

    1. Parker_Izing


      Aussie I assume, you guys had a row of forgetable days In the old Europe northen chavs are freezing neither this is desirable right now... *checks* in home 8.7º on street 6º

  25. A lucky escape for me. The hottest day in the history of the state of NSW is over, and my area escaped the full force of the bushfires. Other towns in the region were not so lucky. A smoky and hazy sunset from the Tallong hills: http://twitpic.com/btgtw2

    1. Tenkan


      That's tragic! Good to hear your safe! :o

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