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Everything posted by ping111

  1. Shining is a Duke because he wasn't royal before the marriage. Therefore, Twilight is...Nothing but a (theoretical) successor. If the perfect ramifications were met (both Princesses die/recede the throne, Cadance/Shining die/recede, etc.) Twilight might eventually become a Duchess, and then a Princess. However, this is messed up due to the lack of a Queen or King, which means that Duke/Duchess is just below Princess, which doesn't make sense.
  2. At least they made a DW reference, and essentially friendshipped DJ Pon3 and Octavia in that one card. However, they spelled "armour" wrong >: (
  3. Think about this: Catherine Middleton is not a princess in any shape or form, because she was born common. However, she will [edit: NOT] be if certain ramifications are met*. That's a whole different discussion, but because SA wasn't born into the royal family, just a high-class Canterlot citizen, he isn't a Wingacorn because he's only ceremoniously royal, much like Kate.*=EDIT: Entirely unrelated, but it's not possible for Kate to be a princess, ever. She may be Queen, but she'll have to make the jump from Duchess to Queen.
  4. I'm sticking with Alicorn, because of familiarity, but what about Wingicorn? It has a nice ring to it.
  5. Brony? Brony? BRONY!???? SHUUUUUUUN! That overdone joke aside, welcome to Canterlot! I have a little bit of skill in archery as well (I can hit apples from 15ft away, 30 if I'm lucky), and love to write too. We hope you enjoy your stay!
  6. I don't have much yet, but I will be getting far more paraphernalia in the future. This is my shirt. The bottom says "EVERYPONY EQUAL EVERYPONY LOVED" and RD is made up of all the characters, pre-Canterlot Wedding! Even Tom is included!
  7. I personally have issues writing Rarity into my work, because she just has so many body language signals and quirks you need to research from existing episodes in order to write a dictionary of sorts for them. Also, I tend to overplay her neurosis a LOT, so she ends up a mane-chewing maniac. Don't ask me why.
  8. Wow, how'd you find that? Anyways, how would a maple tree work?
  9. Fixed! Let me know if that's any better.
  10. Would using a green pink maple leaf work?
  11. Just a quick bit of critique, try and find a .png file, so that it is transparent. Do you really want a big, ugly white square on her flank? Also, I'm fairly certain you're not allowed to move to Ponyville right now, because it's becoming overpopulated. That is, if this OC's for Mane RP. If that's not what you're doing, most of that doesn't apply. Sorry, I can't think of a name right now.
  12. I don't think that would help. Unfortunately, I am at that time when calling people or things you don't like "gay" or "retarded" is a good insult. I could show them the chart, but half of them don't even know what a Ph.D is. Truly, my issue isn't the fact itself, but instead the quick and lasting judgement people will make.
  13. Thanks, Star and Brony. My parents don't care at all (one even watched an episode with me), and I managed to eke out an opinion from my friend by telling him DEADMAU5 is a brony, to which he had this to say: "What!? My Little Pony is for little girls! Is he crazy?" And he's one of those friends who doesn't annoy you for things. I know people whom if it got to them, they would torture me to no end for it. However, I do have a plan to guilt-trip the living piss out of them if they go too far. So I guess it's kind of okay. Besides, I'm at that point in my life where I'm still sort of determining my sexual preference. Who knows if I'll end up gay/bi? I wouldn't have a problem with it. SELF THERAPY!
  14. AKA, admitted I'm a brony. I'm really, really screwed. I guess I'm gonna have to live with the fact people will always think I'm gay. Well, those people don't even deserve to know me. GIVE ME MORAL SUPPORT!

  16. CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS GUY!? The first image (which was also my avatar) was done as a request by Radioactive K on the OntarioBronies forums (no joining unless you're actually living in Ontario! XD). When I saw him draw another brony's coffee-loving OC swimming in coffee, I facetiously asked him why Maple wasn't swimming in maple syrup. Now, I totally wasn't expecting a response (although I may have been subliminally passive-agressive by accident), but then BAM, second image. THANK YOU, RADIOACTIVE K!!!
  17. Alrighty then! Oh well, I'll just wait for her app to clear
  18. Sorry for interrupting, but this caught my eye, and it's seriously bugging me. How is Pinkie Pie 20, and Fluttershy 23? In the show, it's expressly stated that Fluttershy is one year older than Pinkie. Just thought you should know. EDIT: Are you accepting OC's as counsellors? My OC lives in the Woods, and guides tours. Maybe she could be like a "Survivorman Challenge" leader.
  19. Note to self: Never let me near a computer after 10:00 PM, with intent of writing pony. I hereby link to you the monstrosity I made, that is so f*cking grimdark I scrapped the entire thing. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/67639714/Half%20a%20Frame.rtf I am going to entirely restart this.
  20. Oh sweet DIDBI. I've always wanted to try shipping, and those two characters are a bit more relatable than the others to me. I'll see what I can do,
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