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Everything posted by leodylandy

  1. blizzard sucks

    1. frenzyhero


      Blizzards do suck. Except from Dairy Queen.

    2. leodylandy


      i meant the game company

    3. frenzyhero


      Yeah, I knew that...I don't really feel I'm certified to debate Blizzard though. I'm not a MMO gamer.

  2. hello and welcome to canterlot
  3. we're not retreating we're advancing in a different direction

    1. frenzyhero


      Retreating is a very viable option. You can set ambushes and regroup and plan new strategies.

  4. hello and welcome to canterlot
  5. hello and welcome to canterlot and who were you on mlpforums cuz i came from there too
  6. Best overall pony: daring doo Weirdest pony: derpy Funniest pony:rarity Best Pegasus: rainbow dash Best Earth: applejack Best Unicorn: trixie Best Princess: luna Best Male pony: some random background pony (i dont like any of the males) Best Female pony: scootaloo Best non-pony character: spike
  7. i get like this every time i play call of duty or halo
  8. i beat this game after many and i mean may times dieing if you get 7 pages he will start teloporting in front of you
  9. scootaloo x sweetie belle and rainbow dash x twilight are the best ships
  10. ok but a nobody is the body and soul of someone who became a heartless and sora became a heartless and roxas was made but then sora got his body back so how does roxas and sora exist at the same time?
  11. hello and welcome to canterlot
  12. leodylandy

    My Little Dashie

    i did not like my little dashie and it did not make me cry.
  13. is it bad to say that i hate all bugs and i will kill a spider on sight. and those jumping spiders freak me out .
  14. so sora has 2 and a half nobodys roxas namine and xion. im puting xion on that list cuz shes awesome.
  15. gt shadowdragon889 i play mostly play halo and devil may cry
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