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Everything posted by Linkhopper

  1. Yeah when I got my dashie shirt I got one too! But for some reason I also got a free poster, and a steampunk fluttershy sticker
  2. Now the coin just doesn't care and is splitting and half and doing broadway musicals.....
  3. Is your code jibberish? If not, props to you!
  4. I find skeletons worse than endermen because they frustrate me....
  5. *Konrad IS in fact responsible for your A using his mind control powers
  6. OOOOH YEAAH! So you got it eh? Well that means we will be getting some awesomeness hurricanes around these parts...
  7. My favorite type of food is ice cream. I eat it with a spoon. That reminds me, an inside joke with my friend involves a spoon, speaking of inside jokes, there was a HR on it. It spoke about road trips. (derailing mastermind) So what road trips have you been on
  8. The coin landed on Solar Empire, but suddenly after your posted it flew up and flipped sides! NLR it is then!
  9. Haldo, I know im late (blasted school), but still! DayZ I see? And minecraft as well? Why not both?
  10. Point taken. I still have absolutely no idea who to side with though n_nU
  11. Oh oh oh! Finally someone can explain! So why are you sticking with the solar empire? Im lost on this whole situation. (im undecided)
  12. You dont even know. Im derailing threads left and right. I think its a curse On topic: WOOOOOAAAAAH YEAH!
  13. And when they have too find those shrubberies!
  14. Fine man, im a ninja. Been out in the ninja force for years. Fighting those grunts. Tough work, but somebodies gotta do it. The user below me wants to be the guy!
  15. So I imply your pumped for Border lands 2?
  16. Ah yes, when It turns out canterlot was only a model.
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