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Status Replies posted by RarityDash

  1. I'm so sorry guys, I know it's been forever since that episode aired, but I can't help it............Rarity's cowboy boots are so fabulous.

  2. These forums are awesome and have so many options. Why are there so few members?

  3. You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make her drink. Robi you can just drown.

  4. RariTavia is officially the greatest ship ever. I'm having so much fun writing this fanfic.

  5. NO, RARITY! NO! You are NOT allowed to be that cute when you're sad! *sigh* Now I have to seriously think about my best pony stance again.

  6. can your own OC be friends with your other OCs?

  7. One of these days, one of my OCs will have a pet named Peeve. Believe.

  8. More often than not, I feel my RP replies are just immensely terrible. Thank goodness I never tried for a mane six character. O_o

  9. BABSCon was a blast!

  10. What event is on next? like the grand galloping gala?

  11. Celestia vs Superman... Celestia wins by celestial knock out (aka she takes away the sun)

  12. Let's settle this once and for all! Who is best pony?

  13. I have a girlfriend as of today :) So happy! Someone congratulate me :)

  14. Now that my picture is visible, you can all gaze upon best pony.

  15. Anybody know why I can't see my profile picture? It's just white with the red X in the corner. It's like this on my laptop and on my iPhone.

  16. @_@ totally new to canterlot...hello.

  17. I have a confession to make.....Rarity is second best pony.

  18. I have a confession to make.....Rarity is second best pony.

  19. All you heathen Rarity worshipers need to see the Light of the Almighty Applejack, the true best pony

  20. This is the best community on the internet, I've ever been on...

  21. I should be a writer for MLP. I have awesome episode ideas. For example, an episode where Apple Bloom curb stomps Diamond Tiara.

  22. What are your thoughts on Pinkie Pies rap verse?

  23. To follow up yesterday's status, I checked out the Season Finale reveal, and I literally tried my hardest to find what could possibly be causing unrest in the fandom. Seriously, what's the problem?

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