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Everything posted by abc

  1. suprisingly, a romantic comedy the book goes downhill from after the king kong battle.
  2. (LOOOL i said the wrong name in my last post :3) Broken looks over at the person, "dont feel bad, its your first day! just come with me and ill lead you to the next class" Broken said with a smile he lead the person into the next class. "oh and my names Broken chords by the way, whats yours?"
  3. browneh lifts his head up "hnnggg, i gotta pee" he gets up and informs the teacher and leaves, as he walks out of the bathroom he notices a student roaming the halls curious he went over. "hey um you look lost, you need any help?"
  4. ill help! oh and the bell didnt ring yet, cloud says when it rings
  5. what part of an ape and a sushi master wouldnt make it good.... and yes, there were explosions and giant fish battleing king kong on the first page.
  6. usually i like to think i have several differant personalities sitting around like a BIG oval table(sad happy flirty etc...) also when i get sick, i think about my body is having a legit war with the germs, bombs going off, germs exploding, that kinda thing
  7. well my high school experiance tells me its about an ape, and a sushi master!
  8. oh that one, no i believe it didnt, why? was there a test on it? cuz if there is im flunking it
  9. Browneh gave up his little search for who threw the paper ball, he instead put it in the trash and let out a large sigh, then shortly after, he slammed his head into the desk and went back to sleep.
  10. that the best news ive heard all month, like seriously Wow phil, you ninja'd the poo outta meh 0_0
  11. best date experience? (if you dont have one then, dont feel bad, ive never even been asked on a date ) and if you feel thats too personal, then tell me and ill rip that outta my mind
  12. im planning on actually making an app for broken chords, but he is pony that loves all types of music and even creates some on the side, his father is in the canterlot guard, and his mother takes care of him and his brother. its kinda like me, besides i like mainly EDM/Dubstep and or house, and i dont make music (yet ) and i have no parents, so that about sums it up.
  13. well, i dont think so, i need that to, ya know live androids dream of cyborg sheep, actually ironman i paint myself brown and pretend im a potato, works every time.
  14. Broken looked up, looking around trying to figure out whitch way the paper ball came from "heh heh, alright, who threw it?"he said in a playful manner as he scanned the room for possible people to throw it back at.
  15. i want in, i was folloing the last one and that was pure hilarity Line, cuz i cant get any drawings to you via xbox
  16. background character episode..... god it would be like, organized chaos...it would be great!
  17. browneh gets up and streatches "hnnnnngggggg" he uttered he strolls into history and sits downin the back "nap time" he grinned as he thought to himself, he put a large book infront of him, put in his earbuds and started blaring some trance to help him sleep.
  18. Browneh looks around the room and suddently hears a crash and thump he looks over at morning dawn "dang dude you alright?" he tries desperately not to laugh at him, so he doesnt seem like a jerk. but all hes doing is making wierd noises as he looks at him.
  19. Browneh looks over at morning dawn, "i never did catch your name. mines broken, broken chords"
  20. ive never once seen somepony wearing a brony shirt or anything in my town. Forever alone.
  21. Broken looks at the books and back at the pony(/person :3) "any idea what the teachers droning on about?" he picks up his pencil and writes his name on the paper.
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