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Status Replies posted by Quillhart

  1. Ringing in the New Year with agonizing leg pain and Dio taking care of me. Overall? I'm actually pretty happy (even if my legs do hurt like all tartarus).

  2. Ringing in the New Year with agonizing leg pain and Dio taking care of me. Overall? I'm actually pretty happy (even if my legs do hurt like all tartarus).

  3. lol!!!! My cousin is sleep talking and she said "I'm a fat baby monkey with Nutella hair. ...." XD!!!!!!

  4. *Throws snowballs at admins in true christmas spirit*

  5. Welp. Ramen noodles, a pot of coffee, and netflix. Time for a doctor who marathon!

  6. Suddenly, it's 25 degrees and utterly FROZEN outside. In Texas.

  7. Okay, how does someone actually type out musical notes? I know I've seen people do that here...

  8. Everyone is thanksgiving and I'm just sitting here twiddling my thumbs in Sweden.

  9. Soooo, there's this writing competition in my school where one can win 325 bucks. I feel intrigued <_<

    1. Quillhart


      I've said this before... That kind of letters are only used in Denmark and Norway. I would recommend you to use å, ä and ö instead ^^

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. Soooo, there's this writing competition in my school where one can win 325 bucks. I feel intrigued <_<

  11. Soooo, there's this writing competition in my school where one can win 325 bucks. I feel intrigued <_<

    1. Quillhart


      I mean in dollar. It was a rough transferring from 2500 SEK. ^_^

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  12. To say 'lol' is a way to acknowledge one's, often poor, attempt to express something amusing. The difference between 'lol' and 'LOL' is fairly major since 'LOL' displays a great amusement, such as bursting into laughter. 'lol' on the other hand, is more comparable to a chuckle. Still are the both of them representing the same thing, 'laugh out loud', and I find the whole thing silly.

  13. It's almost like the world doesn't want me to draw. first my stylus gets stolen, then after i get a replacement my drawing hand gets scratched repeatedly by an angry cat xD

  14. Phew! The Nightmare Night madness is coming down :)

  15. Phew! The Nightmare Night madness is coming down :)

  16. Alright, so it appears i haven't gotten around to join any of the NMN threads. The threads seem to be filled and far traveled in the context and I guess it would only be awkward if I joined at this state. So I assume it would be for the better if I just remain over here and execute some encouraging cheerleading for our valiant characters in action. Woo~ 1. 2. 3. 4. Make sure to stay away from gore. 5. 6. 7. 8. I'm sure this play will turn out great. 9. 10. 11. 12. The only thing that...

  17. Oh fever, how only you manage to stay in my head. You are like the homework I never had.

  18. I'm supposed to write a story, but I have no idea what to write about. *Sigh* I need coffee.

  19. Happy Birthday to me!

  20. You ever just want to explode with happiness? 'Cause I do right now! XD

  21. Sorry if I've been a bit tardy in replies lately; I had to prep for my GRE test.

  22. I feel like writing a book.

  23. Well, I just auditioned for character in a warriors casting call and got declined and yelled at because I'm a brony. So how's your day today canterlot?

  24. I'm addicted to the Apple Family....<3 them all so much.

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