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Status Updates posted by Monochrome

  1. Hey, are you familiar with Team Fortress 2? I started an rp based on it, and I thought I'd try asking you if you wanted to join. :Phttp://www.canterlot.com/topic/20479-red-vs-blu-tf2-crossover-open/#entry520900

    1. PyroBlaze


      Well, I know of it. Never really played it though.

    2. Monochrome


      Cool! I've never played it either, but I've learned a lot about it. c:

  2. Second app approved. I think I'm getting the hang of this. :D

  3. I have come to claim my free hug and make sure you saw my request on your request board. :P

  4. My new pony I got inspired to make while weeding has been approved! :P Sweet.

  5. And suddenly, changelings! :D Loving this.

  6. It's official, I need to build a Dalek. Anyone have any idea how to set up the motors and junk while making the thing still look good? I don't know how to do either of those is the issue. :I

  7. Hello! I need some more players for one of my rps, so I was wondering, are you familiar with Team Fortress 2? The rp I need more players for is based on TF2, so you need at least basic knowledge of the game and how it works... Here it is if you're interested: http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20479-red-vs-blu-tf2-crossover-open/#entry520900

  8. Hi there! I noticed your lovely Pyro pony icon~ So, you must be familiar with TF2! If you're interested, I have an rp based on it going on right now~

  9. Judging by your blog post on what TF2 classes the mlp characters would be, you seem pretty knowledgeable about TF2... Would you care to join my TF2-based rp? http://www.canterlot.com/topic/20479-red-vs-blu-tf2-crossover-open/#entry520900

  10. Hey, are you familiar with Team Fortress 2? I started an rp based on it, and I remembered that you're really fun to rp with, so I thought I'd try asking you. :Phttp://www.canterlot.com/topic/20479-red-vs-blu-tf2-crossover-open/#entry520900

  11. Getting back into roleplaying now~ I just need some people to join my posts, new and old alike! (I'm trying to revive some old ones, and I made a new one this morning. I'm also trying to find interesting rps by other people to join, does anybody have a good one they suggest?)

  12. Aaaaaaand.... Nobody who said they'd join my Aperture rp has joined. I only have one or two rps still going, and they're going pretty slowly.

  13. Happy Whovian Christmas~! And to all you non-Whovians, you have a very merry Christmas/other holiday as well! ^w^

  14. Woo! Earned my first awards- for liking deep-fried stuff, liking Taco Bell, and being fun. :D


  16. Lonely..... But I don't really have any inspiration to make or join an rp... Meh. :/

  17. Hey, I saw that you're a Whovian, and I thought I'd ask if you'd like to join my Empty Children-based rp. :P

  18. I uploaded some images for my gallery last night... Normally they go through by now. :/

  19. Just finished weeding, which I've been doing for three days. I have a sunburn ON my sunburn, and my hands really hurt. D:

  20. Hey, could I bother you to draw my ponysona? Because you're an epic artist. :D Her app:http://www.canterlot.com/topic/15461-monochrome-fixed-ready/

  21. After looking at some of the little things that people's applications needed to be changed for, I'm a bit worried for Monochrome.... Already had to change her hat to fit her into canon a bit more... o^o;

  22. So... I think I'm going to get as many people as I can to draw my ponysona.... Just because there are a lot of AWESOME artists on here, and I want to see Monochrome in their styles. :P

  23. YOU ARE AMAZING. Are you taking requests, by any chance?

  24. Where is the like/follow/whatever button?! D:

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