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Bronies For Life

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Everything posted by Bronies For Life

  1. Oh, you shouldn't mind the gasoline that im poiuring around you. Lighting a match? Nonsense! im just turning on a flashlight!
  2. Dusty. Your little flags? They scare me. Now then, wheres my Reddit-Aproved Mandatory Gas Can and Matchbook?
  3. Maybe Madame Le Floure would like some? I have a friend that thinks lightning is fire. Is he still in preschool?!?
  4. Oh, I don't hate them all. Fallout: Equestria is one of my favorite stories, acctually. I just hate the ones that go "LOL WE UZE MAINN CHARACTR 2 MRDR OTHR MAINN CHRCTR!" and other pointless excuses to ruin people fun. if the gore fits into the story, I don't mind it. If the gore IS the story, I wont touch it with a 10 foot pole.
  5. Duley noted. Original Post Edited. And im not aqbout to read Rarities New Dress. If I know anything from Cupcakes, though, its that it probably has to do with Rarity making a dress from pony hide.
  6. No get back here I need to smash your keyboard to dust with some household object or other!
  7. Dusty! Why are you not in the bus I called for you last thread?!? I even bought the MLP strait jacket...
  8. My family is the defenition of homophobic, and believe that anything deviating from the Man stereotype makes you a homosexual. As such, if I do not want to disowned, I must keep my brony-hood a secret. Either that, or my parents will sedate me and send me to shock therapy.
  9. But the shippers, they be okay? -_- I have no ill will towards shippers. In my opinion, there stories have alot of... Well... Depth. I just don't like shippers that go too far into depth. Thats what I rather like. But people who write gorey Murder-fics such as Rarity's New Dress and Cupcakes... I brought this up in a different thread. My exact words were "I do believe that the authors of MLP slashers have a special place in hell waiting for them."
  10. I hate MLP slashers. And the fact that a large amount of the registered users here haven't posted for several months.
  11. They say "Out of Sight, Out of Mind!". I would find it much more scary to see a giant man attack with a knife then see a shadow run by.
  12. Why yes, I agree. This can wait for the hate thread. Either way, this is superb writing. Comparative to my writing, As seen in this characters summary, its simply eloquent.
  13. You imply... That you write this kind of stuff? Get the hell into that bus to a nice, safe, padded room.
  14. I do believe that the authors of MLP slashers have a special place in hell waiting for them. If I had to take a guess, it would be an eternal rotation between the bottomless pit of burning forever and the has-a-bottom pit of burning forever with flaming spikes at the bottom.
  15. Well, it thrashes my mind that someone could pervert a smiley childrens show into... That. And then theres that one I heard about where fluyttershy snaps and violenty dismembers everypony else... WHO THE HELL MAKES THESE? In my humble opinion, they deserve a ticket onto the happy bus.
  16. Would you kindly make a banner for Aqua Marine? I would be very grateful.
  17. Would you kindly create a drawing of Aqua Marine for me? At the moment, all that I have is a flash-generated pony with an MS painted cutie mark. Thanks in advance, and I do wish you a good day! Oh, and do it in whatever way you feel compliments her. Im sure it will be good, no mater how its drawn!
  18. I know. It simply disgusts me how sick minded some people can be. What drives the human mind to create a story about a Pegasus being tortured brutally by a pink pony?!?
  19. All im here to do is help. By the way, you have quite the talent in literature, considering that 25% of all MLP stories are gore-filled 'Manifications' , 25% more are porn, 49% more are mediocre, most of the time revolving around somepony gaining alicorn powers/turning into a god/other rediculous nonsense. The 1% remaining is good writing, such as just about every bit of writing ive seen on this website. Tl;dr Its rare to find a good fanfic.
  20. Good art, good art. All I have to say, though is; I am utterly PETREFIED of your avatar.
  21. Hmmmmmm... A Little clarification, if you will. I dunno about anybody else (Anypony for the true MLP fanatics) but im not one for faceless entities. Was it Nightmare Moon? or Zecora? Or some benevolent being? Otherwise, I find this writing simply divine, in comparison to my own.
  22. Eh, I agree there. Probably best to generalize on unknown stuff such as that!
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