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Status Replies posted by QuickLime

  1. i really need to quit being lazy and become more active in roleplaying here =/ i don't think I've posted roleplay things in a long time

  2. A hint for my next pony: "Got it memorized?"

  3. "Do you feel the taunting power of my eyebrow?"

  4. Bullying hurts. It really does.

  5. Wow, Looking dull around here, Guess I am gonna have to TURNNNNN UPPPPP!!!

  6. Bullying hurts. It really does.

  7. Why is birthday cake icecream always white cake with white frosting? :I

  8. sooo many types of muffins and ice cream to chose from

  9. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

  10. all i need is one million dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. all i need is one million dollars!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. The sheer amount of confusion this episode has brought upon me...I don't even...

  13. I feel like I just leveled up or something.

  14. If its not butter, then what is it? Mud?

  15. I'm one of those rare few bronies who's not into any other fandom. I'm not into Pokemon, anime, etc. Ponies are just my only thing. Unless of course you consider World of Warcraft and Elder Scrolls fandoms.

  16. Too much angst in Rps nowadays!

  17. Too much angst in Rps nowadays!

  18. Too much angst in Rps nowadays!

  19. Too much angst in Rps nowadays!

  20. Time to dump FIYAH! Dump FIYAH, Dump FIYAH! Dump FIYAH!

  21. I'm so tired of people confusing metal and screamo. They're two different genres. That's like saying country and bluegrass are the same. Metal takes talent, screamo sucks.

  22. I'm so tired of people confusing metal and screamo. They're two different genres. That's like saying country and bluegrass are the same. Metal takes talent, screamo sucks.

  23. I'm so tired of people confusing metal and screamo. They're two different genres. That's like saying country and bluegrass are the same. Metal takes talent, screamo sucks.

  24. wow its been a long time since if been on here

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